Bacte Final Quiz Flashcards
needs are relatively complex, and exceptional media components must be used for growth
basic and straightforward needs
Artificial environment where needs of bacterial organisms are met to proliferate and grow
Phases of growth media
Broth, Agar, Semi-solid
nutrients are dissolved in water
Broth media
bacterial growth is indicated by turbidity
Broth Media
Most common solidifying agent
Agarose melts at what temp?
95 C
Agarose solidify after temp. falls below?
50 C
Agarose cool around?
55-60 C
used to observe and detect the motility of bacteria
provides an indication of the type of organism present based on oxygen requirement
used to enhance growth of a particular bacteria by
providing specific nutrients required
Ex. BYCE (Buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar )- contains L-cysteine for Legionella pneumophila
Enrichment media
supports growth if most non-fastidious organism Ex. Tryptic soy agar, nutrient agar
Nutritive media
contain inhibitory agents against a specific bacteria, while allowing only a “selected” bacteria to grow
Selective media