BB14 Membrane Protein Channels Flashcards
Permeability is conferred by 2 classes of membrane proteins
- pumps
* channels
The lipid bilayer of biological membranes is impermeable to
- ions
* polar molecules
• use an energy source (ATP or light) to drive thermodynamically uphill transport of ions or molecules
• enable downhill or passive transport (facilitated diffusion)
Ligand gated channel
- Acetylcholine – cholinergic neurotransmitter
* nerve communication across synapses
Nerve communication across synapses
- 50nm synaptic cleft
- synaptic vessels have 10,000 acetylcholine molecules
- synchronous export of 300 vesicles in response to a nerve impulse
- acetylcholine concentration increases 10nM to 0.5mM
Binding of acetylcholine to the postsynaptic membrane
- changes ionic permeabilities
- conductance of Na+ and K+ increases
- large inward current of Na+
- smaller outward flux of K+
Inward Na+ current
• depolarizes the plasma membrane and triggers an action potential
Acetylcholine opens a single type of cation channel
- almost equally permeable to Na+ and K+
* change in permeability is mediated by the acetyl-choline receptor
Acetylcholine receptor
- extracellular domain, membrane-spanning segments, segments inside the cell
- 2α β γ δ
- pseudo 5-fold symmetry
- rotation of inner helices in response to acetylcholine
Voltage-gated channels
K+ and Na+ channels
• nerve impulse is an electrical signal produced by the flow of ions across the plasma membrane of a neuron
• interior of neuron has a high concentration of K+ and low concentration of Na+
• these gradients produced by Na+ - K+ ATPase
Action potential – signals are sent along neurons by transient
• depolarization – beyond threshold causes Na+ ions to flow in, leading to further of depolarization and more Na+ influx
• repolarization – K+ ions flow out, restoring the membrane potential
Protein from potassium and sodium channels purified on the basis that it could
bind tetrodotoxin (from puffer fish)
Structure of potassium ion channel
- 4 helical transmembrane subunits
- selectivity filter = Thr – Val – Gly – Tyr – Gly
- bigger ions (>1.5Å) can’t get through – too big
- smaller ions (Na+) can’t pass through – salvation, doesn’t interact with walls
Selectivity filter solvates
K well
• carbonyl - oxygen around, gives better salvation than water
Potassium’s energy
• resolvation within K+ channel site greater than desolvation energy
Sodium’s energy
• desolvation energy less than resolvation energy
Voltage gated channels require
- substantial conformational change
* S1 to S4 form the voltage responsive channels
The voltage gated channel can be inactivated by
occlusion of the pore
• “ball and chain” model
• adding back peptides 1-20 restores inactivation
Na+ and K+ channels work together to give the action potential
- Na+ in first
* then K+ out