BB History Flashcards
Blood baths for physical and spiritual restoration
Egyptians and Romans
Drank blood of fallen gladiators in the belief that the blood could transmit vitality
Egyptians and Romans
Blood letting is thought to have originated in ___________.
It then spread to ___________.
Ancient Egypt; Greece
Postulates that the body is comprised of four humors- blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile - and their imbalance causes disease
Hippocrates (Greek physician)
400 BC
Believes that the heart is the central organ of the body; presumes the heart is a three-chambered organ.
Aristotle (Greek philosopher)
350 BC
Describes the anatomy of the human body and includes reference to bright and dark blood from separate channels in thebody which interconnect
Claudius Galenus, Greek physician
162 AD
Mentions the liver as the origin of blood and the kidney as a filter. Although incorrect in many details, his descriptions formed the basis for all blood circulation studies for centuries
Claudius Galenus, Greek physician
162 AD
Earliest recorded transfusion, as a remedy for an apoplectic stroke. The blood of three young boys was, by crude methods, transferred to the pope. Donors and patient leter all died.
Pope Innocent VIII
Blood letting was the most popular form of treatment of a vast number of ailments.
18th century
Discovered blood circulation
William Harvey, English physician
Era of real blood transfusion
William Harvey, English physician
Blood contained the soul
Huang Di Nei Ching (Chinese)
First successful animal to animal transfusion
Dog to dog
Richard Lower
First animal to human blood transfusion
His patient is _________, a 34 year old madman.
Used calf’s blood.
Believed animal blood is purer than human blood.
Patient survived three transfusions but died with poison by his wife.
Jean-Baptiste Denis
Antoine Mauroy
Blood was transfused between a young, weakened by continuous blood letting and a lamb. It was a success, but not subsequent experiments that followed.
Jean-Baptiste Denis, French physician
And Paul Emmerez, surgeon
June 15, 1667
Made bleeding bowl
John Foster of England