BB Ch29 - Factors that may affect research Flashcards
- From what parental stock are SHR and WKY rats derived and does this make them homozygous?
Wistar; no, they are actually heterogeneic and some sources of WKY are outbred stocks.
- Why are neonates more sensitive to carcinogenic compounds?
Because of hepatic microsomal enzyme immaturity which limits the ability to biotransform xenobiotics.
- Why might older animals have a greater likelihood of xenobiotic toxicity?
Decreased enzyme activity, decreased hepatic and renal blood flow, smaller livers, increased body fat, decreased excretory capability.
- What was a striking difference between two strains of senescence-accelerated mice (SAM) as they aged?
SAMP1 had increased blood pressure, SAMP8 had decreased blood pressure.
- Which gender of rats has a reduced capacity to biotransform certain chemicals and therefore remains anesthetized long with hexobarbital and parathion?
- Which mouse gender is more susceptible to chloroform toxicity and why?
Males, because the renal conversion of chlorform to phosgene occurs 10x faster in males vs females.
- What type of immune response predominates in CBA/J mice?
TH1 or cell mediated.
- What type of immune response predominates in BALB/c mice?
TH2 or humoral.
- Which response is effective against murine leukemia virus?
TH1 response that B10.BR mice generate.
- Which response is effective against helminths?
TH2 response that BALB.K mice generate.
- What dietary conditions may alter the biotransformation of xenobiotics?
Mineral, vitamin, protein deficiencies, lipid composition.
- How will the deficiency or excess of testosterone affect cytochrome P450 enzyme activity?
Deficiency of testosterone decreases the ability to biotransform xenobiotics and excess testosterone increases the ability to biotransform xenobiotics.
- Define the thermoneutral zone.
The temperature range in which homeotherms exert minimal energy to maintain core body temperature.
- When the temperature rises does toxicity of amphetamine or ephedrine increase?
Amphetamine increases while ephedrine decreases
- Name some effects of increased environmental temperature in rodents.
. Drug toxicity; death; testicular atrophy; decreased milk quantity and tail/ear/paw/salivary gland size.
- Low temperature affects what biologic parameters in rodents?
Growth rate, litter size, neonate viability.
- How does high relative humidity affect research?
Impacts thermoregulation, decreased activity for mice, enhancement of Sendai virus transmission, decreased influenza transmission, higher microenvironment ammonia levels, alters skin absorption of various substances.
- How does low humidity affect research?
Increased mouse activity, delayed sexual maturity, ringtail
- The quality of microenvironmental air is influenced by what?
The caging system, the strain or stock of animal, bedding utilized, housing density, macroenvironmental conditions
- What are some drawbacks to static isolation caging systems?
Significantly impede air exchange, accumulate gaseous pollutants (NH3 and CO2)
- What does the acronym ACGIH stand for?
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
- The ACGIH set an average NH3 concentration of 25 ppm for an 8 hour time period. Housing the maximum number of mice in static isolator caging for 7 days can bring NH3 levels how high?
350 ppm ( a 14 fold increase)
- What are some pathological changes induced by the respiratory irritant NH3?
Decreased cilia numbers of the respiratory epithelium, hyperplasia of respiratory epithelium, glandular crypt formation in respiratory and olfactory epithelium
- What effect might NH3 have on the eyes of inbred and F1 mouse strains?
Corneal opacities due to inhibition of hepatic microsomal enzyme system components
- What are the ACGIH exposure limits for CO2 in ppm for 8 hours?
5,000 ppm
- Name some volatile chemicals that have the potential to influence the air animals breathe?
Aromatic hydrocarbons from cedar and pine bedding, pesticides, odorants, electrically charged HVAC generated airborne particles
- The human ear is most sensitive to sounds at what KHz?
2 KHz
- Peak auditory sensitivities of rodents in KHz?
30-60 KHz
- List some effects of low frequency sounds (< 20 KHz) on rodents?
Alter H20 consumption, blood pressure, blood corticosteroids, glucose, insulin concentrations, reproductive performance, body weight, eosinophil count, tumor resistance, learning ability, adrenal and cardiac hypertrophy
- Name some effects of ultrasound on rodents.
Decreased fertility and productivity, causes diuresis, induces audiogenic seizures, decreased locomotor activity, destroys auditory structures in rodents, prenatal development interference
- Which strains of mice are genetically susceptible to audiogenic seizures?
AKR, BALB/c, CBA, C57, DBA/2
- List some of the ways light influences reproductive physiology.
Anestrus duration, vaginal opening time, ovarian and uterine weights, estrous cycle length, preweaning mortality