Basics of power systems operation and planning Flashcards
Electric systems have two unique physical operating constraints
Electric energy is not commercially stored86 like natural gas and water. Production and
consumption (generation and load) must be balanced in near real-time. This requires
continuous monitoring of load, generation, and the voltages and energy flows throughout the
power system, as well as adjusting generation output to match consumption.
The transmission and distribution network is primarily passive, with few “control valves” or
“booster pumps” to regulate electrical energy flows on individual lines. Flow-control actions
are limited primarily to adjusting generation output and to opening and closing switches to
add, remove, or reroute transmission and distribution lines and equipment from service
what is load following?
Load following resources are dispatched to follow within-the-hour load changes in the load (or
net load when including variable generation) consistent with the economic dispatch cycle (5 to
10 minutes per cycle). These are therefore used to follow variability in the load over periods of 5
to 20 minutes; sufficient load-following is procured in the economic dispatch stage to meet
variations in load.
what is an ideal voltage source?
the one that provides a given, known voltage, doesn’t have to be constant, but the voltage is not a function of the amount of current drawn
A real battery approximates the ideal source, but as current increases, the output drops somewhat
What is voltage
electrons wont flow through a circuit unless they are given some energy to help send them on their way. That “push” is measured in volts. Voltage is defined to be the amount of energy given to a unit of charge.
voltage describes the potential for charge to do work
voltage is always measured with respect to something
what is voltage drop?
an electric space heater may have a resistance of ten ohms, and the wires which supply it may have a resistance of 0.2 ohms, about 2% of the total circuit resistance. This means that approximately 2% of the supplied voltage is lost in the wire itself. Excessive voltage drop may result in unsatisfactory operation of, and damage to, electrical and electronic equipments.
what is Ohm’s law
what is power factor?
PF=Real Power/Apparent Power
it’s the cosine of the angle between the voltage and the current, ideal PF is 1, SO REAL POWER EQUALS APPARENT POWER
what is the fundamental definition of capacitance
capacitance is equal to the amount of charge required to create a 1-V potential difference between the plates
capacitance is a parameter in electrical circuits that describes the ability of a circuit component to store energy in an electrical field
what happens to capacitors in DC condition?
the capacitors appears to be an open circuit, through which no current flows
what does capacitors do to voltage
what is inductors?
inductance is a mirror image of capacitance, while capacitors storage energy in an electric field, inductors store energy in a magnetic filed. while capacitors prevent voltage from changing instantaneously, inductors prevent current from changing instantaneously
what does transformer do?
modern systems generate voltages in the range of 12 to 25kV. Transformers boost that voltage to hundres of thousands of volts for long-distance transmission. At the receiving end, transformers drop the transmission line voltage to perhaps 4 to 25kV at electrical substations for local distribution. Other transformers then drop the voltage to safe levels for homes.
what influences transmission line power losses?
transmission line power losses are proportional to the square of current and are inversely proportional to the square of voltage. Raising voltages by a factor of 10 lowers line losses by a factor of 100.
three important conclusions about power factor
- currents flowing through any of these components will have the same ac frequency as the source of the voltage that drives the current
- there can be phase shift between current and voltage
- resistive elements are the only components that dissipate any net energy
elements of power triangle?
- apparent power, the hypotenuse, is the product of Volt-amps, it has unit volt-amps (VA)
- horizontal component P=VIcos(a), which is real power in watts
- vertical side of the triangle, Q=VIsin(a), is reactive power and incapable of doing any work (VAR)
why do utilities hate reactive power?
reactive power increases line losses for the utility, while doesn’t result in any more kilowatt-hours of energy sales to the customer
what are transformers rated in?
What causes lagging power factor?
electric motors or anything else that’s highly inductive
what does the VAR rating of a capacitor depend on?
The square of the voltage. The VAR rating itself is meaningless without knowing the voltage at which the capacitor will be used.