Balance Sheet Flashcards
Asset recognition
- probably future flow of economic benefit
- measurable with reliability
Components of the balance sheet
Current assets
Long-lived assets
Current liabilities
Long term liabilities
Owners equity
Liability recognition
- probably sacrifice of future economic benefit
- amts received but not reported as revenue (deferred/unearned)
- amts reported as expenses that haven’t been paid
Cash Inventories Trade and other receivables Prepaid expenses Financial assets Deferred tax assets PP&E Investment property Intangible assets Equity AC investments Natural resources Assets held for sale
Bank borrowings Notes payable Provisions Unearned revenues Accts payable Financial liabilities Accrued liabilities Deferred tax liabilities
Current Assets
*converted into cash or used up within one year
Cash and cash equivalents short-term investments accounts receivable notes receivable inventory prepaid expenses deferred tax assets
Long-Lived Assets
*held for continuing use within the business, not resale
Property, Plant & Equipment
Other (Inv property, assets held for sale, natural resources)
Short-Term Investments
Available for Sale
Held to Maturity ST Investment
reported at cost
Trading ST Investment
reported at fair market value
Available for Sale security
reported at fair market value
Accounts Receivable
reported at net realizable value
Notes receivable
a promissory note with a maturity date and interest rate, reported at net realizable value
reported at lower of cost and net realizable value
use FIFO, LIFO, ave cost, or specific ID
overstated closing inventory –> overstated income
Prepaid Expenses
Reported at cost