back pain- child Flashcards
variant 1
Child. Back pain with none of the following clinical red flags: constant pain, night pain,
radicular pain, pain lasting >4 weeks, abnormal neurologic examination. Initial imaging
imaging not indicated
variant 2
Child. Back pain with 1 or more of the following clinical red flags: constant pain, night pain,
radicular pain, pain lasting >4 weeks, abnormal neurologic examination. Initial imaging
- XR (green)
- MRI complete spine without contrast (yellow
- MRI complete spine with and without contrast (yellow)
variant 3
Child. Back pain with 1 or more of the following clinical red flags: constant pain, night pain,
radicular pain, pain lasting >4 weeks, abnormal neurologic examination. Negative
- MRI without contrast (green)
- mri with and without contrast
- ct without contrast
- bone scan whole body SPECT or SPECT/CT complete spine
variant 4
Child. Back pain with 1 or more of the following clinical red flags: constant pain, night pain,
radicular pain, pain lasting >4 weeks, abnormal neurologic examination. Positive
- MRI complete spine without contrast (green)
- MRI complete spine with and without contrast (greeb)
- CT without contrast
- Bone scane whole body with SPECT or SPECT/CT
variant 5
Child. Chronic back pain associated with overuse. Mechanical back pain.
- XR spine area of interest (green)
- mri without contrast (green)
3. ct without contrast
bone scan SPECT