BAE Systems Flashcards
Return a numeric attribute for a specified element of a dimension
ATTRN(dimension, element, attribute)
returns the index number of an element within a dimension.
DIMIX(server_name:dimension, element)
returns the element of a dimension that corresponds to the index argument.
DIMNM(server_name:dimension, index)
returns the number of elements within a specified dimension.
returns the name of a child of a consolidated element in a specified dimension.
ELCOMP(dimension, element, position)
returns the level of an element within a dimension.
ELLEV(dimension, element)
converts a string to a number
returns a number indicating the starting location of the first occurrence of a specified substring within a string. If the substring does not occur in the given string, the function returns 0.
SCAN(substring, string)
returns a substring of a given string.
SUBST(string, beginning, length)
converts a number to a string, using the decimal separator for the current user locale.
creates a new dimension.
adds a component (child) to a consolidated element. You can’t use this function in the Epilog procedure of a TurboIntegrator process.
DimensionElementComponentAdd(DimName, ConsolidatedElName,ElName, ElWeight);
adds a component (child) to a consolidated element by directly editing a dimension.
DimensionElementComponentAddDirect(DimName, ConsolidatedElName,ElName, ElWeight);
deletes a component (child) from a consolidated element.
DimensionElementComponentDelete(DimName, ConsolidatedElName,ElName);
deletes a component (child) from a consolidated element by directly editing the dimension.
DimensionElementComponentDeleteDirect(DimName, ConsolidatedElName,ElName);
adds an element to a dimension. You can use this function to add numeric, string, or consolidated elements. You can’t use this function in the Data or Epilog procedures of a TurboIntegrator process.
DimensionElementInsert(DimName, InsertionPoint, ElName,ElType);
adds an element to a dimension by directly editing the dimension. You can use this function to add numeric, string, or consolidated elements.
DimensionElementInsertDirect(DimName, InsertionPoint, ElName,ElType);
returns the principal name of an element or element alias.
DimensionElementPrincipalName( DimName, ElName )
determines whether a specific dimension exists on the server from which a TurboIntegrator process is executed. The function returns 1 if the dimension exists on the server, otherwise it returns 0.
sets a sort type and sense for dimension elements and for components of consolidated elements within a dimension. The sort order defined by DimensionSortOrder determines how the subset displays in the Subset Editor.
DimensionSortOrder(DimName, CompSortType, CompSortSense, ElSortType , ElSortSense);
creates a new hierarchy in an existing dimension. The hierarchy cannot have the same name as the dimension.
HierarchyCreate(DimName, HierName);
adds an element to a dimension. You can use this function to add numeric, string, or consolidated elements. You can’t use this function in the Data or Epilog procedures of a TurboIntegrator process.
HierarchyElementInsert(DimName, HierName, InsertionPoint, ElName, ElType);
deletes a hierarchy from the TM1® database.
This function is valid in TM1 TurboIntegrator processes only.
HierarchyDestroy(DimName, HierName);
lets you execute a TurboIntegrator process from within another process.
ExecuteProcess(ProcessName, [ParamName1, ParamValue1,ParamName2, ParamValue2]);
forces a process to skip the current data source item.
stops processing source data and proceeds to the Epilog portion of a process.