Bacteriology Flashcards
What is the study of bacteria called?
Bacteria are:
One-felled microorganisms
Harmless and possible beneficial bacteria are called:
Nonpathogenic bacteria
Synonym for germ/bacteria:
The most common form of bacteria is:
What are external parasites?
Organisms that live on or obtain nutrients from another organism
Describe pathogenic bacteria
Disease-producing bacteria, produce toxins, easily spread, live everywhere (environment and in body)
What are the three types of bacteria?
Cocci, bacilli, spirilla
Describe cocci bacteria
Round shaped and appear on their own or in groups > can cause pustules/boils, pus forming, strep throat, and pneumonia
Describe bacilli bacteria
Most common type of bacteria, bar or rod shaped, can produce diseases such as tetanus, bacterial influenza, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis
Describe spirilla bacteria
Spiral shaped, cause highly contagious diseases such as syphilis, cholera, and Lyme disease
Describe the growth of bacteria in its active stage
The bacteria reproduce and grow rapidly, takes place in dark, damp, and dirty places where a food source is available
Describe the growth of bacteria in its inactive stage
When bacteria struggle to survive, it enters an inactive stage by creating spherical spores that cannot be harmed by disinfectants, cold, or heat, and goes back to active when conditions are favourable
What are the three body types bacteria move with?
Flagella (spermy one), cilia (grabby one), and pseudopod (rolly one)
Describe viruses
Submicroscopic particles (smaller than bacteria) and they can cause diseases like the common cold, chicken pox, measles, rabies, HIV/AIDS, hepatitus, and polio
What are parasitic mites?
Insects that cause contagious diseases such as itch mites (scabies) and head lice (pediculosis)
How does someone get head lice?
Head lice can be directly transmitted from person to person or by contact with articles that have come in contact with an infested person.
Describe nits
They are head lice eggs, whitish in colour, oval specks attached to the hair about 1/4 of an inch from the skin
How do you kill lice?
Lice-killing shampoo, subjecting them to extreme cold or heat, isolating them with no food source for a long period of time
What are the common means of spreading infection in a salon?
Open sores, unclean hands and implements, coughing, sneezing, common use of drinking cups and towels, use of same implements on infected and noninfected areas, unsanitary salon conditions
What is a local infection + example
An infection that is located in a small, confined area such as a hang nail infection or a boil
Describe a general or systemic infection
An infection that the circulatory system carries throughout the entire body
What does sterilization do?
What does disinfection do?
Destroys/kills bacteria and a broad spectrum of viruses on nonporous surfaces, such as implements
What does sanitation do?
Removes dirt and debris to prevent the growth of microbes. Sanitation cleans and reduces microbes on the surface, but does not kill microbes
What does an antiseptic do?
Prevents the growth of micro-organisms on the skin