Bacterial CNS I Flashcards
What are the predisposing factors for those potentially infected by pneumococcal meningitis?
Pneumonia and chronic otitis media.
What are the predisposing factors for those potentially infected by meningococcal meningitis?
History of recent URTI (viral)
Complement deficiencies
Outbreaks in winter within schools and barracks.
What are the three common symptoms of meningitis?
Stiff Neck
What attributes are typically seen in bacterial meningitis?
Decreased PMNs
Decreased Glucose
Increased Protein
Increased Pressure
What attributes are typically seen in viral meningitis?
Rare PMNs
Normal Glucose
Normal or slightly elevated protein.
This gram positive, alpha hemolytic, lance shaped bacterium most often causes what two symptoms upon infection?
Strep pneumo typically causes otitis media as well as Bacteremia
Less commonly it causes pneumonia and meningitis.
What age demographic dause pneumoccoccal meningitis typically infect?
The very old and the very young
What are the virulence factors of a pneumococcal infection?
Binds the oropharynx via choline binding proteins.
Pneumolysin and IgA protease
Capsule aids in dissemination
Pneumolysin interferes with macrophage uptake.
How is an acute bacterial pneumococcal infection treated?
It is treated as a medical emergency with vancomycin and cephalosporin immediately for 10-14 days.
Up to 1/3 are immune to Penicillin and thus shouldn’t be used.
Describe the PPV:PPV23 pneumococcal vaccine.
This is a purified capsular polysaccharide antigen from 23 types of pneumococcus.
Not effective in
What age grouping should the pneumococcal PPV23 vaccine be used for?
Reccomended to be used for
> 65 yrs
or persons >2 years if immunocompromised or experiencing other medical risks.
Describe the PCV13 pneumococcal vaccine.
This is a conjugated vaccine in which a polysaccharide is connected to a nontoxic diptheria toxin.
What population should the pneumococcal vaccinations PCV7;PCV13 be used in treating?
This vaccine should be used when treating the younger population and is very useful in infants and young children,
What are the recommended dosages for the PCV13 vaccination?
Routine vaccination for children with dosages given at 2, 4, 6 months and a booster dose at 12-15 months of age.
What characteristics are unique to N. Meningititis?
Coffee bean shaped
Gram negative
Encapsulated with Lipooligosaccharide (similar to LPS)
Oxidase and Catalase positive
Ferments Glucose and maltose (This is the only species that ferments glucose)
Requires CO2 to culture.