Background Facts Flashcards
Air pollution is responsible for _ in 8 deaths worldwide
1 in 8
Poor ventilation practices can expose humans to what 3 pollutants?
VOCs, PAHs, Microbial Pathogens
What are the 6 major air pollutants addressed by the air concept?
Carbon Monoxide Lead Nitrogen Dioxide Ozone PM Sulfur Dioxide
A person breathes on average more than __ liters of air every day
Tobacco causes 400,000 deaths per year in the US alone, but there are still __ million US adult smokers
A tobacco smoker has a life expectancy of __ years less than a non smoker
Cigarettes have 600 ingredients with __ compounds and __ known carcinogens
700, 69
Air pollution contributes to __ premature deaths in the US and __ million premature deaths worldwide
50,000, 7 million
US agriculture uses about _ billion pounds of pesticides a year
1 billion
The off-gassing of formaldehyde can be 1.8 - 2.6 higher when RH increases by __ %
Up to __ & of people who live in cities have reactions to cockroach allergens
Carbon monoxide binds to red blood cells __ times more than oxygen
Carbon Monoxide from fuel burning appliances is responsible for __ deaths per year in the US
__ billion people lack access to safe drinking water worldwide, __ million annual deaths can be attributed to unsafe water
1 billion, 2 million
The antimony in bottled water can increase by __% after 6 months of storage
The recommended water amount is __ OZ for women and __ OZ for men.
91, 125
In 1990s, pesticides were found in all water streams, as well as __ - __ % of the groundwater.
30% - 60%
What is the recommended serving of fruits and vegetables and what percent of people meet these recommendations in the US?
4 fruit & 8%
5 vegetables & 6%
__ million deaths worldwide are attributed to insufficient fruit and veggie intake, making it one of the top 10 risk factors of mortality