Basic Knowledge Flashcards
RID membership categories include…
Certified, associate, supporting, student, organizational
Interpreters render a message faithfully by…
Conveying the content being communicated,
Conveying the spirit in which the content is communicated,
Using the language most readily understood by the consumer
The first evaluation to certify RID interpreters was given in …
In 2001 a new RID certification was introduced which was…
CDI- Certified Deaf Interpreter
The individual who’s studies eventually lead to the formal recognition of ASL and eventually to professional interpreting was…
William Stokoe
Significant Legislative Initiatives which have affected the interpreting profession are…
PL 92-142 (special education) and ADA
To interpret between a Deaf an d hearing person in the US an person…
Doesn’t necessarily need RID or NAD membership or a specific number of CEUs because some states have no requirements to become an interpreter.
A professional interpreter accepts assignments using his/her discretion with regards to
their skill with the languages involved,
the setting in which the assignment takes place,
the consumers involved
The purposes of RID are…
interpreter education and maintaining a registry of accredited interpreters
Interpreters engage in activities to further their knowledge and skills such as…
pursuing higher educations,
participating in the CMP,
participating in the ACET,
attending workshops
A passing score on the current NIC exam may result in receiving…
When transliterating in a religious setting, the transliterater should preferably
be of the same religious conviction as the congregation
Processing time refers to
the time it takes between you hearing/seeing the source language until you produce the target language
Dynamic equivalence means
the speaker’s goals and level of audience involvement is the same for everyone in the audience
What type of information about a Deaf person would provide you with the most information about how they sign
educational experience,
whether their parents are Deaf or hearing
their involvement in the Deaf community
Translation refers to
the process of changing a frozen text form of one language to a frozen text form of another language and the changing of material from a written form onto a videotape (signed)
Sign-to-Voice Interpreting
watching someone use ASL then interpreting into a spoken voice
The philosophical shifts in the history of Sign Language interpretation in the United States was from
helper to machine to communication facilitator to bi-bi
Which philosophical role? Overly involved with the Deaf and hearing clients, often moving out of the role of interpreter to advise direct, teach…
Linguistic expansions and reductions occur
when the interpreter can manipulate the target language output so it contains all of the essential elements of meaning expressed in the source language and when there is not a word for sign equivalent
In 1972 RID
began certifying interpreters
The current national certification exam
has 2 parts: written, performance
The name “national Registry of Professional Interpreters and Translator for the Deaf” was changed to
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Interpreting a printed copy of The Lord’s Prayer into ASL is referred to as
sign translation
Voice-to-Sign interpreting means
the source language is a spoken language
If you spoke English as your mother tongue and you are an ASL/English interpreter
ASL is your L2
English is your L1
a person’s first language
Historically, interpreters tended to…
be CODAs
be involved int eh Deaf community through church work
Reasons an American-American Deaf person may use Southern Black signs are
attended a residential school that was racially segregated
interacts mainly with other African Americans who use Southern Black Signs
member of an African American Deaf club whose events are rarely attend by people who are not African American
“Lag time” is a term which was used in the interpreting profession to mean…
processing time
According to most ITP professors, what “can’t be stressed too much” when referring to the behavior of an interpreter?
punctuality and responsibility
Historically, Deaf culture is introduced to a new deaf generation primarily in
Residential elementary schools for the Deaf
A person’s first language is referred to as
mother tongue,
native language
What is the best clue that a Deaf audience has failed to comprehend a voice-to-sign interpretation?
confused copying of the sign
An example of linguistic expansion or noun listing would be needed if referring to the following English terms
fruit, vegetable, weapon,
The RID Code of Professional Conduct
functions as a guideline to assist interpreters as they review and evaluate professional decisions
Simultaneous interpretation or transliteration is most appropriate when
the interpreter and consumer are familiar with the subject
If an interpreter turns down an assignment because they believe their skills do not match the skills needed for the assignment
the interpreter is using their discretion which is encouraged by the RID Code of Professional Conduct
Professional distance is referring to
your relationship to the consumer and other interpreters
If a person has asked you to interpret for no pay, as an RID certified interpreter you
can choose to accept the assignment and do not need to report the request to RID
If an interpreter accepts an assignment in another state and a different region is is not appropriate to
use only the accepted regional signs from the interpreter’s area
ASL transmits information at approximately
the same rate as spoken English
Currently there are ____ tenets that make up the RID ode of Professional Conduct
Cued Speech
is a system of organized gestures used to aid in lip-reading
If you see someone signing, combining English grammatical order with conceptually accurate ASL signs and some initialized signs are used, you are probably seeing
If a person what has a hearing loss can communicate on the phone, they should identify themselves as
whatever they want
Neutrality of the interpreter
is a myth
This organization mas the main objectives to provide information about hearing loss, communication, assistive listening devices, and communication strategies for oral deaf persons
One of the key differences between interpreters and translators is that
the source language message is “permanently available” to translators
the most important way in which interpreting for people who are Deaf/Blind differs from interpreting for people who are Deaf is that with Deaf/Blind people the interpreter
needs to include all actual visual information
Consecutive interpretation can successfully used only when
all parties agree to use this method
During an interpretation for a large audience, the lighting should
come from more than one angle
When an interpreter is subpoenaed as an expert witness in court, the interpreter’s area of expertise is
communication issues and cross-cultural mediation
when interpreting for a live television program ,the interpreter should
offer to provide assistance regarding interpreter placement
The use of a CDI is most likely when the Deaf consumer
uses a sign language unknown to the hearing ASL-English interpreter
A Deaf consumer who facilitates discussion finds it difficult to know when it is appropriate to interject comments. The best way for the interpreter to address this concern is to
consult with the Deaf consumer to establish a plan to facilitate participation
The setting in which it is LEAST likely that a Deaf person would be working as an interpreter is
in a mainstream classroom
Most content adjustments that interpreters make are
linguistic or cultural
When people adjust their language and the way they talk based on whom they are speaking to they are shifting their
The process of transmitting information from a form of English like signing to spoken English is known as
Philosophies underlying the education of Deaf and hard-of-hearing students that support communication in any way possible
total communication
Universal for of communication
systems for manually representing English were developed primarily to
teach English to Deaf children
type of signing that is similar to ASL
Pidgin Sign English
what is true of an effective transliteration
it may incorporate feature of ASL that enhance intelligibility
the most effective way for interpreters to present complex material is to
interpret in a more consecutive mode
the primary reason that Deaf/Blind consumer would use a combination of communication methods is to
avoid fatigue
What is always true of an effective English-to-sign interpretation
it adapts to audience preference
Deaf/Blind consumers us what for communication
Tadoma Method, Palm writing ,tactile fingerspelling and signing
Source Language
the language in which the original message was conveyed
the result of taking the source language message, and producing the message into the target language
Processing time
used by the interpreter to complete the analysis of the source language and to search for the target language equivalent before producing an equivalent message in the target language
the channel through which a message is expressed
Sight Translation
changing a message from the frozen form of one language into another signed or spoke language
Simultaneous Form
the process of interpreting into the target language at the same time the source language message is being delivered
changing a message from the frozen form of one language into the frozen from of another language
Linguistic feature that is found in ASL but not in English
Object Verb agreement
One protection from malpractice suits resulting from misinterpretations that are available to interpreters is
Liability insurance
Most spoken language interpreters find it easier to interpret from their
B language into their A language
The primary reason hearing people have difficulty becoming fluent in ASL is that
it is difficult to gain sufficient exposure to Deaf people who use ASL
The most values in a low-context culture is
Dynamics of hearing/Deaf cross-cultural interactions are
low context/ high context,
Individualist oriented/ collectivist oriented
progress oriented/ tradition oriented
what has been show to correlate most highly with the rate of occurrence of interpretation miscues
processing time
The use of hand shapes to represent manner and place of articulation in order to reduce ambiguities in speech reading is known as
cued speech
to sociolinguists the intimate register of discourse is characterized by
reliance on information that is left implicit
In interpreting complex concepts into ASL what is the most helpful
The use of two languages or two varieties of the same language in a community in which one has a higher status that the other is known as
Since Deaf people tend to share knowledge and experiences that may be unfamiliar to a hearing audience, the interpreter working from ASL to English should
present a meaningful interpretation of culture- specific material
Sign Language transliterators generally give the least consideration to
regional dialects
An English work that approximates the most common meaning of an ASL sign is know as
What is one linguistic feature that is found in English but not is ASL
Gender distinctions in pronouns
According to RID, a certified interpreter can lose certification by
failing to pay current national dues,
failing to complete the CMP,
violating ethical standards
According to Harlan Lane, ASL may be more efficient that English for tasks involving
Spatial descriptions
Clients of “consumers” of interpreters’ services are
d/Deaf people, hearing people, educators
Interpreters generally wear solid colored clothing that contrasts with their skin color because
it provides a suitable background so that signs can be seen better
RID had it’s official start at Ball State Teachers College in Muncie Indiana in
Education of the Deaf Act of 1986
led to recommendations for improving the quality of education for students with hearing loss
Americans with Debilitates Act of 1990
prohibited discrimination for individuals who have disabilities and defined a “qualified interpreter as one who is able to interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, using any necessary specialized vocabulary”
Federal Bilingual Education Act (1986/2002)
provided that children of “limited English proficiency” be taught in their native language by teachers who are sensitive to their cultural heritage
Public Law 94-142
“to assure that all children with disabilities have available to them … a free appropriate public education which emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs
to assure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents … are protected to assist States and localities to provide for the education of all children with disabilities to assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to educate all children with disabilities”
when interpreters work in higher education setting they will deal with
more technology and new vocabulary that they have to learn
interpreters as language teachers/models should incorporate __________ when interpreting in a primary school setting?
Major courses are
designed to satisfy the student’s need for a degree that leads to a job, profession, career, or entry into a higher degree program
what is the most valued int eh Deaf community
While transliterating one should base their communication decisions on
clarity, sometimes you may have to revert to ASl to make the message clear
It may be harder for an immigrant or refugee child to learn a signed language because
the family may be struggling as it is to piece together a new life an may ignore the deaf child,
often in third world countries, the inability to speak is associated with an inability to learn,
the family may end up in a new country, via many other countries, and the child is exposed to so many new languages that it is simply too overwhelming
because over 90% of teacher of the Deaf are while…
Deaf students or color may find it difficult to make cultural connections with their teacher,
teachers expect greater achievement from their white students and underestimate the performance of minority students,
Some African American teachers of the Deaf established a separate school in the late 1990’s for Deaf children of color to ensure equal representation
The primary goal for transliterating is
to use an English based signed language and to have the message make sense to the consumer
Transliterating is
conveying information between a spoken and signed form of English
most ITPs teach which registers
intimate, consultative, and formal
In the early history of the North American Deaf Community where was the only known concentration of deaf/hearing living together?
Maratha’s Vineyard
The most common form of communication used in educational settings are
PSE and both SEE 1 and SEE 2
What percentage of ITP graduates are working in educational settings
The Bilingual Education Act, which does not include ASL, states children are best educated in their most fluent language was established in what year?
In 1989 RID began to offer two certifications. What were these?
CI and CT
ASL incorporates
classifies, Rhetorical questions, non-manual negation
When was the first permanent school for the Deaf established in the US
1817 Hartford Conn
A job description for an Educational interpreter should include
job title, responsibilities, and supervisor
Characteristics of Oppressor People include
Desire for approval and gratitude from the oppressed
Team interpreting should take place in
classes where the lecture or discussion is fast paced,
classes that extend beyond 50-60 minutes,
classes where content is particularly complicated or cognitively challenging
Who was “the most feared enemy of the Deaf”
Alexander Graham Bell
In high school settings curriculum differentiation typically refers to
the curriculum differences created for college-bound or vocationally-bound students
what year did the Deaf President Now revolution take place
David Anthony created a sign system to represent English around 1966 called
Seeing Essential English
According to “Transliterating: Show me the English” a transliterater should keep in mind four goals including
deliver the message based on English grammatical order,
use signs based on ASL usage not on English gloss,
maintain the meaning and the intent of the original English
the prerequisites for developing the skill of transliterating are
a good command of the English language,
a good command of ASL,
appropriate understanding and usage of grammar and vocabulary of both languages
Register refers to
the variations within all languages which mark the formality or informality of an interaction
Deaf Culture is considered
high context culture
the role of fingerspelling in the primary grades is
bound to the development level of the child,
to help connect the spoken English with the written English,
to convey to the child that a lexical item can be represented by at least two symbols,
to help facilitate English phonetic skills
At the 1880 Congress of Milan
Sign language was denounced and oral speech was viewed as superior,
pure oral method was preferred,
Declaration that simultaneous use of sign and speech injures speech acquisition
In high context culture, information
flows rapidly and is freely shared
Cultural misunderstandings in interpreted settings can be divided into two categories
stem from variations in form and comes from surprises in content
Paralinguistics is frequently characterized as the study of
the way something is said as opposed to what is said
Name signs fall into two categories
descriptive and arbitrary
Interpreting in a secondary education setting, the differences between Deaf or hard of hearing students
will require flexibility on the part of the interpreter and is equal to the differences found among the hearing students
In a school setting the acronym IEP stands for
Individualized Education Plan
According to a 2003 RID membership survey the average interpreter is
a female employed in some type of educational setting
A competent interpreter or transliterater should
be able to monitor their own behavior and revise as appropriate,
be committed to successful and effective communication, be able to select the best behavior for a given situation and perform it skillfully,
have a wide repertoire of culture an d communication behaviors with which to respond to various social interactions
the first evaluation to certify RID interpreters was given
Rid certification was introduced for CDIs
According to The Professional SLI handbook before offering their services int eh community “pro bono” an interpreter should
explore their heart, conscience, values and spirit then make a decision to accept or decline the assignment
When certified through RID a person must take Continuing Education units through
Certification Maintenance Program
The English word “reliable” can be divided into the following morphemes
re li able
identifiable variations within all languages which mark the formality or informality of an interaction
An example of reciprocity in the Deaf community might include
inviting your Deaf friends to help you move your new piano or assisting your Deaf friend with painting their living room
The signs in ASL which are called classifiers generally functions as
pronouns because they represent a particular group of nouns and adjectives because they describe their size, shape, depth, and texture of something
When interpreting in a graduate school setting, in addition to having an adequate level of interpreting skill, the interpreter should also have
knowledge and experience with the course content
According to So You Want To Be an interpreter, C-Sign is compared to
Spoken Tex-Mex
What is the difference in the minimal pair typically glossed in English as RED and SWEET
the rhythm of a language including stress inflection, intonation, pausing, and phrasing