Backyard Bounty 2 Flashcards
If you bury tomato stem up to the cotelydons _
New roots will form along the buried stem
Tomatoes that thrive in hanging baskets (2)
Can around tomato plant stops
Cut worms
Radishes repel
Cucumber beetle
Cucumber beetles cause bacterial wilt among (2)
Cause bacterial wilt on squash and pumpkins
Cucumber beetle
A hill is
A spot in the garden where you plant a group of seeds
Cucumber hills need to be _ ft apart
Lima beans need _ inches between plants
Tops of small beer plants can be used for
Blossom end rot is prevented by
A good mulch
Mulch stops the sun and rain from
Leaching out nutrie te from your soil
Harvest in the morning
Root crops
Harvest in the evening
Above ground crops
To cull
Natures process of thinning (survival of the fittest)
Potatoes are mature when
Tops of plants turn withered and yellow
Cantaloupe will turn from green to
Yellow when ripe
When cabbage is cut off _ so 4 new heads will form
Make a 1.5 inch deep x in stem with knife
Green beans should be harvested when
They are small
Corn ready to harvest when silk
Turns brown
Sprinkle red pepper on corn silks to deter
Smut def
Big ugly white blobs on corn
Don’t compost _
Never plant leaf crop after
Leaf crop