Basic - Interval Ear Trainer Flashcards
The objective of "Interval Ear Trainer" is to help you master your ear training skills in identifying the sound of intervals. An interval is the distance in pitch between two notes. Listen and identify each interval sound as: Major, minor or Perfect. A tritone, 3 whole tones/whole steps is the interval between the Perfect 4 and the Perfect 5. Learn more with the Basic Workbook -
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fourth
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect fifth
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor sixth
Identify the interval being played.
Major second (whole tone - whole step)
Identify the interval being played.
tritone (3 whole tones - 3 whole steps)
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor third
Identify the interval being played.
Major third
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)
Identify the interval being played.
Major sixth
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
minor second (semitone - half step)
Identify the interval being played.
minor seventh
Identify the interval being played.
Perfect eighth (octave)