Bacteria Flashcards
Which one of the following structures is NOT found in Gram-positive cell walls?
MacConkey’s Agar plates are
A selective media for the growth of lactose fermenting gram negative bacteria
A positive result in which of the following bacteria diagnostic tests would generate oxygen?
Which Lancefield Group does the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes belong to?
Group A
What colour does Streptococcus pyogenes stain in a Gram stain?
What result will Streptococcus pyogenes give in a catalase test?
Streptococcus pyogenes growth on blood agar plates reveals…
Beta (clear) haemolysis
TSST-1 is a bacterial toxin that can cause systemic effects on the host leading to toxic shock syndrome. It is secreted by..
Staphylococcus aureus
Which of the following bacterial pathogens can evade the host immune response by secreting Protein A, which binds to the Fc portion of IgG molecules?
Staphylococcus aureus
A bacterial cell has a typical diameter of…
1 micrometre
The bacterial adhesins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Escherichia coli are in the form of..
A sputum sample is cultured, and a Gram-positive encapsulated bacterium is cultured from the sample that is catalase negative and Optichin sensitive. What is the most likely identity of this bacterium?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium’s polysaccharide capsule is important in the pathogenesis of this disease presentation because..
It prevents phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils
A 15-day old female infant (birth weight 2.6kg) presents with fever and respiratory failure. A cloudy cerebrospinal fluid sample from the patient showed 1042 cells/mm (normal range = 0-5 cells/mm ), with a predominance of neutrophils (83%), CSF protein of 435 mg/dL (normal range = 15-60 mg/dL), and glucose < 10 mg/dL (normal range = 50-80 mg/dL).
The infant’s blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cultures were positive for Gram-negative cocci that were oxidase positive. The neonate was hospitalized, needing mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs, and received 21 days treatment with penicillin.
Neisseria meningitidis
Bile salts used on
Gram negative bacilli
Catalase test identifies
Catalase enzyme present? Staphylococcus (+) or Streptococcus (-)
Catalase test method
Drop of H2O2 on sample, O2 release (fizzing and bubbling) is a positive result
Coagulase test identifies
S.aureus (+), coagulase negative staphylococcus
Coagulase test process
The two saline drops are emulsified with the test organism. A drop of plasma is placed on the inoculated saline drop corresponding to test, and mixed well, then the slide is rocked gently for about 10 seconds.
Clumping gives positive result
H2S method identifies
Salmonella (+), Shigella (-)
H2S method
Shows if bacteria can convert sodium thiosulphate to H2S.
Black centres (positive)
Haemolysis test
The types of haemolysis produced by different bacteria are described as alpha, beta or ‘gamma’, if bacteria lyses erythrocytes
If the bacteria cannot grow on bile salts, what type is it?
Haemolysis test shows
If alpha do optochin test, if beta do Lancefield typing
Optochin test identifies
Used on alpha haemolysing streptococcus
Sensitive - S.pneumoniae
Resistant - viridans, S.mutans