Battle of Algiers NOTES Flashcards
Establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition & expansion of COLONIES in one territory by people in another
Cinema Verite
“Cinema Truth” attempts to convey realism minimum of manipulation
TO PUT IN THE SCENE Articulation of cinematic space (direct opposite of montage) no cuts, focus on subject
Mise-en-scene about
composition or space, NOT editing or time, framing, blocking, movement, lighting, sound, etc.
Where things are in flame
Eyeline match based on
Audience’s desire to see
Close ups ______ subject
individualizes subject for focus
Medium shot ________ characters + defines
shows characters + defines partnership dynamics
Long shot
Establishes character with setting, insignificant subject
Battle of Algiers shot in _______ when?
Shot in Algeria, 4 years after ACTUAL conflict
Battle of Algiers reversed ____________ by ________
typical POV of colonialism BY
- not leaving either side victimless,
- close ups on French too,
Battle of Algiers SYMBOLISM
The Child: Assymetric Warfare
Woman Bombers of BoA 2 TECHNIQUES
-Close ups -Eyeline Matches (on innocent victims they will kill)
What does woman bomber dress signify?
- Taking of dress, becoming feminine USED AS WEAPON
- tactic
- disguise
What did bomber dress mean to women
How were women bomber shots constructed?
Tight on protagonist
How did BoA establish characters?
BoA tragedy
No good guys, no bad guys, the same TRAGEDY w/e way you look @ it
Cinema Verite Elements
Close ups, handheld, docu-like quality
BoA cast
Real people in real roles (ie Jaffar)