Basics Flashcards
the form of expressions, statements, and program units of a programming language
the meaning of the expressions, statements, and program units of a programming language
include the numeric literals, operators, and special words of a programming language
a category of the lexemes of a language
reads input strings of the language and decides whether the strings belong to the language.
Language recognizer
creates sentences of a language
Language generator
describes the syntax of programming languages; a collection of rules
describe four (4) classes of generative devices or grammars that define four (4) classes of language. Two of these grammar classes are regular and context-free grammar
Noam Chomsky
describe the forms of the tokens of the programming languages
Regular grammars
describe the syntax of whole programming languages
Context-free grammars
a natural notation for describing syntax developed by John Backus and Peter Naur in the mid-1950s
Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
a language that is used to describe another language
the abstraction being defined; the text on the left-side of the arrow
Left-hand side (LHS)
the definition of LHS; the text to the right of the arrow
Right-hand side (RHS)
a mixture of tokens, lexemes, and references to other abstractions
Rule (or production)