Bacteriel pathogenisis Flashcards
Relevance of bacterial pathogenesis
-historically high disease burden
-plague is still around
-new threats (new virulence factor combos and evolving bacteria
-climate change is altering range of vector
-antimicrobial resistance (no longer affected by antibiotics)
Modern big bacteria killers (2)
Tuberculosis and pneumonia
Story of bacterial ulcers?
-thought that there was no bacterial cause to ulcers
-Marshall ate food left out for days
-puked a lot, endoscoped stomach, found H. pylori
-won a nobel prize
H. pylori and ulcers
gram type, affected population, symptoms
-gram (-)
-infects 30-50% of population
-neutralizes stomach acid (production of urease
-inflammation + disrupted stomach mucosa = ulcers
-ulcers are linked to gastric cancer
Whats a pathogen
disease producer
Defining a pathogen?
Kochs postulates
Koch’s postulates + issues
-if present, causes disease (pathogens can be isolated from healthy individuals)
-isolate from diseased individual and cultured (some organisms are hard/impossible to culture)
-should cause disease when reintroduced to healthy organism (disease is dependant on external factors)
-should be reisolated from newly diseased patient
What factors determine whether a hsot bacteria interaction causes disease
Bacterial: route, number, virulence potential
host: host health, host genetics/genetics
Pathogen is established in body
infection produced signs and symptomsig
Signs vs symptoms?
Signs: observable by others
Symptoms: characteristis felt by patient
Asymptomatic carriage?
infection without disease
Opportunistic infection? +example
infection that would generally be cleared by system, but causes disease/death
e.g: pseudomonas in CF patients: thickened mucous in lungs prevents infection from being cleared
Secondary infection? +example
infection that develops in an individual already infected by another pathogen
e.g: TB in HIV patients
How can microbiomes affect susceptibility
colonization resistance (microbiome colony prevents pathogen from colonizing)
Steps of pathogenisis of bacterial diseases?
- Maintain a reservoir
- Be transported to the host
- Adhere to, colonize, and/or invade host
- Multiply or complete life cycles on or in host
- Evade host defenses
- Leave host and return to reservoir / enter new host
Reservoir? Types?
-habitat in which agent normally lives, grows and multiplies in
-humans (may or may not show effects of illness) animals or environment
specific to pathogen
Methods of transport pathogen to host
direct: direct contact & droplet spread
indirect: airborne, vehicle-borne, vector-borne