Agency & Partnerships Flashcards
Agency and contractual capacity?
The principal must have contractual capacity, but not the agent
When is a writing required to create agency?
Only to comply with normal statute of frauds rules and when authority is given to convey real property.
When is consideration required to create and agency relationship?
How can an agency relationship be created?
By actual authority or implied authority
What is actual authority
1). Express actual authority when the principal tells the agent to act on his behalf2). Implied actual authority when the principal’s conduct leads THE AGENT to believe he has authority
How is actual authority terminated?
1). After a specified period2). by change of circumstances, like subject matter destroyed3). the agent acquires adverse interest4). The agent says so5). The principal says so, unless there is an irrevocable agency, coupled with an interest6). by death/incapacity/ bankruptcy, unless coupled with an interest
What does it mean for an agent to have an interest?
The agency relationship was created for the agent’s benefit, like having the authority to sell collateral in the event of default. A fee or commission is not considered an interest.
Can an agent delegate his authority?
Yes, if the principal consents implicitly or expressly
What are substitutes for actual authority?
Apparent authority, ratification, and adoption.
What is apparent authority?
When the principal leads a THIRD PARTY to believe that the agent has authority. The reasonably belief must be created by the principal, not by the agent alone.
How is apparent authority destroyed?
by notifiying each third party that reasonably relied on it.
What is ratification of an agency?
When the principal accepts the benefit of a contract or sues based on it. The principal must have knowledge of all the material facts, he must accept the entire transaction, and he must have capacity to contract at the time of ratification and at the time of the original contract because the ratification is retroactive.
Can a promoter bind a principal through ratification?
No, because at the time of the original contract, the principal did not exist. Therefore, it did not have capacity. It can, however, adopt the contract.
Exception to ratification of an agency?
When a BFP’s rights intervene between the original contact and the ratification, then the principal cannot cut off the BFP’s rights.
What is adoption in agency?
When a principal adopts the actions of an agent that lacked authority by accepting the benefits of the contract or suing on it. He must have knowledge of the material facts and accept the entire transaction. He does not have to have capacity at the time of the original contract.
What are an agent’s duties to the principal?
He is a fiduciary, owing a duty or loyalty, care, and obedience.
What are a principal’s duties to an agent?
Pay the agent unless it’s gratuitous, indemnify the agent, and reimburse him.
When can a constructive trust happen in agency?
When the agent breaches the duty of loyalty.
When is a third party not liable for a contract created by an agent with authority?
In the rare case that hte agent has special skills and hte principal is not disclosed.
When is an agent liable to third parties for contracts created within his authority?
Only when the agent has an interest in the relationship.
When is a principal bound for the tort actions of its actors?
Use Master-servant language: When the servant was acting within the scope of his employment in committing the tort. Not when he is an indepdendent contractor.
When is a servant an employee as opposed to an independent contractor?
6 Factors:1). The employer has the right to control how the employee does the job2). The employer supplies the tools and workplace3). It is a part of the employer’s regular business4). It is long-term5). There is little skill involved6). regularly-intervaled pay
What are deviations from a servant in the scope of his employment?
Minor deviations still bind the principal, and they are detours, while substantial deviations, frolics, are outside his employment
Master-servants and intentional torts?
Masters are normally not bound by servants’ intentional torts unless force is used to further the master’s business, the mater ratifies it, or the master authorized it.
What is a borrowed servant?
When a servant leaves one master and gives another the right to control him during his employment. The second master is liable for his actions as long as he has the right to control during the time of the tort.
When is the Master liable for his own negligence?
For a failure to train or supervise or negligent hiring for failing to check criminal record or job history.
What is a partnership (generally)?
an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit, whether they intend to form a partnership or not.
What factors determine who is a partner?
Whether he made a cptial contribution (though not required)Who has the right to control (most important factor)Who shares in the partnership’s profits (not determinative).
When is protit not considered a factor to determine partnership status?
When the profits are wages, rent, repayment of a debt, or loan interest or gross receipts rather than profits.
When is a writing required to form a general partnership?
Only when the SOF requires it.
What is a joint venture?
A partnership with an express agreement on how losses will be shared.
What is a partnership by estoppel?
When the parties may still be liable though not forming a partnership if there is reasonable reliance by a third party.
When is property partnership property?
1). If it is acquired in the partnership’s name or in a partners name with apparent authority2). It is presumped partnership property if partnership funds are used to buy it3). It is presumed to be a partner’s sole property if acquired in his sole name with his own funds and no apparent authority.
What rights does a partner have in the partnership’s property?
Only the right to used it for partnership purposes.
What is a partner’s economic right in the partnership?
The right ot share in the profits. It is transferable like any other interest. However, such a transfer does not make the tranferee a partner, only an entitlement to the economic interest.
How are profits distributed among members of a general partnership?
Profits are split evenly between the partners, not based on capital contributions, unless otherwise agreed.
How are losses distributed among members of a general partnership?
In the same proportion as profits, unless otherwise agreed.
Individual members liability in a general partnership?
Members can agree to limit liability between themselves, but they cannot limit the liablity to third parties.
Partners’ compensation from the partnership?
Partners are not entitled to be paid by the partnership unless otherwise agreed
How is a general partnership managed?
Unless otherwise agreed, partners have equal management rights in the partnership, but matters of ordinary business are decided by majority interest, not majority number.
How are new partners admitted into a partnership?
Unless otherwise agreed, new partners must e unanimously agreed on.
How are new partners liable?
They are liable to debts incurred by the partnership before admittance, but he can lose his economic interest in the partnership, but nothing more. He is normally liable on future obligations
When can partners bind the partnership contractually?
When the partner has actual authority from the partnership agreement, majority vote or the statute, or apparent authority from the partner’s title an prior conduct. Or by ratification and adoption.
When is a partnership liable for a partner’s torts?
When the tort is committed in the ordinary course of the partnership’s business.
When can a partner without authority convey a partnership’s real property?
Only if the real property has been sold to a SUBSEQUENT BFP
What is a general partner’s liability for the partnership’s debts/obligations?
He is jointly and severally liable, but the plaintiff must exhaust the partnership’s assets, so that the partners are basically guarantors.
What is the difference between a Limited Liablity partnership and a general partnership?
The partners are not severally liable for the contracts or torts of others in a limited liability partnership. It can be a PLLP when the members are professionals, licensed in a state.
How is a limited liability partnership formed?
file a certificate with the Secretary of STate, pay a fee, and have “limited liability partnership” in the title. Abbrev. ok.
How can a partner leave a partnership?
1). express a will to withdraw2). an agreed-upon event3). expulsion, death, bankruptcy, or incapacity4) appointment of a trustee/receiver/liquidator5) redemption of his interest.
What is a withdrawn partner’s liability to creditors?
liability continues to existing creditors unless released on a creditor by creditor basis. Liability to subsequent creditors who are unaware of the withdrawal Liability ot other partners if withdrawal was wrongful.
When is withdrawal of a partner wrongful?
When he breaks the contract by withdrawing before agreed time or condition. A partnership at will can be withdrawn from anytime.
How can a partnership be wound up?
partners that have not wronguflly withdrawn may wind up the partnership by paying off the liabilities and doing so.
When is a partnership required to be wound up?
by judicial decreethe business becomes illegalassets are sold outside the usual courseterms of the undertaking are fulfilledunanimous consentmajority interest consent in a partnership at will
What is the order of priority of partnership asets on winding up?
First to creditors, including creditor-partners, then to partners capital reimbursement, then to partners for profits minus losses. If partnership can’t cover liabilities, then only to creditors in a pro rata share
When can partnership liability continue post wind-up?
When an innocent third party contracts with apparent authority on new business.
What is a limtied partnership?
A partnership with differnt types of partners, including at least one general partner and at least one limited partner
How are limted partnerships formed?
file with the SEcretary, pay a fee, have a written partnership agreement, and have Limited partnership” or “limited” in the name. Abbrevs. ok.
What are limited partners liability in a limited partnership?
they can only lose their capital contributions unless a limited partner takes part in control. Safe Harbors from control include advising the general partner, being the maitress d, guaranteeing a note for the LP, and being an officer/director of the LP. A limited partner is in control if his conduct to a third party causes the third party to rely and believe he i sa general partner.
What happens if a limited partnership fails to file its Secretary papers?
It is a general partnership until it files and partners are liable unless they withdraw within a reasonable time after discovering the lack of filing.
When can limited partners withdraw from the partnership?
only when the partnership agreement permits.
When must limited partners contribute to the limited partnership?
When there is a written, signed promise to contribute.
What is the liability of a genral partnership in a limited partnership?
He is liable just like a partner in a general partnership.
What is an LLLP?
A limited liability limited partnership. This is a partnership with two different types of partners and general partners are shielded from liability
What is an LLC?
A limited liability company, where the management is optionally by the managers or by a board, and no members are liable for other members’s acts. The profits and losses are in proportion to the capital contribution unless otherwise in the agreement, unlike partnerships. Can be a PLLC if the memebers are professionals
How is an LLC formed?
File with the Secretary, pay a fee, and name it “Limited liability company,” “limited company” or abbrev.
What is the best type of entity to form?
An LLP or LLC. Corporations are taxed twice General partnerships and limited partnerships have joint and several liability Limited partnerships and LLLP’s are only managed by general partners If you change your mind, you can convert or merge with owner’s approval and filing.