Battle Between Good and Evil Flashcards
What is conscience?
Conscience is having an awareness in decision making. It helps guide you when making a decision, helping you decipher right and wrong.
What are good actions?
Good actions reflect kindness, love and respect to others. They bring people closer and help build a better world.
What are evil actions?
Evil actions cause harm, suffering, pain or division to others. They go against what God wants from us all.
What is free will?
Free will is the ability to make our own choices and decisions, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
Why do we have free will?
We have free will because God gave it to us. This means that we are not robots or puppets, we have choice in our lives.
Why is freedom such a big responsibility?
Freedom is a big responsibility because we have the choice to do wrong and make bad or potentially evil choices.
What is the difference between something legally wrong and something morally wrong?
Legal wrong is doing something against the law; including speeding and parking tickets, which are not morally wrong. Moral wrong is doing something against one’s morals. Moral wrong often brings guilt because we know it is wrong.
How do Catholics believe one forms a good conscience?
Catholics believe that a good science is formed by learning about God’s teachings (reading the Bible and learning the Commandments), praying, listening to advice from wise and trusted people and practicing reflection.
What are signs?
Signs are simple images or gestures with clear meaning, e.g. the sign of the cross.
What is a symbol?
Symbols are signs that hold richer meanings and bigger concepts, e.g. water symbolises life, cleansing and rebirth
What are rituals?
Rituals are special ceremonies with the intention of focusing on a certain belief or event.
What is the bible verse for the story of Adam and Eve’s choice of good and evil?
Genesis 3: 1-13
What is the bible verse for the parable of the prodigal son?
Luke 15:11–32
What is the bible verse for the parable of the good Samaritan?
Luke 10:30–37
What happens in the parable of the prodigal son?
A rich man’s son demands his inheritance early; he is given it and goes and lives happily. After spending all his money, he returns home to his father, who welcomes him home with open arms, despite what his son has done. His brother was enraged by this; thinking it unfair that his brother who had abandoned them was welcomed back with a party.
What happens in the parable of the good Samaritan?
A man was walking along a road when he was robbed and beaten. A priest, a Levite (assistant priest) and everybody else to walk the road ignored him. A Samaritan, who’s people did not like Jewish people, helped the man. He treated his wounds, took him to an inn and paid for him to be kept there and helped until he was better.
What is the mission of the St Vincent de Paul Society?
Serving those in need in our community