Bangladesh - Coasts- International costal management Flashcards
What are the different areas to bangladesh’s coastline?
The sparsely populated sundarbans to the south west of the country and the more densely populated area near the city of chittagong to the south east, together with the more central Ganges- Brahmaputra river delta, which is still densely populated.
What % of bangladesh lives in poverty?
80% of people live on less than US$2 a day.
What is the main risk on the coastline?
The main risk is the loss of low lying land (very few cliffs0 through erosion and also flooding.
What are some impacts of cyclones?
Tidal flooding is a commonplace by cyclones create storm surges that kill many and flood (and salinise) coastal land. Cyclone Bhola killed 300,000 in 1970, in 1991 another 150,000 died and cyclone sidr killed 4,000 in 2007.
What were the impacts of cycllone sidr? (Specifically the south western mangrove forests in the sundurbans which provided a buffer for the coast).
How did people attempt to manage cyclone sidr?
What natural process will amplify the effects?
Eustatic sea level rise will make the problems worse; a 1.5m sea level rise will wipe out 16% of the land area and displace 155 of the country’s population.
What are some land uses along the bangladeshi coastline?
The bangladeshi coastline is densely populated because flat alluvial soils provide good conditions for rice growing, aquaculture such as fishing and shrimp farming thrive in the south east; industry is developing where flat land allows easy construction of facilities and lax regulations allow for the dumping of waste which pollutes the sea; settlements are growing to provide accomodation for workers at the coast.
What impact does a variety of land use cause?
These different human uses of the coast may conflict with each other and the natural environment, worsening the risks that the population faces from flooding and the erosion of low-lying land.
What is the name of the management plan in place?
Bangladesh does have an ICZM policy, introduced in 2005. Do not assume that the country has no management in place, in spite of its LEDC status. The policy includes the protection of the population against hazards, partly through the provision of cyclone shelters and 5000km of embankments and 123 coastal dams to reduce the indundation of salt water. Some measures have been controversial because dams and embankments have slowed water velocities, increasing sediment deposition and waterlogging farmland.
What natural flora is seen as a key soft engineering?
Mangroves are seen as key to absorbing wave energy and afforestation is a major strategy for protection.
What threatens management?
It is recognised that management has not always been successful in the past due to a lack of knowledge of certain techniques and new attempts are being made to increase technical expertise and use this together with local peoples knowledge.
What factor is the biggest issue that threatens bangladesh?
Although the cyclones which rip through bangladeshs densely populated coastline sundarbans i.e the southwestern mangrove forests such as cyclone Bhola which killed 300,000 in 1970- presumably because the average GDP per head would have been even lower than it is today, which ultimately meant they couldn’t afford to situate Predication. Planning and Protection strategies into place- has a huge social impact, the factor which will have the worst longterm impact will be sea level rise as it will displace 15% of the countrys population and wipe out 16% of the land area. This in turn will causes social impacts such as famine and have huge environmental impacts such as