Basic Device Configuration Flashcards
How do you change host name?
configure t,
hostname name
how do you add a password to user EXEC mode?
configure t,
line console 0,
password cisco,
How do you add a password to privileged EXEC mode?
configure t,
enable secret class,
How do you add a password to VTY lines?
configure t,
line vty 0 15
password cisco,
What does Virtual Terminal(VTY) lines do?
How many can a switch support up to?
enable remote access using Telnet or SSH to the device. Many Cisco switches support up to 16 VTY lines that are numbered 0 to 15.
How To encrypt all plaintext passwords, use theservice password-encryptionglobal config command?
configure t,
service password-encryption
How can you verify that passwords are now encrypted?
show running-config
What are the two system files that store the device configuration?
Startup-config, and Running-config
Which of the two system files save the configuration file in NVRAM?
startup-config or running-config?
Which of the two system files the save configuration in Random Access Memory(RAM)?
Startup-config or Running-config?
Which EXEC mode can you use the command :
show running-config?
Privileged EXEC Mode
How can you view the running or startup configuration?
show running-config, or show startup-config
How do you save changes made to the running configuration to the startup configuration file?
copy running-config startup-config , or
copy runn start
Which running-config privileged EXEC command, can let you go back to the last saved configuration if not saved yet?
reload command and after the reload is done, enter n or no to not save the changes. but it can take a while to reload the device
Another way to go to the last saved startup-config is to clear all configurations. How do you do that?
erase startup-config in privileged EXEC mode command. After reloading the device remove the current running-config file from the RAM. On reload, a switch will load the default startup-config that initially shipped with the device