Basic 1 Flashcards
Measuring of atmospheric humidity
Hair hygometer, psychrometer, dew point mirror
Why has icao defined a standard atmosphere?
- for the calibration of instruments
- vertical separation of aircraft
- comparing the power parameters of different aircraft and engines
What is relative humidity?
Relative humidity is amount of water vapor in the actual air expressed in percentage
At which temperature is a spontaneous freezing present?
Below -40 degrees celsius
What is a jet stream?
A jet stream is a high wind in the upper troposphere,
Vertical extension is several kilometers, the horizontal extension is several hundread kilometers, westerly winds on averige, strongest in winter, strongest on the southern hemisphere, minimum speed for a jet stream is 60 knots
Friction wind table
Surface type: ocean, plains, hills
Friction height: 1000ft, 2000ft, 3000ft
Wind strenght multiplier: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
Friction angle: 15, 30, 45* always to the right
Measuring of atmospheric temperature
Mercury, bimetalic or resistance thermometer
What does CAVOK mean?
Clouds and visibility ok
Flight hazards at mountain, downslope wind and valley, upslope wind?
Turbulence, wind shear, strong crosswind component at aerodromes, during night fog and stratus may appear at the bottom of thw valley where the coldest air settles.
List the types of inversion?
- surface inversion
- warm front inversion
- subsidence inversion
Name the two processes with wich percipitation formes
Coalesence and coagulation
Snow grains
ISA conditions
Temperature = 15 C
Pressure = 1013.25 hPa
Barometric lapse rate 30ft/1hPa
Density = 1.225 kg/m3
What is the density altitude?
The density altitude is the altitude in the ISA, in which you find the actual density
List wind types
Land/sea breeze
Mountain, downslope wind and valley, upslope wind
What is pressure altimetry?
Pressure altimetry is a method of determining vertical distances by measuring the pressure.
What is an isothermal layer?
An isothermal layer is a layer in fhe atmosphere where the temperature is constant with height
What is a spread?
Spread is the difference between the dew point and OAT
What is calculated from the actual density altitude?
Maximum take off weights
Markings for Cyclone and Anticyclone?
Cyclone - L
Anticyclone - H
Gas composition of the ISA
78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 0.9 % argon 0.03% carbondioxid No water!
All water phases
Condensation, freezing, sublimation
Desublimation, melting, evaporation
Ice crystals