Bacterial Growth Requirements and Gram Staining Flashcards
What ingredient converts liquid to solid medium?
Medium that inhibits growth of certain organisms and permits growth of others.
Selective Media
Medium that gives colonies of a particular organism a distinct appearance (makes them all look different).
Differential Media
Medium that contains complexed materials that certain fastidious organisms require to grow.
Enrichment Media
Gram staining: Primary stain (applied first)
Crystal Violet
Gram staining: Mordant
Gram staining: Decolorizer
Gram staining: Counter Stain
What color is Gram Stain?
Purple–resist decolorization and keep the primary stain
What color is Gram Negative?
Red–Easily decolorized - take up counter stain
Bacteria that cannot grow in the presence of free oxygen (cannot tolerate).
Basically an aerobe but can grow in the absence of free oxygen (survive a wide range of conditions - hard to kill off)
Facultative Anaerobe
Can grow only in the complete absence of free oxygen (very difficult to grow - fussy)
Obligate Anaerobe
What pH is best for bacterial growth?
pH 7 - can tolerate a narrow range from 6 - 8
What is the best time to use bacterial cultures for lab studies?
18 - 24 hours
Toxins that are released when the cell is destroyed, because they are bound to the cell wall.
Gram Negative
Extremely delicate, difficult to culture, and involving specialized growth requirements.
The interval of time between the invasion by a pathogenic microorganism and the appearance of first symptom of disease.
Incubation period
The natural ability of an organism to remain unaffected by harmful substances in its environment.
Material spread on a slide for microscopic examination.
The process of inculating a culture to provide for the growth of colonies on the surface of a solid medium. Streaking is accomplished by skimming a wire inoculating loop that contains the specimen across the surface of the medium using a back/forth motion.
An exotoxin produced by beta-hemolytic streptococci, which completely hemolyzes red blood cells.
Easily affected, lacking resistance.
capable of of growing in absence of organic compounds; self-nourishing
virus that attacks bacteria
organism living on decaying/dead organic matter
relative power of a pathogen to cause disease