Bank, Bureaucracy, Properties and Legal Stuff Flashcards
to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy.
Borrowed for temporary use
Tasa fija
ej. fixed rate mortgages
interest payment
pago de intereses
home insurance, life insurance
libre de impuestos
(lista de empleados en nómina)
tb. salary
Joint Return
Declaración (de la Renta) Conjunta.
Apt. no.
Apartment Number
Ingresos, Renta
“Social Security Number”, a number which the government uses to identify each resident in the country.
give (someone) a ballpark
A “ballpark” is a rough estimate. In other words, it’s a guess about an amount that’s close to the correct number, but not exact. You use it like this:
- “Here’s an estimate of the cost. Keep in mind, it’s just a ballpark”.
- “We’ll call up the electrician and have them give us a ballpark, but I’ll check with you before I have them do any work”.
This phrase comes from the sport of baseball. A “ball park” in a place where people watch baseball games. If two locations are within the same ball park, then they’re not exactly close to each other, but they’re not too far away either.
(aproximación, cálculo aproximado, rango estimado)
Real Estate
“Real estate” means buying and selling homes, apartments, buildings, and land.
(bienes inmuebles)
Develoment (talkin’ about real-estate)
En Suite
forming one unit [eg: bedroom with bathroom en suite]
adjacent, (room: adjoining, private)
the holding of land or property for an unlimited period of time
(propiedad vitalicia)
[of a house, apartment etc] let with furniture - to furnish v.
the holding of land or property for a predetermined period of time
a person who rents an apartment, house, office etc from a landlord
space or ground surrounding a building; garden (patio)
Pay hike
an increase in your pay
incremento salarial
Pay cut
a decrease in your pay
recorte salarial
pay off a loan
finish paying back money that you borrowed
refinance a home
get a new loan that you use to pay off a previous loan
tax deduction
money that you can subtract from your income when you’re calculating how much you have to pay for taxes
the U.S. tax agency
(Internal Revenue Service) -Servicio de Rentas Internas; Hacienda Pública.
capital gains tax
A tax on money that you make by selling something like your house for more than you bought it for.
(buy, something bought, the act of buying, acquire - compar, compra, adquirir)
Matrícula (de registro en una escuela, universidad, instituto, etc)
Tuition fee - cuota/tasa de matrícula.
Student Loans
When people study at a college or university, they sometimes need to borrow money to pay for their tuition. Banks offer special loans for students which the students can pay off after they’ve graduated from school. These loans are called “student loans”.
Despido (make redundant)
Despedir, poner de patitas en la calle, echar a la calle.
Laid off (informal) despedido.
- I was laid off today.
- Half of our staff was laid off this year.
Make Cutbacks
To “make cutbacks” means to reduce the expenses of a business or government.
In the example above, the speaker says “make cutbacks” to avoid directly saying that the company laid people off. The reason that companies lay off employees is to save money, so when you say that you’re “making cutbacks”, it is often understood to mean that you’re laying people off.
Your company recently laid off 15% of the employees. You’re running a meeting with your staff to talk about how to deal with the layoffs. After starting the meeting, you begin by saying: “As you’re all aware, we’ve been forced to make significant cutbacks”.
(Reducción de gastos, recortes. Economizing)
getting kicked out of an apartment or house
desalojo, desahucio
arrendar / Contrato de Arrendamiento
“If you have a roommate who is having trouble putting together all the necessary documentation to sign a lease, chances are that person won’t be a reliable roommate”.
A “lease” is a legal document for renting a house, apartment, business space, car, etc. It’s an agreement between the owner and the renter.
To show that you accept a legal agreement like a lease, you “sign” your name. This means that you write your name in a way that is specific to you.
So when you’re going to rent some property, you have to “sign the lease”.
bienes, activos, propiedades
(possessions, property, goods)
“When a couple get divorced, they’re going to split their assets (separar sus bienes)”.
(US) financial expenses.
Gastos generales.
- Payment for participation -The admission fee to the zoo is cheap. (la entrada al zoo es barata) -pago, entrada, precio.
- Professional charge (honorarios) The lawyer charges a fee for his service.
- Charge for public services (tarifa)
- There is a fee for getting your driving license.
- You pay your visa fees (price of the process to apply for the visa) and submit your application (y presenta su solicitud)
- Administrative fee (payment made for registration or setup - gastos administrativos)
- Advance fee (money paid upfront, deposit - cuota por adelantado)
- Bank fee (charges made by a bank - cuota bancaria)
- Base fee (tarifa mínima/base)
- Booking fee (comisión por reserva)
- Delivery fee (price for transporting sth to customer/gastos de envío)
- Entry fee (cuota de inscripción, precio de entrada)
- Filing fee (administration charge - gastos administrativos)
- Handling fee (amount charged to process sth - gastos de tramitación)
- Hidden fee - cargos extra
- Licence fee - canon
- Nominal fee - cuota mínima.
Comply, Comply with
Meet requirements (cumplir con los requisitos) - If you comply with all the requirements (meet the standards) then you’re eligible (apto) and it’s likely that you’ll be granted (approved for -otorgado, concedido) the permit (autorización) to visit or live in that country
Maintain a Minimum Balance
Some bank accounts require that you keep a certain amount of money in the account. If you have less money than that, you’ll be charged a fee. The amount that you have to keep is called the “minimum balance”, and keeping more money than that number is called “maintaining” a minimum balance.
Example:You’re starting a bank account. Some bank accounts charge a fee if you don’t keep enough money in the account. You ask whether this bank does that: “Will I need to maintain a minimum balance?”
(mantener un saldo mínimo)
External Transfer
Sending money from a bank account to some other account is called “making a transfer” or “transferring money”.
If you send the money to another account at the same bank, it’s an internal transfer. “Internal” means “inside”.
If you send the money to an account at another bank, it’s an external transfer. “External” means “outside”
Recurring Transfer
Something that repeats again and again is “recurring”. We talk about:recurring problems, a recurring dream, a recurring theme
For a bank account, a “recurring transfer” is money that is automatically sent somewhere at regular times. For example, you might automatically send $200 from your checking account to your savings acount every month.
You have bank accounts at two different banks. You want to send some money from one bank to the other every month automatically. You visit the first bank’s website and click this link: Set up a recurring external transfer.
Quarterly Profits
A “quarter” (trimestre) is one fourth of the year. Companies often measure their performance by quarters.
A company’s “quarterly profits” are the amount of money that the company makes in one quarter. Specifically, the “profits” are the money that’s left after the company pays for expenses like equipment, employee salaries, and so on.
- Our quarterly profits are up 10% over last year.
Money generally available (fondos, fondo, inversión) Provide money for (financiar)
“Funds” means “money”. We use the word “funds” when talking about money in a technical sort of way. Here are some examples:
- The survey seemed innocuous until it asked for a bank-account number for depositing funds.
- The school system is constantly complaining about their lack of funds, yet here they are spending millions of dollars to renovate their football field.
- Your funds will be available in two to three business days.
There’s another meaning to the word “fund”, which is a bank account or a set of money that’s set aside for a specific purpose: a mutual fund, a campaign fund, a pension fund.
(someone’s) balance
The “balance” of a bank account is the amount of money that you have in the account. So your account balance is a number. For example:
- Your balance is $2,154.
The action most commonly associated with a bank balance is “checking”:
- When’s the last time you checked the balance?
A high-yield checking account
A “checking account” is a bank account that you can freely take money out of and put money into.
Usually you don’t earn much interest from a checking account. So if you keep $10,000 in the bank for a year, you’ll still have something like $10,000 to $10,025 at the end of they year.
However, a “high-yield checking account” pays a higher interest rate than usual. This allows you to earn more money. Usually there’s some other restriction on this type of checking account. For example, you might need to maintain a minimum balance.
Tax return
Declaración de la Renta, declaración de impuestos.
‘I mustn’t forget to do my tax return’.
To work/study Hard
estudiar, trabajar… mucho
Cuando decís “trabajar mucho” y “estudiar mucho”, lo más normal en inglés es decir “to work hard” y “to study hard”.
Have you been studying hard? - ¿Has estado estudiando mucho?
–> Utilizar ‘hard’ en vez de ‘a lot’
Legal niceties
Pormenores legales.