Back Slide Questions (Test I) Flashcards
What motion takes place at the anterior-posterior axis?
Adduction & Abduction
What motion takes place at the vertical axis?
What motion takes place at the transverse axis?
Internal & External Rotation
Supination & Pronation
Tela subcutanea
(Subcutaneous Fascia) the superficial fat and connective tissue
Thoracorodorsal (Lumbodorsal) Fascia
Fascia that envelops the erector spinae muscles
Superficial Fascia is what and contains what?
Loose, irregulary arranged connective tissue containing fat, sweat glands, superficial blood & lymph vessels, and cutaneous nerves
Deep Fascia (Investing Fascia)
Dense, regularly arranged connective tissue; it surrounds muscles and neurovascular bundles and intramuscular and fascial compartments
3 other types of specialized dense, regularly arranged fascia
Skin ligaments (fiberous septa), aponeurotic bands, and palmar/plantar fascia
What is a dermatome?
A region of the skin innervated by one spinal nerve segment
How many spinal cord segments need to be injured in order to lose sensation in the trunk? Why is this?
Two because the nerve segments overlap each other in the trunk region.
A bundle that includes two veins and one artery because of the lower pressure found in the veins.
What are the cervical cutaneous nerves? (x5)
Greater occipital nerve Occitipal teritary nerve Lesser occipital nerve Greater auricular nerve Posterior cutantous branches of C4-C6
Extrinsic Muscles:
1st Layer- trapezius & latissimus dorsi
2nd Layer- rhomboid major, rhomboid minor & levator scapulae
Intermediate Muscles:
Serrattus poster superior
Serratus poster inferior
Intrinsic Muscles:
Erector spinae, transversospinalis, splenius capitis, splenius cervicis, interspinales, intertransversari, and levatores costarum
The dorsal layer of the thorcodorsal fascia attaches to what?
Spinous processes (posterior to erector spinae muscles)
The middle layer of the thorcodorsal fascia attaches to what?
Transverse processes (anterior to erector spinae muscles)
The ventral layer of the thorcodorsal fascia the fasica of what muscle?
Quadratus lumborum
The thoracodorsal is located lateral to the erector spinae muscles and combine to give rise to what?
The common aponeurosueses of the transverse abdominal and internal oblique abdominal muscles
The lumbar triangle is bounded by what?
Illiac crest, latissimus dorsi, and external oblique muscle
The triangle of auscultation is bounded by what?
The bounded by the latissiums dorsi, trapezius, andmedial boder of scapula
What is the clinical significance of the triangle of auscultation?
The physician will listen to this triangle to hear the lung sounds.
What is the clinical significance of the lumbar triangle?
Lumbar hernias
The developing human at the beginning of development in which all the beginnings of the major structures are present.
The cell formed by the fertilization of the oocyte by a sperm.
The series of miotic divisions of the zygote that results in the formation of blastomeres.
The cells that form as a result of the zygote dividing. They continue to divide and their number increases changing the cleavage to a morula.
When 12 or more blastomeres cells are formed and make the sphere-shaped group of cells. They tightly align to make a tight ball of cells.
Blastula (Blastocyte)
The fluid-filled cavity that forms inside the morula as it enters the uterus.
Embryoblast (inner cell mass)
The centrally located cells of the blastocyte that eventually form the embryo.
Bilaminar embroynic disc
After the blastocyte attaches to the uterine wall and the inner cell masses begin to divide and differentiate into two layers.
What are the primary curves of the vertebral column?
Thoracic and sacral
What are the secondary curves of the vertebral column?
Cervical and lumbar