Basic Indoc Flashcards
What documents and equipment are required in a crewmember’s flight kit?
- Inflight pubs (Jeppesen)
- Airman Certificate
- Medical Certificate
- Writing pen
- Employee ID
- Logbook
- Passport
- Flashlight (2D cell or equivalent)
- Glasses (2nd pair, if wearing corrective lenses)
Where do you find the current revisions to the GOM and CFM?
Can dispatch occur with only one Jeppesen Airway Manual? If so, explain what is required.
Describe lost certificates.
What is your show time? What if another crewmember does not show at show time?
45 minutes prior to departure (at the gate); FO must call all crewmembers no later than 30 minutes prior to showtime
How does a pilot maintain currency for FAR 121 operations (ground training, proficiency check, line check, landings)?
Define “low time SIC”.
What limitations exist for a “low time SIC”?
- Special airports
- Visibility (prevailing) at or below 3/4 mile (visibility below 1SM, takeoff made by Captain)
- RVR at or below 4,000 feet (RVR < 5,000 feet, takeoffs made by Captain)
- Wind shear reported in vicinity of airport
- Crosswind greater than 15 knots
- Braking action less than good
- Runway condition
- PIC discretion
Define a “high minimums” Captain.
Less than 100 hours in type as PIC
What limitations exist for a crew with a “high minimums” Captain?
Describe the ways to be qualified for a particular Special Airport.
Define consolidation of knowledge and skills.
What are the crew pairing requirements (green-on-green)?
Either PIC or SIC must have 75 hours in type as PIC or SIC (otherwise cannot be paired together)
What are our minimum Initial Operating Experience (IOE) requirements?
100 hours (including IOE) within 120 days
Does FAR Part 91 flying apply to the flight duty period and rest requirements?
Are all Mesa Airlines’ flight operations “unaugmented”?
Can deadhead transportation be considered for a rest period?
When does a flight duty period (FDP) begin? End?
Do Mesa Airlines’ pilots ever move to a different theater?
You start your flight duty period at 0445. What is your maximum flight time?
You start your flight duty period at 0700. What is your maximum flight time?
You start your flight duty period at 2030. What is your maximum flight time?
What is the minimum rest period required (immediately prior to beginning any reserve period or flight duty period)?
10 hours
What is the minimum uninterrupted sleep opportunity required within the minimum rest period?
8 hours
What is the minimum rest period required in the 168 consecutive hour period immediately prior to beginning any reserve period or flight duty period?
30 hours
If your flight duty period (FDP) started at 0700 and you performed 5 takeoffs and landings, your flight duty period must end at what time?
If your flight duty period (FDP) started at 2300 and you performed 4 legs, your flight duty period must end at what time?
What does “(M)” mean in the Remarks or Exceptions column of the MEL?
What does “(O)” mean in the Remarks or Exceptions column of the MEL?
How many days can an aircraft be flown with a Category A MEL discrepancy? Category B? Category C? Category D? Category M?
Which categories can be extended? How long are the respective extensions?
How is a write-up properly cleared or deferred?
Explain what a pilot should do if an out of date (expired) MEL item is discovered.
What is the procedure for a test flight? Ferry flight?
Explain the procedures that must be followed when the aircraft is refueled with passengers on board.
What must be done if any fuel is spilled during refueling with passengers on board?
Describe some important safety considerations when supervising the refueling of your aircraft.
What minimum information is required on a release?
How long is a dispatch release valid?
How long is the recalibrated release good for?
Explain the procedure for making a correction or change to a dispatch release.
How much fuel must be carried for a FAR 121 flight?
When must a takeoff alternate be filed?
When a takeoff alternate is required, explain what conditions must be met in order for it to be a legal alternate.
When must a destination alternate be filed?
When the weather one hour before the ETA to one hour after is reported to be less than a 2000’ ceiling and three miles visibility
Explain the process for deriving alternate weather minimums.
Explain the purpose of Exemption 17347.
When must a second alternate be filed under Exemption 17347?
What is the lowest weather allowable in the remarks section of the forecast for the destination under 17347?
What must be added to a dispatch release for a flight operating under Exemption 17347?
How does Mesa Airlines define marginal conditions?
When is a second alternate required under the marginal conditions rule?
Does the marginal conditions rule apply to weather conditions at ETA or +/- 1 hour of ETA?
Does the marginal condition rule apply only to the remarks section of the weather forecast?
When applying the marginal condition rule to your alternate airport, do you add 500 and 1 to the derived alternate minimums or to the approach minimums?
What passengers are unacceptable for transport?
- Intoxicated
- Disabled, who cannot sit upright in seat
- Infants requiring incubators or life monitoring systems
- Pregnant, expecting delivery within 7 days, unless doctors note is provided within 72 hours of departure
- Barefooted (except infants)
- Oxygen dependent passengers, or on life support
- Big passengers (who cannot use a seat belt extender or fit in a seat)
- Firearm carrying passengers, unless they’re government or official employees licensed to carry
- Infants less than one day old
- Unaccompanied minor for online travel under 5 years old (interline at least 8 years old)
What is the minimum age that infants can be legally transported?
older than 1 day
What is the minimum age that unaccompanied minor can be transported for on-line travel? Inter-line travel?
5 years old; 8 years old
What restrictions exist when carrying pregnant passengers?
Must have doctors note provided within 72 hours of departure if expecting delivery within 7 days
What is the limit on the number of passenger pets allowed on board?
Depends on code share partner requirements
How intoxicated can a passenger be if Mesa Airlines is to deny boarding?
Who is authorized to carry firearms on Mesa aircraft?
How many low risk prisoners can Mesa carry?
How many high risk prisoners can Mesa carry?
How many guards are required when carrying low risk passengers? High risk passengers?
1; 2
What is required to occupy an emergency exit seat?
Explain what is meant by the “Clean Aircraft Concept”.
Describe Type I fluid.
Describe Type II, III, and IV fluid.
Explain what must be done if the holdover time expires.
What must be done if Type IV fluid is applied unevenly to the aircraft?
Explain what factors determine the effectiveness of deciding fluid.
When does a holdover time begin?
Explain a pre-takeoff contamination check. When must it be done? Can it be done form inside the cockpit?
Describe some of the effects of snow, ice or frost while on the ground.
What type of braking action report will cause Mesa to suspend operations?
According to the GOM, how far is it recommended to avoid thunderstorms by? Under what conditions can this be waived?
If you can see through the rainfall on the other side of a thunderstorm cell, is it okay to fly underneath?
Can weather radar be used to penetrate hazardous weather?
If radar fails while approaching an area of thunderstorms, what must be done? What if you are already in the middle of the thunderstorms?
Describe the procedure to be followed when flight into severe turbulence occurs.
Describe the procedures to be followed when flight into severe icing conditions occurs.
Describe the inflight conditions that are conducive to severe icing.
What is the definition of wind shear?
Describe the condition that are conducive to possible wind shear.
Explain the sterile cockpit rule.
Describe the conditions that are conducive to possible wind shear.
What do you need for a takeoff with less than 1 mile visibility down to 1/4 mile or 1600 RVR?
What do you need for a takeoff with less than 1600 RVR down to 1200 touchdown / 1000 rollout RVR?
What do you need for a takeoff with less than 1200/1000 RVR down to 500/500/500 RVR?
You were released for a flight with an alternate airport listed. While encounters, the alternate airport weather drops below the derived alternate minimums. Can you continue? What must be done?
Assume that a re-route by ATC will delay your flight. How long can the delay be before the Captain must take action? Explain what this action will be.
What should be done in the event of engine failure encounter?
Describe the conditions that must exist in order to accept a visual approach.
At non-towered airports, when must you monitor CTAF and perform self-announce procedures?
What is required to proceed beyond the final approach fix?
What should you do if the weather falls below minimums before you reach the final approach fix? What if you are inside the FAF?
What is required to descent below DA or MDA?
Describe an arrival with a “descend via” clearance.
Describe a departure with a “climb via” clearance.