Basic Concepts in Chemical Engineering Flashcards
Thermodynamic Equilibrium
state of a non-reactive system
-mechanical equilibrium (no net driving force for momentum)
-thermal equilibrium (no net driving force for heat)
-diffusional equilibrium (no net driving force for molecular diffusion/mass)
Chemical Equilibrium
-concentrations of reactants and products stop changing wrt time (in addition to temperature and pressure being the same throughout).
-forward/reverse reactions proceed at the same rate (not zero)
When is Gibbs free energy at a minimum?
under chemical equilibrium at a specified temperature and pressure with no external forces, Gibbs free energy is at a minimum
Formula for Gibbs Energy
dG = sum (j=1 to m) Uj dNj = 0 (at minimum)
-Uj s the chemical potential of molecular species j
-Nj is the amount of molecular species j
The minimization of Gibbs Free Energy is a standard optimization problem known as ______
Constrained minimization
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.
-if A=B, C=B, then A=C
First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can change forms. “Conservation of Energy”
“Interconvertibility of Energy”
Second Law of Thermodynamics
The entropy of an isolated system, not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum at equilibrium.
“Order vs Disorder”
“Hierarchy of Energy forms”
(heat flows from hot to cold)
Third Law of Thermodynamics
As temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a constant minimum.
Bernoulli’s Principle
Increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in static pressure and/or decrease in the fluid’s potential energy. It applies to isentropic flows (no friction, no work, no heat terms)
Darcy-Weisbach Equation
Δp/L = Fd (p/2)(u^2/D)
For laminar flow Fd = 16/Re
For turbulent flow Fd from Darcy’s friction factor chart (fanning friction factor)
-Friction/Viscous Head loss
Navier Stokes Momentum Equation
p(Du/Dt) = -∇p +u∇^2u+(1/3)u∇(∇.u) +pg
Three modes of heat transfer
conduction, convection, radiation
One-Dimensional Energy Balance (with Conduction)
∂/∂x (k ∂T/∂x) + q = 1/α (∂T/∂t)
Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction
qx = -kA (dT/dx)
Newton’s Law of Heat Convection
q = hA|ΔT|
Radiation (net) Heat Transfer
q12 = δ A1F12 (T1^4-T2^4)
Fick’s First Law
It is analogous to Darcy’s Law (Fluid Flow), Ohm’s law (electrical charge transport), and Fourier’s law (heat transport). Molar flux: j = -D (dc/dx)
Molar Flux Formula
j = -D (dc/dx)
Analogous transport properties for the three transfer properties (variables)
v (momentum diffusivity)
α (thermal diffusivity)
D (molecular diffusivity)
Fick’s Second Law
Concentration variation with respect to time
∂C/∂t = D ∂^2C/∂x^2
Convection Mass Transfer (flux)
Na = k|ΔCa|