Basic Aerodynamics Flashcards
Understand Bernoulli’s Law
Total pressure equals static (P) plus dynamic pressure (q) Assuming constant density, an increase in velocity will increase dynamic pressure, causing a drop in static pressure
Discuss and understand basic aerodynamic forces
Label a picture of the following: Lift, Drag, CP, AC, Resultant AF, Weight, Thrust
Discuss Equal Time Theory
The difference in pressure across the airfoil produces lift Air molecules flowing over the top of a wing have father to travel than along the bottom
Lift is the force component _________ to the oncoming flow
Drag is the force component __________ to the oncoming flow
How does an airfoil effecting flow
Air is turned both above and below the wing so upper and lower surface contribute to the flow turning and producing lift. For typical airfoils at subsonic speeds, the top surface contributes more flow turning than the bottom surface, causing pressure differential along the top to be significantly larger
CL is constant for each ______, but varies with ______
CL is constant for each wing shape, but varies with AoA (Angle of Attack)
Label a picture with Airfoil Forces; include Center of Pressure, Aerodynamic Center, Center of Gravity, Angle of Attack, Relative Wind, Chord, Lift, Drag, Weight, Resultant AF.
Define Airfoil Forces:
Chord Line
Chord Line: Straight line from leading edge to trailing edge
AoA: Angle between relative wind and the chord
cg: Point on the chord line where all effective weight is realized
cp: Point on the chord where resultant AF act (moves with AoA)
AF acts through the cp and is the vector sum of lift and drag
AC: Point around which the pitching moment occurs (also the central point of the lateral axis)
ROT: The AC is an average of the cp and cg
Discuss the difference between Aerodynamic Center vs Center of Gravity
AC moves dynamically- function of speed and AoA
cg moves statically- function of aircraft loading (fuel, stores, etc)
Define Static Margin
Static margin is the difference between the location of the cg and the AC
Positive: cg forward of AC
Neutral: cg at AC
Negative: cg aft of AC
Explain how Aircrew can modify CL
Flaps modify camber and wing area, so increases in AoA modify flow separation and lift production of a given wing or shape
For a given AoA, trailing edge flaps increase CL, but decrease stall AoA
Define Fowler Flaps
Fowler Flaps move aft and down producing significant modifications in Camber and Surface Area
Define Stall
Stall is defined as an increase in AoA with no increase in CL, or where you exceed the critical AoA
Define Induced Drag
Drag due to the production of lift
Define Thrust Available
Generates velocity to produce lift, required to overcome drag
Thrust available is relatively constant, increases slightly with velocity
Label Drag Curves and where “behind the power curve” is located
Label AoA, Flight Path Angle, and Pitch Angle on a chart
What is AoA
The angle between the oncoming air or relative wind and a reference line on the airplane or wing
What is pitch
Pitch angle, or attitude, is the angle between the longitudinal axis and the horizon
What is flight path angle
Angle between horizon and climb/descent angle
Define P-Factor
The horizontal blade moving down will have greater AoA producing more thrust than the horizonal blade moving up.