BB13 ATCase (Allosteric Enzyme) Flashcards
ATCase is inhibited by
• the end product
Aspartate transcarbamolase
- ATCase
- allosteric enzyme
- catalyzes the 1st step in the biosynthesis of pyrimidines
• structurally dissimilar from reactants
• binds at site different from the substrate
(allosteric/regulatory site)
Rate of CTP formation
• fast at low concentration
• slows as concentration increases
• make new CTP until enough pyrimidines accumulate
= feedback inhibition
Allosteric enzyme distinguished by
- response to change in substrate concentration
* susceptibility to regulation by other molecules
ATCase consists of
- separate catalytic and regulatory subunits
- 2 catalytic trimers
- 3 regulatory dimers (zinc)
ATCase can be separated into regulatory and catalytic subunits by
• reacts with sulfhydryl groups
• cysteine binds zinc
• PCMBS displaces zinc and destabilizes the domain
Oligomeric states of ATCase
- tense
* relaxed
potent competitive inhibitor
• mimic transition state = inhibit enzymes
• bisubstrate analog
• binds at boundary of 2 catalytic subunits
Adding more substrate to ATCase has 2 effects
- increases probability that each enzyme molecule will bind at least 1 substrate molecule
- increases average number of substrate molecules bound to each enzyme
* equilibrium (R-T) depends on the number of active sites that have substrate
Relaxed state
- more catalytically compotent
- active
- PALA mimics intermediate, stabilizes relaxed state
CTP favors
the T-state
• inhibits the enzyme
• binds to regulatory site, less active
Catalytic subunits
• unresponsive to CTP
Regulatory subunits
• binds CTP but not catalytic
The interaction of the subunits in the enzyme
produces its regulatory and catalytic properties
PALA stabilizes
the relaxed state
more active
favoured by substrate binding
CTP stabilizes
the tense state
less active
favoured by CTP binding
competes with CTP for binding to C and R sites
high ATP prevents CTP inhibition
ATCase displays
sigmoidal kinetics
• importance of quaternary structure
• from cooperation in subunits
Cooperation of subunits (ATCase)
• binding of substrate to 1 active site increases the likelihood that substrate will bind to other active sites
The catalytic subunit shows
Michaelis-Menton kinetics
regulatory dimers hold the 2 catalytic trimers close
key loops collide and interfere with the conformational adjustments necessary for high affinity binding and catalysis
Sigmoid curve
t state below r state
Reason for increased ATCase activity in response to increased ATP concentration
- high ATP concentration = high purine concentration, increased ATCase activity to balance purines and pyrimidines
- high ATP concentration = energy available for mRNA synthesis and DNA replication, synthesis of pyrimidine for these processes
Allosteric inhibitor vs activator
CTP – allosteric inhibitor – moves curve right (lower)
ATP – allosteric activator – moves curve left (higher)