Bacteria Cocci Gram - Flashcards
Gram - Diplococci
Oxidase +
Neisseria Species
Easily spread in areas with a lot of people, military recruits, college dorms via respiratory droplets.
Gram - Diplococci Oxidase +
Maltose Fermenter
Neisseria Meningitidis
Diference between N. Meningitidis
and N. Gonorrhea
N. Meningitidis can ferment Maltose from glucose
Nesseria’s Species Agars
Chocolate Agar
VPN (vancomycin, polymixin, and nystatin) Agar or THYLER MARTIN
MAC Deficiency unable to form the MAC complex due to complex c5-c9 being inhibited
complex c5-c9 being inhibited
Compliment deficiency predisposes to unable to form the MAC complex for encapsulated organisms.
C5-C9 compliment
- Sickle cell disease are more susceptible to Neisseria meningitides because it is encapsulated (ASPLENIA)
Neisseria Species Virulence Factors
- Pilli allows attachment to surfaces and display antigenic variation
- IgA protease will cleave IGA at its hinge point, facilitates survival along mucosal surfaces .
Nasopharyngeal swab suggests that it is found in nasal cavities first and transmitted via
N. Meningitides
Polysaccharide capsules incluides in N. Meningitides Vaccine
common serotype of N. Meningitides
Major virulence factor N. Meningitides
Capsule is the major virulence factor, type B strain is not included in the vaccine
Responsible for the inflammatory cascade N. Meningtides
N. Meningitidis Pathogenesis
LOS (Inflammatory response) -> Leakage of interstitial fluid by capillaries) hypovolemia (Petiquias) -> vasoconstriccion (leads to Waterhouse- Fredd Sydrome-> DIC -> SHOCK.
N. Meningitidis infection leads to
- Waterhouse-Fredd Syndrome (necrosis hemorrágica suprarrenal)
mortality rate N. Meningitidis
Treatment to N, Meningitidis infection
Close contacts Treatment to N, Meningitidis infection
Sexually transmitted infection Nesseria
N. Gonorrhea
Facultative intracellular and invade PMN’s Neiserria
N. Gonorrhea
Not encapsulated Neisseria
N. Gonorrhea
N. Gonorrhea in male’s causes
Urethritis and prostatitis and orchiditis
Female infection N. Gonorrhea
-Pelvic inflammatory Disease - purulent white discharge
Pelvic inflammatory Disease complication
- PID spreading to peritoneum - Fitz Hugh Curtiss syndrome
“Violin string” like adhesions in liver from spread into peritoneum
Fitz Hugh Curtiss syndrome (PID spreading to peritoneum)
May cause asymmetric polyarthritis in the knee
N. Gonorrhea
Cause a conjunctivitis w/ in 5 days of birth
We asume a px infected with N. Gonorrhea is also infected by?
Chlamydia Trachomatis
.TXT for N. Gonorrhea infection
Cextriazone + Azitromicin (chlamydia)
Gram - Bacilli
Bordetella Pertussis Haemophilus Influenzae Legionella Brucella Francisella Telarensis Coxiella burnetii Pastuerella Multocidida Bartonella henselae
Zoonotic Infections
Brucella Francisella Telarensis Coxiella burnetii Pastuerella Multocidida Bartonella henselae
Pilus called filamentous hemagglutini
Bordetella Pertussis
Pertussis Toxins
- ADP (adenylate cyclase)
- Tracheal Toxin
Pertussis Toxins functions
Tracheal toxin: damages ciliated cells in the epithelium, tractor cuts long cilia grass.
-Adenylate cyclase toxin:acts like the anthracis toxin edema factor, increases cAMP, Edema Factor, Most Virulent
Pertusis Stages
- Catarrhal: 2weeks of symtoms from upper resp infection.
- Parosxysms coughing; Whoop!
- Convalescent stage:subsiding cough.
Characteristic Pertusis Cough
Whooping sound
Parosxysms Coughing
Convalescence stage on Pertusis
final stage lasting 3 months with a cough, 100 day cough, most susceptible to secondary infections
TXT Bordetella Pertusis
Pertusis vaccine
DTaP - acellular vaccine using purified antigens
Aerobic,Non motile,Gram Neg rod
Bordetella Pertussis
Grown on chocolate agar needs factor 5 (NAD, nicotinamide) and factor 10 (Hemodin) “hemoTEN”
Haemophilus Influenz
Gram -,Coccobacillary, Grown in chocolate agar
Haemophilus Influenza
Need factors on agar for Haemophilus Influenza grow
Factor 5; Nicotinamide
Factor 10: hemotin
ON chocolate agar.
Haemophilus Influenza causes:
- Pneumonia: by aerosol transmission
- Epiglottitis: “cherry red epiglottis”.
- Otitis Media
- Meningitides (only type B)
- Sepsis and Septic arthritis (only in aplesnia)
“cherry red epiglottis
Haemophilus Influenza
Haemophilus Influenza type causes:
sickle cell disease (asplenia) and Haemophilus Influenza
Sepsis and Septic arthritis
Con que se mezcla la vacuna para Hib B?
Vaccine for only the type B capsule is conjugated with diphtheria toxoid and haemophilus type B capsule
Age for Hib B vaccination
6 weeks - 18 mouths
(bound to diphtheria) Dip=Diphtheria
TXT Pertusis
Treatment for close contacts in Pertusis
Stain used in legionella
Silver Stain
Requires agar for Legionella to grow
- Charcoal Yeast
- Cystein
- Iron
Diseases caused by Legionella
- Pontiac Fever
- Legionnaire’s Disease
Pontiac Fever (Legionella)
fever and malaise usually is self-limiting
Common patients with Legionnaire’s Disease
Smokers and elderly men
Infiltrates Legionnaire’s Disease
Atypical pneumonia patchy unilobed infiltrate
Atypical pneumonia patchy unilobed infiltrate,Hyponatremia,headache with confusion , Diarrhea, High fever over 104 F,
Legionnaire’s Disease
Lab test to confirm Legionnaire’s Disease
rapid urine antigen test to confirm
TXT Legionnaire’s Disease
Macrolides and Fluoroquinolones
Oxidase ?? Legionella
Oxidase Positive
Main virulence factor of legionella
Zinc Melloprotease
cytotoxic and inhibits PMN production, inhibits superoxide reduction, deactivates il-1 and CD4 and TNF.
Natural Reservoir Brucella
Cows and Pigs (direct contact)
Indirect contact with Brucella
Eating chesse or unpasteurized milk
Ondulant fever, chills, and anorexia.
Enlargment of spleen, liver and lymph nodes.
*contact with pigs,cows or eating unpasteurized milk products
Brucella is a Facultative
Facultative intracellular
Brucella Chronic Infection
TXT Brucella
Tetraciclina/ Doxyciclina + rifampin.
Favorite cell Brucella
Infect macrophages
Urease and H2S positive
Require cO2 to grow
Gram Neg Coccobacillis
Francisella Telarensis
Haemophilus Influenza
Francisella Telarensis TICK
painful ulcer,causes caseation necrosis - Regional lymphadenopathy
Direct contact with rabbits.
oxidative bursts
*Rifampin blocks oxidative burst
not induce oxidative burst
Francisella Telarensis
** Facultative intracellular
Francisella Telarensis Pathogenia
Enters through ulcer and into macrophages in the lymph system to reticuloendothelial organs and causes caseation necrosis
TXT Tularemia
Coxiella burnetii
Causes Q fever
Causes Q fever
Coxiella burnetii
coxiella does not cause a rash
coxiella does not cause a rash
coxiella is an obligate
coxiella Transmission
- by spores from animal droppings.
* Placental excretions
It gets into humans through aerosol transmission - outbreaks from farm animals to farmers or placental excretions
Fever,hepatitis,Hemorrhage on fingers, pneumonia and headache,contact with cows or Ram (cabras).
Q fever
Prevention coxiella
- pasteurization of milk
- No contact with natural reservoirs.
Pastuerella Multocidida is GRAM
Transmission Pastuerella Multocidida
Dog Bite or Cat bite
cellulitis after a bite (24h)
May lead to a necrotizing fasciitis or osteomyelitis
-Dog or cat bite
Pastuerella Multocidida
**Lymphadenopathy in patients with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or Liver disease
Catalase Positive ,Oxidase Positive,Grows on 5% sheep’s blood agar
Pastuerella Multocidida
Grows on 5% sheep’s blood agar
Pastuerella Multocidida
Bipolar / safety pin staining similar to Yersinia
Pastuerella Multocidida
TXT Pastuerella Multocidida
amoxicillin and clavulanic acid
Cat scratch fever
Bartonella hensela
Wartharin starry silver stain
Bartonella hensela
Bartonella hensela
- Cat scratched fever
- Bacillary angiomatosis
Bacillary angiomatosis
Bartonella Henselae **Immunocompromised individuals
Fever + regional lymph nodes in axilla + kitten
Cat scratch fever
**immunocompetent individual.
Raised red vascular
Bacillary angiomatosis
also en kaposi sarcoma
Karposi’s sarcoma raised red lesions DIFFERENTIAL
Bartonella Henselae
TXT Cat Scratch fever
azithromycin or Doxycycline
TXT Bacillary angiomatosis
Swarming Motility when plated,Facultative Anaerobe.
Proteus Mirabilis
causes UTI’s,Kidney Stones and have Fishy Odor
Proteus Mirabili
How Preoteus causes kidney stones
Because is urease positive, tmakes the stag horn calculi, to struvite stones causing pain and kidney stones, alkaline formation causes kidney struvite stones. Formed of ammonia, magnesium, and phosphate
TXT Proteus Mirabilli
H2S Positive
Proteus Mirrabilis
Fishy Odor
Proteus Mirrabilis
2 types of yersenia
Y. enterocolitica
Y. Petis
Common way transmission of yersinia enterocolitica
Transmitted through puppy feces and Transmitted through contaminated milk products
most common individuals infected yersinia enterocolitica
- Similar to listeria it is resistant to cold temperatures
Y. enterocolitica
Stains heavily on two ends “safety pin”
Main Virulence factor Yersenia Enterocolitica
Invasive systemic effects like fever, intestinal issues, leukocytosis, abscesses, major bowel issues.
Mimics appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitic
Mimics appendicitis
Yersinia enterocolitic
Transmitted through human as incidental host, usually with rats or prairie dogs
Yersinia Pestis
Natural reservoir for Yersinia Pestis
rats or prairie dogs -> “Rodents” with fleas.
Forms Buboes with swollen tender lymph nodes. abscesses in organs and DIC
Yersinia Pestis
Bacterias that use Type 3 secretion system to inhibit phagocytosis
TXT Yersenia
Aminoglycosides with tetracycline
Type of vaccine used for Yersenia
Killed vaccine is used to vaccinate
Gram Negative enteric causes gastroenteritis
leading to watery diarrhea and then finally bloody diarrhea.
hektoin agar
Green on hektoin agar
Black on hektoin agar
Immotile,Non - lactose,Gram -,Acid Stable
Facultative intracellular
Shigella - Facultative intracellular
Whats uses shigella to be motile?
In the organisms induce M cell to phagocytose them and they escape before complete phagocytosis.
Usins the actine filaments,builds a tail to propel itself from one cell o another.
What cell Shigella induce to phagocytose them?
M cells
Shigella Dysentaria leads to ______ in children <10
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
in children under < 10
Progerminal diarrhea following with acute renal failure (glomerular damage)
-Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
by Shigella Dysentaria
Shiga Toxin will bind to the ___ unit of ribosomes and inhibit translation
60s unit
Uses a type 3 secretion system to release micro enzymes
TXT Shigella
Macrolides and Fluoroquinolones
Toxins that binds to 60s unit from ribosomes to inhibit protein fabrication
- Shigella Toxin
- Shiga-Like Toxin from E Coli Enterohemorragica.
Bacteria does not ferment sorbitol
E. Coli
Facultative Anaerobic, Oxidase negative, green sheen on Eosin- Azul de metileno AGAR. (EMB)
Escherichia coli
Verde en agar EMB
Escherichia coli
Main Virulence Factor E. Coli
K factor = capsule
Antigens E coli
K antigen = capsular
H Flagelar antigen
Catalase Positive,Metallic green sheen on EMB Agar
Escherichia Coli
1 UTI Agent
E. Coli
Causes neonatal meningitis only if have the K antigen
E Coli
E Coli only causes meningitis if have _____ antigen
K antigen
serotype E coli from outbreaks
O157 H7
E coli hamburger $1.57
E.HEC is most commonly caused by
eating undercooked meat.
Causes bloody diarrhea
Shiga like Toxin from E.HEC
cause hemolytic uretic syndrome. Shiga like toxin damages endothelial cells of capillaries in the glomerulus. Damaged endothelial lining causes platelets to adhere decreasing platelet count causing thrombocytopenia and these platelet clumps will hemolysis RBCS.
travelers’ Diarrhea
ETEC - Transmitted via water sources.
Recent travel to Mexico where they drank the water, called Montezuma’s revenge.
travelers’ Diarrhea -Watery Diarrhea.
Caused by E.TEC
- Heat Labile: Increase CAMP
- Heat Stable: Increase cGmp.
2 Types of E coli
- Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
- Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC.
Skirrow Agar
Campy Jejuni
Gram Negative Spiral / Curved Rod Bacilli - Enteric
Campy Jejuni
Prefers warm environments around 42 deg Celsius, thermophile
Campy Jejuni
Reservoir of C. Jejuni
Main reservoir is intestinal tract of poultry and transmission is fecal oral / also contaminated water supplies or ingestion of raw milk
riders syndrome
Inflammatory arthritis (mainly,knees or ankles), conjunctivitis and urethritis.
Caused by Campi.
Men carrying the HLAB27 genetic marker.
men carrying the HLAB27 genetic marker + campi infection
*riders syndrome: (inflammatory arthritis,conjuntivitis and urethritis)
Campi Infection can lead to:
Guillen barre syndrome (ascending paralysis)
Campy Pathogenesis
Bacteria Colonize intestinal Mucosa and attach to epithelial cells then replicate intracellularly causing an acute PMN response, edema of the mucosa and ulcerations. Presenting with acute enteritis and diarrhea
Klebsiella causes the following nosocomial infections:
Nosocomial UTI
Nosocomial pneumonia
MacConkey’s agar Lac + (PINK)
E. Coli
MacConkey’s agar Lac - (agar incoloro colonias blancas)
Salmonella, Proteus y Shigella.
Difference between Kleibsiella,Serratia and Enterobacter
Serratia and Enterobacter are MOBILE.
Klebsiella are Inmobile and is !!Urease positive!!
Cavatary lesion on patients right lobe “tb like”
TXT Enterobacter,Klebsiella and Serratia
3rd Gen = Ceftriaxone,Cefotaxime
all curved rods are
oxidase positive
Gram - curved RODS
all Oxidase positive
Helicobacter Pylori
Vibrio Species
Campylobacter Jejuni
“Comma Shaped” Bacilli
Helicobacter Pylori rapid test
Breath test: Can be tested with Urea breath test, radioactive urea that is broken down and exhaled as CO2 and NH3 by urease positive organisms.
Allows to reduce the acidity of the stomach and allows Helicobacter to survive there. 6
Causes 95% of all duodenal ulcers
H. Pylori
Chronic infection of H. Pylori can lead to:
- Gastric adenocarcinoma
- MALT ( lymphoma of mucous associated lymphoid tissue. )
TXT H. Pylori
Proton Pump Inhibitor + Amoxicilin + Clarithromycin
Transmission of H. Pylori
Thrives in aquatic environments, hot tub folliculitis
Swimmers otitis media
Produces a blue green pigment when plated may even turn wounds blue
Pseudomona pigments
Pyocyanin and pyoverdin
Most common Gram Neg Nosocomial Pneumonia
Most common Gram Neg Nosocomial Pneumonia, respiratory failure in Cystic fibrosis patient
Osteomyelitis in the IV drug users and Diabetics
Burn patients are especially susceptible.
Burn patients are especially susceptible.
Indwelling catheter infections from UTI’s, chamber pot, nosocomial UIT’s
Pruritic folliculitis ( Hot tub folliculitis) - ecthyma gangrenosom
ecthyma gangrenosom ‘black spot on skin” like Dalmata
Pseudomona’s Toxin
Exotoxin A = Ribosolation of elongation factor 2, leads to inhibition of protein synthesis and cell death
TXT Pseudomona (3)
- Penicilinas anti-pseudomona: Piperacilina
- Aminoglucosidos -> Tobramicina
- Fluoroquinolones
2 Types of Salmonella
Salmonella E.
Salmonella Typhi
Non lactose Fermenter, white on MacConkey’s
All motile enteric colonies stain black on hektoen aga
Salmonella is positive for ______ turns indicator color _____ for alkaline pH
Citrate turns color blue.
Acid Labile EnteroBacteries
Invades through colon through the macrophages to get into the colon, Facultative intracellular
cage near of chicken
Caused by eating undercooked Chickens and Causes inflammatory Diarrhea, Gastroenteritis
Salmonella E
Type 3 secretion system that detects eukaryotic cells that will increase infectivity
Salmonella E
Yersenia Pestis
typhoid Fever
Salmonella Typhi
*always from human source
Human reservoir for S. Typhi
Harbored in the Gall Bladder “ Thyphoid Mary
1 cause of osteomyelitis in adults with sickle cell
Salmonella Typhi
Can cause “pea soup” diarrhea
Salmonella Typhi
TXT Typhoid fever
Treated with fluoroquinolone, or ceftriaxone
the S. typhi vaccinne is
Live, Attenuated Vaccine
Salmonella Septicemia
Ampicilin // Amoxicilin
or TMP/SMX for 10 days
TBT Salmonella
3 phases of Typhoid fever
- After sufficient bacteria have multiplied in the intestines there is a manifestation of lethargy dull frontal headache, CONSTIPATION.
- Fever and are severely ill with a Dull Expressionless look, rose spots develop mainly on the trunk
- Second Bacteremia occurs from reinfection of biliary tract, pus in stools and bleeding in peyers patches, Ileum Necrosis
Pus in stool
Bloody peyers patches,Illeum necrosis
Salmonella typhi
Constipation,fever,frontal headache,lethargy,rose spots IN TRUNK
Prefers to grow in alkaline media,Comma Shaped Bacilli
ACID LABILE - Dies with acid
Grows on TCBS agar
Causes Profuse watery diarrhea “Rice Water” stool
Vibrio cholera transmision
transmitted fecal oral due to poor sanitation that gets into food and is not an invasive infection
Vibrio mechanisms for attaches
Attaches to the mucosa by fimbriae.
Main Virulence Factor Vibrio
AB type toxin;
a) increase cAmp
b) activate the GS pathway = watery diarrhea through an efflux if Cl and H2.
AB type toxin from Vibrio
a) increase cAmp
b) activate the GS pathway = watery diarrhea through an efflux if Cl and H2.
TXT Vibrio
Oral rehydration therapy with electrolytes
contaminate seafood, especially oysters and causes Acute Gastroenteritis .
Vibrio Vulnificus
Causes fulminating septicemia leading to death. Marked edema and necrosis
Vibrio Paraliticus