Bacterial Pathogenicity Flashcards
Define pathogen
- Pathogen: microorganism that is able to produce disease
Define pathogenicity
- Pathogenicity: ability of microorganism to cause disease
Define virulence
- Virulence: degree of pathogenicity
Define opportunistic pathogen
- Opportunistic pathogens: bacteria that do not need to cause disease to enable transmission
Define obligate pathogen
- Obligate pathogens: require a host for survival and transmission. Usually cause disease
Define virulence factors
- Virulence factors: mechanisms to avoid host defences and multiply
What are 3 categories of factors that enable disease in a host + examples within each category
Pathogen factors
* Virulence
* Enviro stability
* Route of entry
* Infective dose
* Tropism
* Susceptibility to host defence
Host factors
* Species
* Breed
* Age
* Sex
* Genetics
* Physiologic
* Immune status
Modifying factors
* Stress
* Enviro
* Poor nutrition
* Tissue damage
* Immunosuppression
* Metabolic dysfunction
* concurrent disease
List 5 types of host defences used
- Peristalsis/ciliary movement will clear
- Commensal microbiota
- Glycoproteins
- Mucus: lysozyme/peptides/Ig/complement
- Tight junctions of epithelium
What are the 2 mechanisms of pathogenicity
Define invasiveness
Invasiveness: ability two invade tissue
* Mechanisms for colonization: adhesins/invasins
* Ability to overcome host defence
Define toxogenesis
Toxogenesis: ability to make toxins
Define endotoxin
- Endotoxin: bacterial cell-associated substance
o Transported by blood/lymph
o Cytotoxic to cells away from original point of invasion/growth
o Mainly from gram (-)
o From cell wall (lipid A/LPS) – released when cells die and wall breaks
o Causes nonspecific signs related to inflam:
Fever/WBC change/DIC/hypotension/shock/death
Define exotoxin
- Exotoxin: make from bacterial cells and act at tissue sites away from bacteria
o Mainly from gram (+)
o Enzymes and proteins that are secreted - with specific target
o Heat sensitive
o High biological activity
Provide 2 examples of exotoxin related disease
Pyoderma in Dogs: Staphylococcus pseudointermedius exfoliating toxin
* Exotoxin: specific toxin targeting specific receptor
Enterotoxigenic enteritis: E. coli enterotoxins causing scours
* Toxin activated ion/water pump = osmotic diarrhea
* Colonize microvilli of small intestines
* Causes functional lesion – no structural lesions
What are superantigens
- Pyrogenic exotoxins made by S. aureus and S. pyogenes = superantigens
o Directly bind T cells/APC