Basis Basics Flashcards
What is the fundamental rule of basis
Basis After Transaction = Basis Before Transaction +/- Recognized gain/loss
What is the caveat to the fundamental rule of basis
It gives you the total basis but it does not tell you how that basis is allocated (that is a legislative decision)
What is the difference in realization and recognition?
Realization occurs after a disposition that qualifies as a realization event
Recognition occurs when the gain/loss affects taxable income
Where is the realization doctrine codified?
It’s not. It’s assumed in the 1001(a) definition of gain or loss
What is a mark-to-market system
It kills there realization doctrine and forces taxpayers to realize gain/loss at regular intervals
Does the receipt of a dividend affect the basis in the stock? What about total basis?
It does not affect the basis in the stock because basis = cost + recognized gain/loss. It does affect total basis because you now have a basis equal to the value of the cash (or property) received in the dividend. TOTAL BASIS INCREASES IF YOU RECOGNIZE INCOME (see fundamental rule of basis
What is the consequence of a stock dividend?
Not considered a realization event, so no tax and no change in basis
What is the computation for gain?
Amount realized - Adjusted Basis
What is amount realized?
Money received + FMV of property received (form disregarded)
What is the theoretical description of FMV for amount realized?
The price property would trade at between a willing buyer and seller when netter is under a compulsion and reasonably informed
What is the practical way to find FMV of property for amount realized?
If parties bargain at arms length, you can assume that traded values are equal (US v Davis)
How do you determine FMV if the parties did not bargain at arms length?
FMV is a question of fact, so you hire experts and make a case
A sells B a car for $35K plus $2K sales tax. What is the FMV of the car?
$37K FMV because you can think of the sales tax as a commission expense paid by the seller. Amount realized is $35K because you can take out the selling expenses.
How is FMV determined if two pieces of property are received in a disposition?
If the parties are at arms length, can trust them for an aggregate value but cannot trust them for allocating that value
What are common ways to find basis?
Cost (1012) Gift (1015) Inheritance (1014)
What are common adjustments to basis
Capitalized improvements to property Increase basis
Depreciation decreases basis
Can you always deduct losses?
No - only if you can find a code provision that allows you to
what is a non-recognition provision?
It allows taxpayer to realize gains but not recognize them. Failure to recognize means there is to change to basis, but that’s a good trade for deferral
(e.g. like kind exchange)
What are the 3 steps to a non-recognition problem?
1) Gain/loss realized
2) Gain/loss recognized
3) Basis in new property
What is an easy way to check your answer on a non-recognition problem?
The gain/loss deferred should equal the built in gain/loss on the property.
Gain realized - Gain recognized = Gain Deferred
What are the 4 requirements for like kind exchange under 1031? How are they applied
1) Exchange of real estate for real estate
2) Taxpayer trades real estate for investment or for use in trade or business
3) Properties are of “like kind” (all us real estate is like kind)
4) Property traded by the tax payer cannot be held primarily for sale
(These are applied for each person so one half of the transaction can see the test while the other may not)
Why does the 1031 like kind exchange rule exists?
It could be a pain to value the real estate in a trade so we can just wait and tax it later
What are the terms for the property traded in a like kind exchange
Relinquished property = Property traded away
Replacement property = Property rec’d
What is “boot” in a like kind exchange?
Any property that does not qualify under 1031(a)
What is the effect of boot on a like-kind exchange
The gain recognized is capped at the value of the boot
Loss is not recognized if there is boot
What is the effect on loss if there is boot in a like kind exchange?
The loss is not recognized
What is the basis in the replacement property in a 1031 like kind exchange?
Where no boot is received, the basis in the replacement property is the same as the basis in the relinquished property
Where boot is received, the basis in replacement property = Basis in relinquished property - cash received + Gain Recognized - Loss recognized
Of course this only gives you the total basis for non-cash property received you will still need to allocate basis between property and non-cash boot
How much value should be allocated to non-cash boot received in a 1031 like kind exchange?
1031(d) give the non-cash boot its FMV at the time of the exchange and then give the property what’s left over
I just paid boot in a like kind exchange. How does that impact my gain?
You will reconceptualize into two transactions. One where you buy part of the property with the boot and the other with a pulse 1031(a) like kind exchange. If the boot is non-cash you may have a gain on the boot
I just received boot in a like-kind exchange. How does that impact my gain?
Your gain recognized is capped at the value of the boot you received.
What is the basis in replacement property in a like-kind exchange where there is no boot? if there is boot received?
If no boot, then basis in replacement property = basis in relinquished property
If boot, then TOTAL basis = basis in relinquished property - Value of cash boot + Gain recognized - Loss Recognized
If you received non-can boot then you will need to allocate this total basis. The non-cash boot gets the FMV at time of trade and the replacement property gets the remainder
What is a deferred 3 party exchange? What are the steps?
When a buyer wants to buy land but the seller (taxpayer) doesn’t want to recognize a taxable gain (and is looking to buy different land in the future)
Step 1: Taxpayer deeds property to buyer. Buyer pays cash to qualified intermediary
Step 2: Seller deeds property to taxpayer and QI pays cash to seller
What are the timing rules for deferred 3 party exchanged?
Replacement property must be identified within 45 days of the transfer of the relinquished property
Replacement property must be received but eh taxpayer by the earlier of (180 days post transfer of relinquished property and due date of transferor’s tax return that covers the transfer of the relinquished property)
What is an involuntary conversion?
If real or personal property is involuntarily taken/lost/destroyed/condemned and taxpayer accepts some kind of compensation for the loss, then the taxpayer does not recognize any gain when they use the proceeds to buy replacement property
What is the holding of cottage savings?
1001a implicitly establishes the realization doctrine when its says there is a gain on “sale or other disposition of property”
Commissioner interpreted 1001a as requiring the disposition to be for property that is ‘materially different’
Cottage savings read “materially different” as having distinct sets of legal entitlements (even if the obligations are economically identical)
What are the implications of cottage savings for modifying debt instruments?
1001-3 If debt is significantly modified, there is an exchange and a realization event
If debt is not significantly modified there is no exchange and so realization event
What is a significant modification?
More than a deminimis change in interest rate or identify of party (from parent to sub)
More than a modification that occurs pursuant to the terms of the debt itself
What was a better argument that SCOTUS could have used in arguing that an exchange of economically similar mortgages was a realization?
Since Congress chose not to include economically similar mortgages in 1031 like kind exchange, we should assume its taxable. If congress had wanted to make it not taxable, they would have included it in 1031