BCR's 2 Flashcards
_________ is a response from the counselor to encourage clients to be clear about what they are truly feeling and experiencing.
What is the intent of clarifying?
to Explore a vague or incomplete statement by the client
What is the focus of clarifying?
Any (client feeling, client behavior, client thought, or client experience)
Clarifying responses encourage clients _________ about themselves and indicates a willingness on the part of the counselor to listen. It is a prompt to encourage the client to discuss an issue more fully.
to disclose information
Client “I am so concerned about
my son. I try to help, so I call him a lot and try to be there.”
Counselor “And . . . “
Client “I am so afraid that I am
going to drive him away.”
Identify the counselor’s response
Response: Clarifying
Intent: Explore
Focus: Client Feeling
Client “But it is quite a
responsibility being a parent. You look back at all the mistakes . . . but ultimately, I feel good about the communication between me and my kids.”
Counselor “Can you tell me more about the responsibility?”
Identify the counselor’s response
Response: Clarifying
Intent: Explore
Focus: Client Thought
_______ is asking the client to do something new or different or to go in a different direction.
What is the intent of directing?
to explore or challenge
(explore a new activity, area of interest, behavior, situation, or feeling. Could be challenging for the client if for example the counselor asks the client to consider different thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or behaviors.)
What is the focus of directing?
any (client feeling, client behavior, client thought, or client experience)
Give some examples of directing.
assigning homework, asking the client to go back to something that was said earlier or to stop and stay with an emotion.
To direct the client is NOT to ask _________, though directing responses may sometimes sound that way.
for more information
It is important to remember that clarifying is used to gather _______, where as directing is used to direct the client __________.
more information, in a certain way
Client (speaking about his job)
“Why am I doing this to
myself? Just for money? I am prostituting myself. IT
doesn’t make your feel good if you think about it.”the client continues to talk about work issues)
Counselor (a few minutes later)
“Let’s go back to
something you said
earlier: ‘Why am I doing this to myself?’”
Response: Directing
Intent: Explore
Focus: Client Experience
_________ can challenge clients to evaluate whether behaviors, thoughts, or feelings are effective in getting them what they want.
What is the intent of questioning?
to challenge or explore
What is the focus of questioning?
Although questioning is named as its own distinct counseling response, other basic counseling responses can take the form of a question, such as ______.
opening or clarifying.
Give some examples of questioning.
- -“How is this week different from last week?” (how questions)
- “What problems are troubling you?” (linear questions)
- -“What kinds of situations make you particularly anxious?” (circular questions)
- “Why haven’t you told your wife how unhappy you are?” (strategic questions)
- “What might be some specific benefits of taking more responsibility for your life?” (reflective questions)
“At the beginning of the semester, I was taking 4 classes. But I recently dropped two of my classes so that I could spend more time with my two kids.”
“How are you feeling about your decision?”
Identify the counselor’s response:
Response: Questioning
Intent: Challenge
Focus: Client Feeling
“It means they left… (client giggles) …and I’m feeling really vulnerable … (pause) … because they’re not here toprotect me.”
“What does it feel like, right now, knowing that you are unprotected?”
Identify the counselor’s response:
Response: Questioning
Intent: Challenge
Focus: Client Feeling + Immediacy
_________ is used to lead to a deeper understanding of the client’s issues, feelings, or situation and the meaning that the client gives to each of these.
Playing a Hunch
What is the intent of playing a hunch?
to challenge
What is the focus of playing a hunch?
any, and is often used with immediacy
“I’ve worked for this company for a long time. They once had things going for them. They were rolling in the money. Now, with all the new people, it’s a negative environment and I dread it.”
“I’m wondering after hearing you talk about this, whether it’s a possibility that you feel undervalued, that people don’t care about you at work—the higher-ups, the corporation does not acknowledge you as a person.”
Identify the counselor’s response:
Response: Playing a HunchIntent: ChallengeFocus: Client Experience & Client