BASIC LIMITS (2020) Flashcards
Max Taxi Speed (Straight DRY)
30 kts
Max speed - windshield wipers
250 kts
Ice Detector Failure Limitation
If either one or both ice detectors are failed, the crew must set the mode selector to ON when icing conditions exist OR are anticipated below 10’c TAT with visible moisture
Max altitude (Takeoff & Landing)
Thrust Reverser Limits (Out of Reverse)
The engines must be out of reverse by 30 kts
Min Temp for APU start
- 54’ C
Max altitude for flaps extended
Min height to engage autopilot on go-around
400’ agl
Max Load Factor (Flaps Down)
+2 to 0 g
Minimum Crew O2 Quantities - AMBER
Cautionary Operating Range (dispatch is not allowed)
IESS Limitations
Back Course approaches using the IESS are prohibited
Min RAT Speed
130 Kts
Approved Rwy Surface
Max Load Factor (Flaps UP)
2.5g to -1 g
Minimum Alt (Takeoff & Landing)
Min battery temperature for an APU start
- 20’ C
ATTCS Limitation:
For TAKEOFF the ATTCS must be ON
Baro Mins Limitation
Baro Altimeter minimums must be used for all Cat I approaches
Minimum Fit Speed All Altitudes
Except as described in normal/abnormal/emergency procedures, the airplane may never be operated below the ‘green dot’ speed.
Flap Speed Limits (Flaps 1)
230 kts
Max Turbulent Air Penetration Speed (Greater than or equal to 10,000’ MSL)
270 kts / .76 Mach (whichever is less)
Max Differential Pressure for Takeoff and Landing
0.2 psi
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [Dry Rwy]
28kts gusts to 38 kts
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [Wet]
28 kts
Max usable fuel
20,785 lbs
Max operating alt
Flap Speed Limits (Flaps Full)
165 kts
Cabin Press Limits - ABOVE 37,000’
8.3 psi
Max Differential Negative Pressure
- 0.5 psi
320 kts
Min Battery Voltage
21 V
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [ice]
12 kts
Max Turbulent Air Penetration Speed (Less than 10k’ MSL)
250 kts
Max Altitude for APU Start
Taxi and Landing Light Limitation (Airplane Stopped)
When airplane is stopped, taxi and landing lights must be OFF
Flap Speed Limits (Flaps 2)
215 kts
Powerback Operations Limits
Powerback Operations are Prohibited
Cabin Press Limits - UP TO 37,000’
7.8 psi
The MCDU TO DATASET MENU must be set to ENG when SAT is 5’c to 10’c and: (1) If there is ANY possibility of encountering visible moisture up to 1700’ AFE or (2) Operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines, or freeze on engines nacelles, or engine sensor probes.
Taxi and Landing Light Limitation (Airplane Takeoff and in Flight)
For takeoff and in flight, the taxi nose light must be OFF
Landing Gear - VLO for retraction
250 kts
APU Duty Starter Limitation
Start 1 & 2 (60 sec max - 60 sec cool down) Start 3 (60 sec max - 5 min cool down)
Max Differential Overpressure
8.7 psi
Max alt for single pack operation
FL 310
Eng Starter Duty Cycle Limits
Start 1 & 2 (90 sec (grd) 120 sec (flt) - 10 sec cool down) Starts 3 - 5 (90 sec (grd) 120 sec (flt) - 5 min cool down) - after 5 starts - need 15 min cool down
Min fuel tank temp
- 40’ C
Min height for autopilot on non-precision approach
Min rwy / taxiway width for a 180’ turn (E175)
No Break Power Transfer Limits
Confirm power transfer on the Electrical Synoptic page or wait 10 seconds
Min Temp for TAKEOFF
- 40’ C
Min height for autopilot on special instrument approach
as specified in the Procedure
Max altitude for using APU - Bleed Air
Max Tailwind Takeoff & landing
10 kts
Max fuel imbalance in flight
794 lbs
Min height for autopilot on precision approach
70’ AGL
Flap Speed Limits (Flaps 5)
180 kts
Max Rwy Slope
+/- 2 %
SLD Conditions - Freezing rain and freezing Drizzle
If abnormal ice formation is observed on areas of the airplane that do not usually accrete ice, the flight is operating in an SLD condition. Exit the SLD condition as soon as possible
Max Taxi Speed (Straight WET)
30 kts
Hydraulic System Limitations (Cold Weather)
A hydraulic system warm-up must be accomplished before starting the engines if the reservoir temperature are below - 18’ C
Min height to engage autopilot on takeoff
Acceleration Altitude
Flex Temp Limitations
An assumed temp (flex) takeoff is not allowed if ANY of the following conditions exists:
- The rwy is contaminated
- The anti-skid system is ions
- The Takeoff performance section of the takeoff report does not include FLEX takeoff data
- Compass CCI pages prohibit an assumed temperature takeoff
- Any time LLWS is reported or present
- Any time there is significant weather which may produce wind shear (i.e. Thunderstorm)
- The PIC Determines the conditions for an assumed temperature takeoff are unsafe
Minimum Crew O2 Quantities - CYAN
Normal Operating Range (min for dispatch with 2 crewmembers on the flight deck)
APU Start Limitations (During Engine Operation)
Before starting the APU after an Engine is shutdown: Wait for engine to go below - 30 % N2
Flap Speed Limits (Flaps 4)
180 kts
Flaps 4 limitation
Flaps 4 may be used for takeoff/go-around only. The use of FLAPS 4 during the approach and landing regime is prohibited.
Thrust Reverser Limits (IDLE)
The engines must be idle by 60 kts
.82 mach
Minimum Crew O2 Quantities - GREEN
Normal Operating Range (min for dispatch with 3 crewmembers on the flight deck)
Maintenance is required if the battery voltage is less than:
21 V
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [Compacted Snow]
20 kts
Engine Warm Up and Cool down time limit
2 min
Max Temp for APU start
ISA +35
Max Taxi Speed (Contaminated)
15 kts
Max Wind Limits Cat 2
25 kts HW, 10 kts TW, 12 kts Crosswind
The MCDU TO DATASET MENU must be set to ALL when SAT is less than 5’c and: (1) If there is ANY possibility of encountering visible moisture up to 1700’ AFE or (2) Operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines, or freeze on engines nacelles, or engine sensor probes.
Landing Gear - VLE
250 kts
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [dry snow]
18 kts
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [wet snow]
18 kts
Max ground speed - tires
195 kts
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [Slush]
18 kts
Landing Gear - VLO for extension
250 kts
Max Temp for takeoff and landing
ISA +35
Max Altitude for using APU - Assisted Eng Start
Max ITT for engine start
Min battery voltage to start the APU
Max altitude for APU Generator
VOR Flight Director Mode Limit
The VOR Flight Director mode is prohibited. This VOR flight director mode is inhibited. VOR navigation using the flight director must be predicated on HDG mode and VHF (Green) needles or LNAV mode (Magenta)
Min rwy / taxiway width for a 180’ turn (E170)
When do icing conditions exists?
Icing conditions exist in flight whenever the SAT on the ground or for takeoff, or TAT in flight, is 10’c or below and visible moisture in ANY form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of 1 mile or less, rain, snow sleet and ice crystals)
Crossfeed limitation for takeoff & landing
During takeoff and landing the crossed selector knob must be OFF
Flap Speed Limits (Flaps 3)
200 kts
Min enroute height (Autopilot)
500’ agl
Max Crosswind Takeoff & Landing [Standing Water]
18 kts