Bartlett's Reconstructive Memory (1932) Flashcards
A packet of knowledge about an event, person or place that influences how we perceive and remember.
Active Reconstruction
Memory is not an exact copy of what we experienced, it is an interpretation of events that are influenced by our schema when we remember them again.
What are the four elements of recall according to Bartlett?
When we leave out unfamiliar, or unpleasant details when remembering something.
When details are changed to make more familiar and rational.
When unfamiliar details are changed to align with our own schema.
When we add details into our recall to give a reason for something that might not have fitted in with our schema.
What is a Cognitive Interview?
A police interview designed to ensure a witness to a crime does not actively reconstruct a memory.
What is a strength of Reconstructive Memory Theory?
Bartlett conducted his research using folk stories and images. His methods can be viewed as a test of memory in the real world because remembering stories is a realistic use of memory.
What is a further strength of reconstructive memory?
It has real world application and helps us to understand how memory can be distorted. E.g. an eyewitness to a crime can misremember certain events which may lead to the wrong person being prosecuted.
What is a weakness of reconstructive memory?
Bartlett’s findings are subjective because he analysed each story and picture himself and a gave his own interpretation of what the participants recalled. This makes the findings of his study unscientific which then undermines the theory of reconstructive memory.