Baptism Flashcards
What is it?
A Rite of Passage - special ceremony that marks important events in life, they have rituals which are associated with the passing of time on the earth
4 main Christian rights of passage - Baptism, Confirmation (your own decision to be a Christian), Marriage and Death
Baptism, confirmation and marriage are all sacraments (event where Christians believe they receive special blessings from God)
Why is it important?
Beginning life as a Christian
Following Jesus’ example, doing what he asked
People enter the Christian faith and become members of the Church
Infant Baptism
Some groups of Christians baptise people whilst babies
Takes place in a church
Private or ordinary service
Water is poured on the baby for spiritual cleansing
Parents are given a candle at the end (to signify the baby belongs to Jesus - the light of the World)
Believers Baptism
Some groups of Catholics don’t believe in Infant baptism
Delayed until the child requests it
Seen as an act of personal faith to Jesus
It should be a personal choice, and when you understand it fully
Believer takes vows, symbolically immersed in water to wash away sin