Basic concepts in gynecology Flashcards
The two types of reproductive cycles are
the estrous cycle and the menstrual cycle.
An estrous cycle consists of the physiologic events that occur between successive
periods of sexual receptivity (estrus or heat) and/or ovulation.
The length of cycle varies from about 4 days in rodents to as long as 14 – 16 weeks in elephants.
Each menstrual cycle consists of 3 distinct phases that reflect the condition of the uterine endometrium. Describe the phases.
The cycle starts with menses (about 4 – 6 days) where the endometrium is sloughed to the exterior.
Second phase (about 9 days) is proliferative phase in which follicles develop and secrete estradiol, the endometrium begins to grow and increase in thickness.
The final phase, the secretory phase (14 days) is dominated by the CL that secretes progesterone and estradiol. The endometrium grows in thickness as a function of progesterone.
At the end of this 28 day period the endometrium begins to slough.
estrus vs estrous
ESTRUS is a noun = The cow is displaying estrus.
ESTROUS is an adjective = The length of the estrous cycle in the cow is 21 days.
Why do some animals bleed during estrus?
It’s NOT related to endometrial sloughing.
Its related to the effect estrogen has on histamine release which in turn affects endometrial/vaginal capillary permeability.
More common in heifers than in more mature cows. The higher the production, the lower the chance of seeing blood during estrus.
Estrous cycles are categorized according to
the frequency of occurrence throughout the year.
The three types of estrous cyclicity are:
Polyestrus (cattle, queen, pig, rodents etc.)
Seasonally polyestrus (short-day breeders and long day breeders aka ewe vs mare)
Monoestrus (large carnivores including dogs)
define superfetation
when a second, new pregnancy occurs during an initial pregnancy. It’s rare in humans and observed in animals much more frequently.
define superfecundation
fertilization of a second ovum during the same estrus cycle as a result of a second mating, leading to fetuses of the same age but different parentage.
e.g. more commonly in cats
The estrus cycle consists of two major phases:
follicular phase and the luteal phase
But Can be also divided into four stages:
- Proestrus = the phase of follicular development preceeding oestrous
- Estrus = visible behavioural changes
- Metestrus = first stage of CL development
- Diestrus = the phase of luteal activity
Follicular phase = pro- + estrus
Luteal phase = met- + diestrus
Estrus cycle divided into 4 phases:
Proestrus = the phase of follicular development preceding estrous
Estrus = visible behavioral changes
Metestrus = first stage of CL development
Diestrus = the phase of luteal activity
Not particularly useful for the large domestic animals or the primates.
More used concepts: FOLLICULAR PHASE and LUTEAL PHASE.
Follicular phase = pro- + estrus
Luteal phase = met- + diestrus
Describe the Follicular phase:
the period from regression of corpora lutea to ovulation (20% of the estrous cycle)
During the follicular phase:
- Large antral follicles = the primary ovarian structures
- Estradiol (secretion product of the follicles) = the primary hormone
Follicular phase = pro- + estrus
Luteal phase = met- + diestrus
Describe the Luteal phase:
the period from ovulation until corpora lutea (CL) regression (about 80% of the estrous cycle)
During the luteal phase:
- Corpora lutea (CL) = the primary ovarian structure (s)
- Progesterone (secreted by CL) = the primary hormone
Follicular phase = pro- + estrus
Luteal phase = met- + diestrus
estrous cycle lengths of different species & estrus length.
ewe 17 days, 30 hour heat
mare 21 days, 7 day heat
queen 17 days, 9 day heat
sow 21 days, 50 hour heat
Define Postestrus:
Term is used only in queens. Term used to describe an interestrus period that follows estrus that has not been induced to ovulate by copulation.
In queens that have not copulated, no ovulation occurs and no CL forms. Therefore, neither metestrus (CL formation) nor diestrus occurs.
Define Anestrus:
„without estrus (Heat)“
Ovaries are relatively inactive and neither ovulatory follicles nor corpora lutea are present.
Anestrus is the result of insufficient GnRH release from the hypothalamus to stimulate and maintain gonadotropin secretion by the pituitary.
True anestrus and apparent anestrus: it is very important to distinguish between those terms. Explain.
True anestrus – caused by insufficient hormonal stimuli.
Gestational anestrus is a normal condition brought about by inhibition GnRH by progesterone.
Seasonal anestrus is a normal condition.
Apparent anestrus – caused by failure to detect estrus or failure to recognize that female is pregnant.
Describe the Ovarian cycle. (5)
- Maturation of the oocyte 16 – 20 (21) days
- Ovulation stage 1 – 2 days
- Post-ovulation stage 2 – 5 days
- Stage of CL 5 – 16.5 (17) days
- Regression stage of CL 16.5 – 21 days
Describe the Tubular cycle.
Changes in oviduct epithelium.
- number of cytoplasma extrusion
- thickness of epithelium
- length of epithelium cilia
Describe the Uterine cycle
Changes in endometrium during the estrous cycle.
All layers experience change.
- Endometrial epithelium max thickness at the beginning of proestrus, during the estrus and in the middle of the cycle.
- Uterine gland secretion start from day 3 of cycle. Uterine gland secretion is at maximum level during diestrus. At the same time uterine resistance to infections will decrease.
- Edema of the uterine stroma is strong during proestrus and estrus. High level of estrogens will lead to release of histamines from the cells. Histamine will increase the permeability of blood capillaries and we will see post-estrus bleeding.
Describe the Cervical cycle
changes in the cervix
Most prominent changes will present in cervical epithelium (increase of secretory activity) during estrus.
Relaxation of muscular tissue of the cervix and partial opening of the cervical canal.
Due to rise in estrogen
Changes will disappear at the beginning of diestrus
Describe the vaginal cycle.
Changes in vagina during the estrous cycle.
Most prominent changes in the epithelium of the vagina are described in mouse and rat.
Very prominent changes also in the bitch
In cow, edema of the mucus layer and the mucus secretion is visible at the beginning of estrus in the uterine cervix area and when estrus is developing the mucus secretion is moves towards the the vulva.
At the end of estrus edema of the mucus layer will disappear and a new increase is visible when new proestrus is approaching
Principle behind using prostaglandins to synchronize or induce cow estrus.
PGF2α plays a crucial role in the natural regression of the corpus luteum
Progesterone prevents release of GnRH, LH, and FSH.
When PGF2α is administered exogenously (injected), it mimics the cow’s natural luteolytic mechanism.
regression of the CL results in the rise of GnRH and subsequently LH and FSH, stimulating the development of a new follicle on the ovary.
Within a few days after the PGF2α injection, estrus (heat) is induced, and ovulation follows.
Before attaching to the endometrium, what processes does an embryo need to go through first? (4)
the pre-attachment embryo (morula) needs to develop into a blastocyst, hatch from the zona pellucida and develop a functional trophoblast.
The early embryo must secrete materials that prevent luteolysis or enhance luteal function to maintain pregnancy.
Syngamy =
fusion of the male and female pronuclei, after which the zygote becomes an embryo