Bankruptcy Flashcards
When is credit counseling required?
An individual must have a briefing within 180 days of filing for bankruptcy with an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency. This can be over the phone or internet.
What is a debt relief agency?
any person who provides bankruptcy assistance in return for payment. They must comply with certain restrictions and disclosures, and since 2005 this includes attorneys.
What are an attoney’s obligations regarding a Chapter 7 filing?
The attorney certifies that he has performed a reasonable investigation into the bankruptcy and the petition is well grounded in fact and law and is not an abuse.
Under Bankruptcy law, what is a reorganization?
When the company keeps his assets/business, and renegotiates/organaizes his debt
What is a liquidation?
When a bankrupt entity does not keep his assets
Describe a Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Available to an individual to pay off creditors over time, usually in 3–5 years. It allows the debtor to retain assets that otherwise might be sold in a Chapter 7. The debts may be extended and reduced. The proposed plan is reviewed under the best interest of the creditors test, meaning that each creditor must receive in present value terms at least as much as he would under Chapter 7.
What are the limitations of Chapter 13?
IT is only available to individualsThe debtor must have unsecured debt less than 383k and secured debt less than 1.149 MM. Exceeding these limits makes the debtor have to seek Chapter 11.
Describe Chapter 11
It is used by businesses to extend, reduce, or modify the debtor’s obligations, and is allowed for businesses or individuals. It also has the Best interest of the creditors test, meaning each creditor must receive at least as much as he would under Chapter 7. It has an approval process by the creditors involving negotiations between the creditors and debtors. Then a judge confirms the plain. Generally the debtor continues to operate the business during Chapter 11 as a “debtor in possession” without having a trustee appointed, unlike Chapters 7 and 13, where a trustee is appointed.
Describe Chapter 7
The debtor’s non-exempt assets are liquidated and the debtor’s debts are discharged.
How can a Chapter 7 petition be dismissed?
For abuse, when the debtor filed in bad faith under the totality of the circumstances, ORMeans test: compares the debtor’s income in the 6 months before the bankruptcy, and if it is more than the state median then if the debtor can pay between 7,475$ and 12,475$ over five years to their creditors, then the debtors should file Chapter 13.
Which Chapters are vailable for individuals, and which for entities?
Chapter 7 for individuals and entities, Chapter 13 for individuals onlyChapter 11 for individuals and entities
Which Chapter(s) allow involuntary bankruptcy?
Chapters 7 and 11
What is involuntary bankruptcy?
When hte creditors file a petition to obtain rights only available in bankruptcy (thereby “ending the race”)
Who can file an involuntary bankruptcy?
If there are 12 or more unsecured or undersecured creditors, then at least 3 with an aggregate debt of 15,325$ must file. IF there are less than 12 creditors, then only 1 creditor with that much needs to file. Employees, insiders, and creditors who have received voidable transfers aren’t counted in the 12. The debtor must be eligible for Chapter 7 or 11 and not a farmer or nonprofit.
What are adequate grounds for filing an involuntary bankruptcy?
The debtor is generally not paying debts as they come due, not including debts in bona fide disputes, ORIf a custodian is appointed to take possession or control over substantially all the debtor’s property
What is an undersecured creditor?
When the debt is greater than the value of the collateral. The debtor only has a bankruptcy claim up to the value of the collateral.
What is required in a bankruptcy petition?
A list of creditorsA list of assets and liabilitiesA schedule of income and expenditures. And 6 other things. If the Debtor doesn’t give this within 45 days, hte case may be dismissed.
What is the automatic stay?
IMMEDIATELY upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition, the automatic stay prevents ALL collection activities. Willfull violations of the stay may result in damages, attorney’s fees, and even punitive damages. An unknowing violation will probably just be told to cease. It lasts for the duration of the bankrutcy
What are common exceptions to the automatic stay?
Prosecution of criminal actionestablishing or modifying domestic support obligationsenforcing government, police, or regulatory powersCivil actions for paternity, child custody/visitation, divorce, or domestic violenceTax assessments or auditsMaintaining security interests in property2 others
How can a creditor get the stay removed?
1). Adequate protection, meaning the secured creditor is entitled to protection against a decline in the value of the collateral. Adequate protection can be from a lien, cash, or insurance.2). Lack of equity when the debtor had not equity in the property (value of the collateral exceeds the amount of the debt.)3). A scheme to defraud creditors when there are multiple bankruptcy filings affecting the property or a transfer of all or part of the property without the court’s/creditor’s consent
When is the stay automatically terminated?
If the debtor files a bankruptcy within one year after having another bankruptcy dismissed unless a court says this filing was in good faith (2005 change)
What property is included in the bankruptcy estate?
all property acquired before the bankruptcy including exempt property. In Chapter 7, all post-petition property remains the debtor’s except inherited property, life insurance, and property received in divorce.
What choices of exemptions do debtors have?
The Bankruptcy code allows debtors to choose state or federal exemptions, but a state may only allow its citizens to choose state. Texas doesn’t do this, so we get to choose.
Describe some Texas exemptions?
Up to 60,000$ of personal property if the debtor has a family, or 30,000$ if single. Secured creditors can still obtain property with a security interest on it. We also keep wages earned after bankruptcy, proscribed health aids, alimony, payments from insurance contracts. And the Homestead (but still subject to the security interest. SINCE 2005, the debtor must be a resident of a state for 2 years to claim its exemptions, otherwise, it gets the residence from 2–2.5 years.
What can limit the Texas Homestead?
1). If the debtor is convicted of a felony showing that the filing of the bankruptcy was an abuse or the debt is from violating a law, fraud as a fiduciary, RICO, or any criminal act, willful tort, or reckless conduct resulting in physical injury limits the homestead to 155,675$.2). If the debtor hasn’t had the homestead more than 3.3 years, then it’s limited to 155,675$, but the previous homestead amount can still be rolled into the new homestead.3). If the debtor converts non-exempt assets into the homestead to defraud or hinder a creditor in the previous 10 years, that amount is not Homesteaded
How is priority between a secured creditor and a lien creditor determined?
It’s determined on whether the secured creditor creates and perfects before the lien is created (or levied?)
What are a bankruptcy trustee’s powers?
1). hypothetical lien creditor2). hypothetical bona fide purchaser of real estate3). Claiming rights over other creditors4). Power over fraudulent transfers.
Describe the trustee as hypothetical lien creditor
The truste is treated as having a hypothetical judicial lien on the date of the bankruptcy filing. He can AVOID any property interest he has priority over, not just gets priority over them. So an unperfected secured creditor become unsecured at the time of bankruptcy.
Bona fide purchaser of real estate?
The trustee is treated like a bona fide purchaser. Like if a mortgage is unrecorded at the time of bankruptcy, then the trustee’s rights will trump it.
Trustee claiming rights of other creditors?
The trustee can avoid any transfer that would also be voidable under nonbankruptcy law by an actual secured creditor
If a transfer is made with fraudulent intent under state law, then a trustee can avoid it. The trustee can use state fraudulent transfer law or bankruptcy code transfer law, but state s usually have longer SOL’s.
What is a fraudulent transfer?
One made with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud an entity that the debtor was indebted to OR Now made for less than equivalent value ana). the debtor was or became insolvent as a resultb). the debtor was engaged or about to engage in business with a small amount of capitalc). the debtor intended to take on more debts than he could pay, or d). the debtor made the transfer for the benefit of an insider.
Statutory liens in bankruptcy?
they are usually valid against the trustee. (like mechanics, landlords, and garagemen)
This is only available in bankruptcy. It is available when1). there is a transfer to or for the benefit of a creditor (like cash or a security interest)2). The debtor is insolvent (with a presumption that he is insolvent for the 90 days prior to the bankruptcy)3). There is an antecedent debt in existence befoer the transfer (unless the perfection of the security interest occurs within 30 days of the initial grant, then it is not an antecedent debt)4). Within 90 days of filing a bankruptcy petition, or 1 year if the transfer is to an insider5). The creditor receives more than he would be in bankruptcy. Tip: fully secured creditors will never have a preference, while undersecured creditors can.
What exceptions are there to the voidable preference rules?
1). The transfer is intended as a contemporaneous exchange for new value2). PMSI in new value perfected within 30 days3). Statutory liens4). Domestic support obligations5). transfers by consumer debtors less than 600$, 6,225 for non-consumer debts6). transfers made as part of an alternative repayment schedule
Trustee’s power in executory contracts?
The trustee has the power to assume, reject, or assign executory contracts upon approval of the bankruptcy courts despite contractual clauses prohibiting them. It may reject the contract when it is a hindrance to an effective reorganization plan It can assign when there is adequate asssurance that the assignee can give adequate assurance of future performance
What is the order of bankruptcy claim payments?
First secured creditors, then some priority unsecured claims, then general unsecured claims
What are some priority unsecured claims?
1). Domestic support obligation2). Administrative expenses3). Claims accuring after filing but before the order for relief4). Wage claims earned within 180 days of the petition and up to 12,475$5). Contributions to employee benefit plans within 180 days of filing and up to 12,475$6). Claims against operators of grain or fish storage up to 6,125$7). Consumer deposits to a seller of things for consumer use8). Tax claims9). Insured Federal depository Institutions for deficiencies in the amount of capital the debtor should maintain10) personal injuries or death caused by drugs or alcohol
How are the tier 3 creditors paid?
On a pro rata share of all the remaining assets
What is a global objection?
An offense by the debtor that will prevent the discharge of any of his obligations. They include:1) the debtor is not an individual (entities dissolve rather than receive a discharge)2). Fraudulent trnsfers or concealment of property within one year prior to the bankruptcy with the intent to hinder, defraud, or delay creditors3). Failure to keep books and records4). Bankruptcy crime (making a false oath or account, using a false claim, giving or receiving a bribe, or withholding documents)5). Failure to explain a loss of assets6) Refusal to obey or answer questions7). Improper conduct in an insider’s case.8). A prior discharge from Chapter 7 or 11 within the last 8 years9). A prior Chapter 13 discharge within the last 6 years unless he plans to do at least 70% of the prior case’s claims.10). Not completing personal financial management after filing11). Written waiver of relief12). Bad acts under the Homested exemption.
What are exemptions to discharge?
These are specify debts that won’t be discharged:1). Tax claims entitiled to priority2). debts obtained by fraud (like lying on a loan app)3). luxury goods obtained with over 650$ total to a single debtor within 90 days of the filing4). Unscheduled (unlisted) debts5). Debts for embezzlement, larceny, and fiduciary’s fraud6). domestic support obligations7). Wilfull, malicious property/persons8). Liability for death or personal injury for drunken or drugged operation of a motor vehicle9). Fines to government10). Student loans11). Debts from third parties to pay taxes12). Property settlement from divorce or separation13). HOA fees14). Restitution for a federal crime15). Debts from violation of a state or federal securities law…
How can a debtor still be liable for debts post-bankruptcy?
The debtor can choose to reaffirm the debts even though they would have been discharged. 1). The reaffirmation must be done before the granting of the discharge,2).The creditor must give prescribed disclosures including the ability to rescind for 60 days3). File the agreement with the court4). A reaffirmation hearing with the court where the court5). If a consumer debtor doesn’t have counsel, there is no undue hardship and it is in the debtor’s best interests.