basic 2 Flashcards
when calculating minute ventilation in vent that has non compensating pnuematic bellows what do u have to take into consideration
add the FGF so its TV x RR + FGR
name 3 conditions associated with atlantoaxial instaiblity
- dwarfs
- rhematiod arthritis
- downs syndrome
what immunosuppresent can prolong Neuromuscular blocking agents
mechanism of IV regional anesthesia
local anesthetic block of nerve endings via vascular beds
most common blood product that will lead to tranfusion assocaited sepsis
platelets bc stored at room temp
what opioid needs to be metabolized to have any effect
codeine to morphine via CYP2D6
spinal cord inhibiton is mediated by what transmitters/moleculres
list volatiles from most to least soluble
halothane > iso > sevo> N > des
nalbuphine MOA
mu antagonist
kappa agonist
haldane effect
hgb binding to O2 decreases hgb affinity for CO2
why are desflurane vapors heating
to prevent drastic changes in vapor pressure, since it vaoprizes at room temp
how is the binding ratio anti Xa: IIa ratio different betwen heparin and low molecular weight heparin
LMWH has smaller fragments and doesnt inhbiti thrombin IIa, as much as standard heparin so the anti Xa:IIa ratio is increased in LMWH
parameters in which PPV is most accurately predicted
-no peep
- tidal voluems > than 7-8cc/kg
-norma sinus rhythm
-positive pressure ventilation
why is edrophonium paired w atropine for reversal
bc similar onset and duration of action
think if u wanna reverse ur mistakes get AT (atropine) your PHONE (edrophonium)
mechanism of phenytoin
blockade of voltage gated sodium channels
whihv id why it can be anti epilectic and anti arythemic
when is pulmonary vasculate resistance the lowest
at FRC
volume less than FRC has decreased vessel radius, and kinked vessels
volume greater than FRC expands the alveoli and compresses the vessels
why is hypothermia in neonates lethal
hypothermia leads to nonshivering thermogenesis aka brown fat metabolism in neonates, this causes metabolic acidosis which is deleterious for neonates
whats the greatest risk factor for bradycardia when using succ
repeat doses of succ wtihin 5 minutes of each other can restumulate muscarinic receptor in cardiac
which opioid does not cause biliary spasm
butorphanol which is a synthetic my agonist-antagoinst and partial kappa agonsit
pathologies in what part of the heart may result in large R waves in v1 on EKG
right heart/artia/ ventricle strain etc. muscular dystrophy
name what artieries the anterior cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein and great cardiac vein are associated with
great –> left anterior descending
middle –> PDA(think ur in the middle of everyone when doing PDA)
anterior–> RCA think the ANTERIOR car is a RACE car (RCA)
what is poiselles law for flow
change in pressre *^4 * constant / length * viscosity * 8)
what happens to HR with 1.0 MAC of iso
HR icreases like ~15 BMP
symptoms of propopfol infusion syndrom
lactic acidosis
high triglycerides
high K
renal failure/rhabo
cardiac failure
what determines the function of nitric oxide
the location that its produced
what paralytic has the least increase in dose for burn patients
mivacurium bc esterase metabolism
atrcurium is only partially metabolized by esterases
what number do u multiple by to convert to dynes
multiply by 80
transfusion realted immunomodulation causes benefit in what scenario (TRIM) R for renal survival
renal allograft survival rate
recovery of muscles after paralytics from first to last
laryngeal msucles
corrugator supercili
abdominal msucles
obicularies occuli
adductor policus
odds ratio
how does liver disease affect nicardipine
liver onsuffiiency prolongs halflife of nicardiipine since its metabolized by ;iver and exccreted through GI
what clotting factors are decreased in prenancy
factors 11 and 13
what is the shape of a bobbin rotameter
wider at the top than the bottom so as flow increases cross secitonal area increases
what physiologic changes happen w bicarb
increased preload bc increased intravascular volume
decreased LV contractility
increased hgb afinity for O2 (left shift)
increased LA produciton
intracranial hemorrhage
what part of the leg is least likely to get parasthesias in lithotomy position
posterior thigh (think its hiding behind)
when used alone whats the most effective lead for detecting myocardial ischemia
think 5 fingers on one hand ~~ 5 is an essential number and all u need ~~
how is anaphylaxsis vs anaphyloid reaction different
they are clinically the same
anyphylaxsis invles igE whereas anaphyloid is not igE but still has histamine release
the most effieicny mapleson circuits for spont and controlled ventilation
spont vent: all Dogs Can Bite
cntrolled vent: Dead Bodies Cant Argue
what are the least stable facotrs in fpp
factor 5 and 8
what gases have highest risk fo floride nephrotoxicity
sevo and enflursnce