Balance of Payments Flashcards
What are the two main accounts in the Balance of Payments?
The two main accounts in the Balance of Payments are the Current Account and the Capital and Financial account.
What is the balance of payments?
The Balance of Payments is a record of payments (or transactions) between one country and the rest of the world.
Components of the Balance of Payments
The Balance of Payments is made up of the Current Account and the Financial & Capital Account.
Components of the Current Account
The components of the Current Account are: trade in goods, trade in services, investment income and current transfers.
Which of the following shows the impact on the UK Current Account of a UK consumer buying a product for £100 from America?
Imports are a withdrawal as they involve money leaving the circular flow of income to pay for goods and services abroad. Since money leaves the circular flow, this is recorded as a negative £100 on the current account.
Which of the following shows the impact on the UK Current Account of a UK bank selling £2400 of financial services to Germany?
Exports are an injection as they involve money from abroad entering the circular flow of income in exchange for British goods and services. Since money enters the circular flow, this is recorded as a positive on the current account.
What is the impact of an increase in imports on the UK Current Account?
Imports are a withdrawal from the circular flow because they involve money leaving the economy. As money leaves the circular flow, the UK Current Account will decrease.
A Spanish woman invests in a British business. How are the profits from this investment recorded in the UK Balance of Payments?
The profits are recorded in the investment income part of the Current Account. No goods or services are being imported or exported in this transaction - it is only profit that is moving abroad.
The investment income is leaving the UK. It will therefore be a negative on the UK Current Account, which will decrease as a result. The same investment income is entering Spain. It will therefore be a positive on the Spanish Current Account, which will increase.
Investment Income
A component of the Current Account which includes any rent or profit earned on an investment made abroad.
Current Transfers
When money is transferred abroad without getting any goods or services back in exchange.
Money transferred back home from relatives working abroad.
Which of the following shows a current account deficit?
A negative current account where total inflows are less than total outflows
Which of the following will lead to a current account equilibrium?
There is a current account equilibrium when total inflows equal total outflows.
Current Account Deficit
When total outflows from the current account are greater than total inflows.
Current Account Surplus
When total inflows to the current account are greater than total outflows.
Current Account Equilibrium
When total outflows from the current account are equal to total inflows.
Trade Balance
Total value of exports minus total value of imports.
why the UK’s Balance of Payments balances?
In the UK, the Current Account is in deficit as more money is leaving the UK than is entering it. However, this means that the Capital & Financial Account must be in surplus as this money is reinvested back into the UK.
Warren Buffett is an American investor who buys shares in a British firm. How will the investment income for these shares appear in the UK Balance of Payments?
When Warren buys shares in the British company, this will be a positive in the British Capital & Financial Account as there is an inflow of money and a transfer of assets.
However, the income from these shares will appear in the Current Account as investment income is a component of the Current Account. It will be recorded as a negative in the current account as the investment income will leave the UK and go back to Warren Buffett in America.
What is FDI?
FDI stands for foreign direct investment. An FDI is an investment made by a firm in one country into a firm in another country in order to gain control over the foreign firm.
What is meant by Foreign Direct Investment and where is it recorded in the balance of payments?
FDI is recorded in the Capital & Financial Account and shows investments made by a firm to gain control over a foreign firm
Which of the following shows what is meant by a Current Account equilibrium?
Total inflows equal total outflows
Hot Money Flows
Money that investors move internationally between banks to maximise the interest they receive.
Spain’s inflation rate is 9% and Greece’s inflation rate is 2%. What is the impact of these different inflation rates on Spain’s Current Account?
Spain’s high inflation rate means that their exports are comparatively more expensive than Greek exports. Therefore, fewer foreign consumers will choose to buy Spanish exports. This means that demand for Spanish exports will fall and that Spain’s export revenue will decrease. This will worsen (decrease) their current account.