Basic Components of living system Flashcards
What is a dry mount?
Solid secimins are views as a whole or cut in slices
What is a wet mount?
Specimens are suspended in a liquid
What is squash slides?
The sample is squished between two slides
What is smear slides?
edge of a slide used to smear the sample creating a thin even coating
How do you calculate magnification?
size of image / actual size of object
What is magnification?
how many times larger the image is than the actual size of the object
What is resolution?
The ability to see individual objects as separate entities
What are the two types of cells?
Eukaryota and Prokarytic
What are prokaryotic?
It is a singled cells organism
What is a Eukaryota?
It is a multi cellular organism
What does the nucleus contain and its function?
Contain code of genetic information
Controls metabolic activities
It controls the activities within cell
What is a nucleolus?
This is responsible for production, composed of proteins and RNA
What is the function of mitochondria?
It is the site of aerobic respiration
It is the organelle where most ATP is made
What is the function of a cell surface membrane (plasma membrane) and where is it found?
This controls which substances enter and leave the cell.
It also acts as a hormone receptor
It is found on the surface of animal cells and under the cell wall on plant cells.
What is the function of vesicles and where are they found?
A small fluid filled sac used to store and transport substances
They can be found anywhere in the cell
What is the functions of lysosomes?
They contain digestive enzymes, used to break down waste.
What is the function of a cytoskeleton?
In all eukaryotic cells, network of fibres, important for shape and stability of the cell
What is the function of microfilaments?
Cells movement in cytokinesis
What is the function of microtubles?
Determines shape of cell
What is the function of a flagella?
It is use to enable cell mobility and detecting chemical changes
What is the function of cilia?
Small hair like structures found on the surface membrane. The microtubules allow the cilia to move.
What is the function of the smooth endoplasic reticulum?
Sythesisies and processes lipids
What is the function of the rough endoplasic reticulum?
Has ribosomes bound to the surface, it is used for systheis and transport of protiens
What is the function of the golgi apparatus?
This modifies and packages proteins and lipids into vesicles. Also produces lysosomes.
What is the function of cellulose in the cell wall?
It keeps the plants rigid structure which supports plant cells
What is the function of a vacuole within a plant?
It contains sap, it maintains turgor so contents push against the cell wall maintained a rigid framework surrounded by a tonoplast
What is the function of chloroplasts?
Site of photosynthesis
What are the characteristics of a light microscope
Maximum resolution of 0.2nm
Magnification of x1500
Can use dead or living samples
What are some advantages and disadvantages of light microscopes?
+ Cheap and easy to use
+ Dont distort image
- Not very powerful
- Cant see 3D or inside cells
What are the characteristics of a Laser scanning co focal microscope?
Special type of light microscope
Multiple images are produced combined to create a 3D image
What are the characteristics of a transition electron microscope?
Uses electromagnets to focus beam of electrons used to produce 2D images.
Resolution of 0.002um
Magnification of x1,000,000
What are some advantages and disadvantages of transition electron microscopes?
+ very high resolution
+ show internal structures of an organelle
- specimens need to be thinly sliced distorting them
- expensive and need to be installed
What are the characteristics of a scanning electron microscope?
Produces 3D images but scanning an electron beam across the specimen
Resolutions of 0.002um
Magnification of 500,000