BCR's Flashcards
List the 15 BCRs
Directing Opening/closing Giving feedback Noting a theme Attending Paraphrasing Playing a Huntch Empathizing Reframing Self-disclosing Clarifying Allowing Silence Noting a Connection Noting a Discrepancy Questioning
Intent is the rationale the counselor uses for choosing a given response. The 3 Intents are:
challenging the client to view his or her situation differently or to take alternative action.
helping the client gain new information or insight.
acknowledging the client, thus showing respect and giving the client information.
This model teaches 5 focuses for the 15 basic counseling responses. The focus is where
the counselor places the emphasis of the _______.
counseling response.
The 5 areas of focus used in this model are: Client…
Behavior Experience Thought Feeling Immediacy (BETFI)
The focus on client _______ is a narrower response, focusing specifically on the
client’s feelings towards others, themselves, or their situation.
The focus on client _______ is a narrower response, focusing specifically on the
client’s behavior towards others, themselves, or their situation.
The focus on client ______ is the broadest response. The counselor keeps his or her response general, allowing the client to choose a more specific area of focus such as a feeling, thought, or behavior.
The focus on client ________ is a narrower response, focusing specifically on the
client’s thoughts towards others, themselves, or their situation.
This is the narrowest focus. It occurs when the counselor—in response to a client’s experience, feeling, thought, or behavior—encourages the client to focus on the immediate moment. This often means the counselor will add “right now” to the
counseling response.
b. To be ______-focused means exploring what is being experienced in the present situation; this can give the counselor an immediate picture of how the client interacts with others.
c. To be _____-focused can feel challenging to the client. So counselors must be sensitive to clients’ reactions to focusing on their present experience and/or the present relationship.
_______ is not a stand alone focus
__________ a counseling session is not therapeutic per se, but both are important to the therapeutic process and relationship.
opening and closing
The intent of opening is to _____.
explore what the client may want to discuss.
The focus of opening is:
all, but primarily client experience
The intent of closing is to ______.
to acknowledge the end of the session
The focus of closing is:
all, but primarily client experience
What is an example of opening?
“Where would you like to begin today?”
Identify the statement “What would you like to talk about today?”
BCR: Opening
Intent: To Explore
Focus: Client Experience
Give an example of closing.
“We have five minutes left.”
Identify the statement “This seems like a good place to stop for today.”
Response: Closing
Intent: To Acknowledge
Focus: Client Experience
means giving undivided attention to the client through non-verbal response.
The intent of attending is:
to acknowledge
The focus of attending is:
primarily client experience
(The counselor may choose to focus on feelings, thoughts, or behaviors as well, but since this is a nonverbal response, it typically focuses on the experience of being with the client in the situation.)
Attending is mostly ______, but occasionally the counselor may provide a ______ response as well.
nonverbal, verbal
Give some examples of nonverbal attending.
maintaining appropriate eye contact, open posture,
nodding, leaning forward, etc.
Give some examples of verbal attending.
“uh-huh”, “mm-hmm”, “uh-hum”, etc.
“I’ve been kind of testing the waters to see what they would do in my situation.”
Identify the response “uh-hum.”
Response: attending
Intent: To AcknowledgeFocus: Client Experience
_____, or reflection of feelings, is a response to client feeling
The intent of empathizing is:
always to acknowledge
The focus of empathizing is:
always feeling
______ lets the client know that the counselor has a sense of what the client is feeling.
“I know exactly how you feel” or “I completely understand what you are going through” are examples of:
What you should NOT say in an attempt to empathize
How could empathizing be expressed nonverbally?
the client may be talking about a painful experience while rubbing their neck; the counselor, by imitating the gesture, shows that the
counselor understands their pain
“You know, I haven’t heard from any of them, and if they are not too busy, then they could at least call me.”
“You feel forgotten, left out.”
Identify the counselor’s statement.
Response: Empathizing
Intent: To Acknowledge
Focus: Feeling
“Now I feel like I’m getting a cold, and I’m thinking, ‘oh no! Who needs this’ … and who will take care of me …no one will … so I guess I’m feeling sorry for myself.”
“You feel alone; there is no one there to take care of you when you need it.
Identify the counselor’s statement.
Response: Empathizing
Intent: To Acknowledge
Focus: Client Feeling
_________ is a response to a client experience, thought, and/or behavior, in which a counselor rephrases the client’s statement to communicate that they understand what the client has said.
The intent of paraphrasing is:
to acknowledge
The focus of paraphrasing is:
The essential feature is to let the client hear __________.
what the essence of his/her statement is.
It is important to restate some of the client’s own words, but with additional words of the counselor to help let the client know that the counselor truly _________.
hears what the client is saying.
Paraphrasing differs from giving feedback in that giving feedback notes _________ that the client has used and the counselor wants to highlight.
specific words or phrases
“You know, my father isn’t such a bad guy. He tries hard, but his life is tough.Sometimes when he comes home from work he is drunk. Then no one knows what to do. Should we be quiet? Should we greet him? We never know…”
“When your father comes home drunk, you don’t know what he’ll be like, so you don’t know how to act.”
Identify the counselor response.
Response: Paraphrasing
Intent: To Acknowledge
Focus: Client Behavior
_________ is a response to observed client behavior, in which a counselor states to the client what they have seen or heard during their session(s).
Giving Feedback
The intent of giving feedback is:
always to acknowledge
The focus of giving feedback is
always behavior
Giving Feedback is the act of sharing precisely what the counselor has heard or observed, and ________.
nothing more
Give some examples of giving feedback.
“I notice tears in your eyes as you are talking” or “You have used the word ‘control’ several times”
Giving Feedback focuses on the client’s ________ not on the client’s feeling or experiences.
observed behavior
When giving feedback the counselor is __________ rather than summarizing what the client has said.
reiterating a specific observation
“My life is really busy. I am busy with my wife and children, work, and other activities … and then there’s my dad … He is getting older, and I don’t get to see him much anymore.”
“Your voice got quiet when you said ‘older’.”
Identify the counselor’s response.
Response: Giving FeedbackIntent: To AcknowledgeFocus: Client Behavior
“I feel isolated, like I’m an island. There are no other people with on this island. Like, no one will ever find this island.”
“I heard you say ‘I’m an island.’”
Identify the counselor’s response.
Response: Giving Feedback
Intent: To Acknowledge
Focus: Client Behavior