Bacteria Coccis,Bacilis and others Gram + Flashcards
grape like - gold in color
Staphylococcus Aureus
Catalase Positive
Coaugulase Positive
Beta Hemolytic
Staphylococcus Aureus
Yellow when Ferments Mannitol salt agar
Main virulence factor of S.Aureus
Protein A
Can bind to the FC region of antibodies and this will prevent compliment from occurring. Preventing opsonization and phagocytosis
Protein A
S Aureus Colonize
the nares
Clinical Causes by S. Aerus
- Pneumonia: patchy infiltrate on x ray.
- Septic Arthritis in Adults
- Large erythematous abscesses.
- Rapid onset Bacterial Endocarditis.
- Most common cause of osteomyelitis in adults
- Scalded skin syndrome
- Food Poisoning
- Osteomyelitis
Infiltrate on x-ray of S.Aureus pneumonia
Patchy Infiltrate
Is common affter a S.Aureus infection?
A Icosahedron shaped capsule virus/
Most common cause of Septic Arthritis in adults
S. Aureus
IV drug use endocarditis
Tricuspid valve endocarditis by S. Aureus.
Most common cause of osteomyelitis in adults 10
S. Aereus
Scalded skin syndrome mediated by a what protease?
Exfoliative Toxin
S. Aureus Toxins
Exfoliative Toxin
Toxic Shock Syndrome
commonly caused by leaving a bandage in or a tampon, causes nonspecific binding of MHC II to T cell receptors causing over reaction and Cytokine storm
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Food poisoning of a pre made toxin, 6 hours later after eat meats,salad,cream filling pastries or mayonnaise.
Food poisoning by S. Aureus.
resistant to penicillin Binding proteins .
Altered cell walls
TXT for S. Aureus
TXT for methicillin sensitive S. Aureus
Salmon colored sputum and can form abscesses in lungd.
Staphylococcus Family
S. Aureus
S. Epidermitis
S. Saprophyticus
Gram + cocci family
Staph (3)
Streph (4)
Enterococcus (2)
Urease +
Coagulase -
Catalase +
- Staph epidermidis -Novobiocin Sensitive
* Staph saprophyticis - Novobiocin Resistant
Infects hardware or orthopedic joints
S. Epidermitis
Infects catheter tubes,Indwelling catheters and heart implants
S. Epidermitis
Uses biofilms to stick to plastic or metal from artificially implants
S. Epidermitis
TXT of Staph Epidermidis endocarditis
Contamination of blood cultures
S. Epidermitis
Novobiocin Sensitive
S. Epidermitis
Novobiocin Resistant
UTI’s in sexually active females
S. Saprophyticis
Capsule made out of Hyaluronic Acid
Strep Group A ( Strep pyogenes)
B hemolitic Strep
Strep Pyogenes from Group A
Impetigo,Pharyngitis (step throat),Erysipelas ,scarlett fever,Toxic like syndrome,necrotizing fascitis,Rheumatic Fever, Post Strep Glomerulonephritis.
Strep Group A
Strep Pyogenes
red lesion with well demarcated borders
S Pyogenes is the most common cause of
Strawberry Tongue,pharyngitis,widespread rash that spares faces
Scarlett Fever by Strep Pyogenes Group A
SpeA, SpeC
Toxic Shock Like Syndrome by Strep Pyogenes
Necrotizing Fasciitis toxin from S.Pyogenes
in GAS well main virulence factor for Rheumatic Fever
M Protein
mimic antibodies in heart and cause issues with Mitral Valve in heart
M Protein
Very antigenic and elicits a humoral response, creating an antibodies to myosin in cardiac muscle (Molecular mimicry), damages mitral valves
M protein
Pharyngitis precipitates
Rheumatic Fever
Impetigo + Pharyngitis
Post Strep Glomerulonephritis,
Clinical manifestations of Rheumatic Fever
"J<3NES" J = Joints O = Heart problems N= Nodules on extersor surfaces E= Erythema S; Sydenham Chorea
type III hypersensitivity reaction after 2 weeks of Strep Pyogenes infection.
Post Strep Glomerulonephritis
Puffy Cheeks w/ nephritis.
Cola Colored Urine
Can occur after pharyngitis and impetigo
Post Strep Glomerulonephritis
TXT Strep Pyogenes
virulence Factors of Step Pyogenes
- M protein
- SpeA,SpeB,SpeC
- Streptolysin O
- DNA’ases
- Streptokinase
Allows Strep to be Beta Hemolytic, we generate ASO antibodies to this
Streptolysin O
converts plasminogen to plasmin
depolymerize DNA
Bacitracin sensitive
Strep Pyogenes
ASO titers test
to see if there was a Group A Strep Infection.
Group B Strep
Strep agalactiae
major infection in newborns
Strep Agactiae
Positive hippurate test and polysaccharide positive
Strep Agactiae
cAMP test positive Strep
Strep Agalactiae
similar to staph aureus, will have an increasing zone of hemolysis when plated w/ S. aureus
Strep Agalactiae
Beta hemolytic Strep
Strep Agalactiae
Bacitracin resistant Strep
Group B Strep Agalactiae
Most likely to cause meningitis in neonates
Strep Agalactiae
most likely to cause sepsis in neonates
Strep Agalactiae
Via infection neonetes of Strep Agalactiae
Vaginal canal where neonate gets group B strep
when a mother is cultured for GBS
TXT for + Cultured Moms with Strep Agactiae
Penicillin will be given to mom intrapartum
α hemolytic Streps
Strep Pneumonia
Strep Viridans
Partial hemolysis where the surrounding zone is a green hue
α hemolytic
major virulence factor Strep pneumonia
Polysaccharide Capsule
Optochin sensitive
optochin inhibits the growth
Strep Pneumo
Lancet shaped diplococci
Strep Pneumo
Rust colored sputum and lobar pneumonia
Strep Pneumo
number one cause of all these diseases
Meningitides, Otitis Media, Pneumonia, Sinusitis
Strep Pneumonia
cleaves IgA that allows invasion of mucosa reducing host defenses
Protease from Strep Pneumo
Removal of spleen leads to susceptibility of infection
by encapsulated organisms like in sickle cell anemia. (Asplenia)
1 TXT Strep Pneumonia
azithromycin Macrolides
2 TXT Strep Pneumo
2 pneumococcal vaccines
- adult is a 23 valiant polysaccharide vaccine,
- > IgM - children is 7 valent but conjugated to a protein -> IgG
Not encapsulated Strep
Strep Viridans
Strep optochin resistant
Strep Viridans
Bile resistant Strep
Strep Viridans
Synthesizes Dextran’s from glucose which allows strep to adhere to any fibrin from platelets that has been damaged in the heart.
Strep Viridans
Strep Viridans Family member who adheres to fibrin platelet aggregates in damaged heart valves, most commonly occurs in mitral valve.
Strep Sanguineous
Enterococcus family mermbers
- Enterococcus Fecalis
- Enterococcus Faecium
Grow in mediums of up to 6.5% NaCl
Bile resistant
Strep Viridans
UTI’s,Endocarditis and Bile tree infections
Nosocomial infection resistant to almost every antibiotic we have.Vancomycin resistant
Enterococcus Faecium
1 TXT Enterococcus Faecium
2 TXT Enterococcus Faecium
Gram + Bacilli
B. Cereus B.Antracis C. Tetani C. Difficile C. Perfringes C. Botullinum Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Listeria Monocytogenes
Black Eschar with erythematous ring. Assos to wool working.Large gram pos rods in chains
Bacillus Anthracis
Large gram pos rods in chains,Gram Bacilli +
Bacillus Anthracis
Protein - Poly –D glutamate encapsulated Gram + Bacilli
Bacillus Anthracis
Obligate Aerobe Gram + Bacilli
Bacillus Anthracis
spore forming bacterias
Bacillus Anthracis and Bacillus cereus
Capsulated with Poly –D glutamate
Bacillus Anthracis
Bacillus Anthracis toxins
Edema factor
Lethal factor
Edema factor pathogenesis
EF Toxin increases cAMP intercellularily this will cause fluid to go extracellular space leading to edema inhibiting host defenses and preventing phagocytosis
Toxin increases cAMP
Edema factor
Factor of B. Anthracis will lead to necrosis and black eschar
Lethal Factor = exotoxin that acts as a protease and cleaves MAP Kinase.
Wool sorters disease
pulmonary anthrax -> mediastinal lymph nodes progressing -> hemorrhagic mediastianitis
chest xray image from hemorrhagic mediastianitis in pulmonary anthrax
widened mediastinum
txt Bacillus Anthracis
fluoroquinolone or doxycycline
Aerobic and spore forming. Associated with food poisoning – reheated fried rice
Bacillus cereus
Gram Positive Bacilli,Spore forming,Obligate anaerobes
Clostridium tetani
Spastic paralysis,Opisthosomas, rhesus (to grin) sardonicus (evil), also accompanies with lock jaw.
Clostridium tetani
Pathogenesis Clostridium tetani
- wound occurs either by nail or barbed wire with tetany spores on it, spores are embedded in the flesh and the organism vegetates and stays at the wound site. It will release tetanus toxin that will cause all the symptoms.
- Tetanus toxin will travel retrograde through the motor axons to the spinal cord.
- Tetanus toxin will cleave snare and inhibit exocytosis of the neurotransmitter into the synapse (GABA and glycine) or Renshaw cells.
- inibitis GABA and Glycine -> Rigidity
2 type of inhibitory neuronstransmitter inhibit by C. tetanis
GABA and Glycine from Renshaw cells.
C. tetani vaccine
Toxoid Vaccine, toxin conjugated to protein. Antibody response to the toxin.
transmitted (ADULTS) by improper canning of food allowing it to flourish in the anaerobic environment producing heat stable toxin. “family are presenting with the same neural symptoms”
Clostridium botulinum
Obligate Anaerobe,Gram Pos, Spore formers.
Flaccid paralysis, descending paralysis,Early synt. ptosis and diplopia.
Clostridium botulinum toxin pathogenesis
Cleavage of SNARE protein - botulism attacks motor neurons that release Ach, inhibiting motor neuron release leading to flaccid paralysis
“Floppy Baby Syndrome”
Dif between adult vs babies Botulism infection.
Adults ingest the toxin
babies ingest the spores (honey) due to lack robust flora.
Nosocomial diarrhea, spores easily transferred from patient to patient, antibiotics realted diarrhea.
Clostridium Difficile
ATB related to C. difficile
2 exotoxins from C. difficile
exotoxin A C. diffcile
Binds to the brush border of the intestine and causes inflammation, cell death and watery diarrhea
exotoxin B C. difficile
By depolymerizing actin leading to enterocyte death and necrosis. Yellowish grey exudate that forms a pseudo membrane that covers the colonic mucosa ->
pseudomembranous colitis.
TXT ATB related diarrhea
TXT pseudomembranous colitis by C. difficile
Oral Vancomycin
Motorcycle accidents and deep penetrating military combat wounds
Clostridium perfringe
Forms spores that are found in soil
C tetani
C perfringes
Causes Gas Gangrene after it enters the wound. gas produced under tissue and has a cracking sound on palpation
Clostridium perfringes
C. Perfringes toxin
Alpha toxin
Alpha toxin role in C perfringes pathology
Effects lipid bilayer and lyses. Myonecrosis involves alpha toxin, or lecithiinase -> phospholipase
Lecithinase Causes (C Perfringes)
cause red cell hemolysis.
Slow onset diarrhea by eating spores
Clostridium perfringes
Double zone of hemolysis
Clostridium perfringes
1st line txt Clostridium perfringes
Penicillin G
Gram Pos Bacilli, non-spore forming, V or y shape the bacteria with Metachromatic granules will stain red and the rest of the cell will stain blue.
Corynebacterium Diphtheria
V or y shape the bacteria will form with Metachromatic granules
Corynebacterium Diphtheria
2 subunits Corynebacterium Diphtheria
A is active and B is binding 1
Toxin Role Corynebacterium Diphtheria
Toxin causes Ribosylation of elongation factor 2, this will inhibit ribosome function inhibiting protein synthesis leading to form pseudomembranous exudate -> oral pharynx
Bullsneck,lymphopathy,thickening of the neck,pseudomembranous exudate in the oral pharynx
Difteria can lead to
-Myocarditis like arrhythmias and heart block and neuropathy ( damage the myelin of nerve fibers)
plate on Tellurite and Loeflers media
C Difteriae
In-vitro assay that has antitoxin on it of C. Difteria
Eleks test
DTaP Vaccine
Difteria,tetanus and pertusis. (Toxid Vaccine)
β – Hemolytic
Listeria monocytogenes
Group A Strep Pyogenes
Motile and facultative intracellular, tumbling motility extracellular
Listeria monocytogenes
Rapidly polymerizes actin along the cell wall allowing it to move quickly in the cell. Rocket “Actin Rocket” Intracellular movement
Listeria monocytogenes
Catalase Positive,β – Hemolytic ,Gram Positive Bacilli
Listeria monocytogenes
survives and multiplies in near freezing temperatures
Listeria monocytogenes
Can contaminate food items even if they are refrigerated, like milk, cheese
Listeria monocytogenes
Pregnant women are more likely to get listeria than anyone else and May lead.
To termination or disease in the newborn (Meningitis)
Listeria monocytogenes risk groups
Pregnant Women
Adults over 60
txt Listeria monocytogenes
Top 3 Menigitis in Newborns
1 Strep Agalactiae
2 E Coli
3 Listeria Monocytogenes
txt Meningitis in babies and Adults > 60
Vancomicina,Cextriazona + Ampicilina
Gram-Positive Branching Filamentous Rods
Nocardia and Actinomyces Israeli