bcds 1 Flashcards
In this test, a 2 in (51) diameter sampler is driven into the bottom of the borehole by a 140 lbm (63 kg) hammer falling 30 in (760). The number of blows, N, required to drive the cylinder 12 in (305) is recorded.
standard penetration test SPT
is used to form continuous surfaces such as tunnels and high-rise building cores. The entire form is constructed along with working platforms and supports for the jacking assembly
slip forming
are large fabricated sections of framework that are removed, once the concrete has cured, to be reused in forming an identical section above. They are often used in buildings with highly repetitive units, such as hotels and apartments.
flying forms
perm of a vapor barrier
.04 perm
are metal wire devices placed on the form to hold the rebars above the bottom of the form at the proper distance.
is the binding agent in concrete. It is made from lime, silica, iron oxide, and alumina under strictly controlled conditions.
portland cement
Generally, for complete hydration to occur, an amount of water equal to –% · of the weight of the cement is required.
25%, An extra 10% to 15% or more is required to make a workable mix.
This is a chalky surface deposit of low-strength concrete.
Typically, aggregates occupy about —- of the total volume of the concrete.
70% to 75%
are chemicals or other materials added to concrete to impart certain qualities.
form tiny, dispersed bubbles in the concrete. These agents increase the workability and durability of the concrete and improve its resistance to freezing and thawing cycles. They also help reduce segregation of the components during placing of the mix into forms.
air-entraining agents
educe the amount of water needed while maintaining the necessary consistency for correct placement and compaction. Reducing the water, of course, makes it possible to mix higher- strength concrete.
is a waste material obtained from coal fired power plants. It is used in concrete to increase strength, decrease permeability, reduce temperature rise, increase sulfate resistance, and improve workability. It can also be used to decrease the total amount of cement needed.
fly ash
is a precast concrete product manufactured by adding aluminum powder to concrete, hardening it in molds, and then curing the molds in a pressurized steam chamber. The resultant blocks have about one-fifth the density of conventional concrete.
Autoclaved aerated concrete(AAC)
is a concrete mixture that can be placed purely by means of its own weight without the use of vibration.
self consolidating concrete SCC
Concrete can even be placed underwater with a long, cylindrical steel chute called a