Back and Upper Limb Flashcards
Serratus Anterior
Origin: Top surface of Rib 1-9 to border of scapula
- Innervation: Long Thoracic Nerve (and artery)
- Action: Medial rotation of arm and Protraction of the arm
Serratus Posterior Superior
- Origin: Spinous Process C7-T3 to ribs 2-5
- Innervation: Intercoastal nerves
- Action: Elevates ribs 2-5 when INHALING
Serratus Posterior Inferior
- Origin: Spinous process of T11-L2 to ribs
- Innervation: Intercoastal nerves
- Action: Depresses rib 9-12 when EXHALING
- Origin: Most lateral of muscles in middle back
- Innervation: Dorsal Rami of Spinal Nerves
- Extends the vertebral column
Longissimus Dorsi
- Origin: Middle muscle of central back muscle
- Innervation: Dorsal Rami of Spinal Nerves
- Action: Extends the vertebral column
- Origin: Most medial muscle in middle back
- Innervation: Dorsal Rami of Spinal Nerves
- Action: Extends the vertebral column
- Origin: Spinous process of T1-T12 to clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
- Innervation: Spinal Accessory nerve (CN XI)
- Actions: Elevation of scapula, retraction of scapula, depression of scapula
Latissimus Dorsi
- Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia to the humerus
- Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve
- Action: Adducts,extends, and medially rotates the arm of the shoulder
Levator Scapula
- Location: Transverse process of C1-C4 to medial border of scapula
- Innervation: Dorsal Scapular Nerve (motor) and Ventral Rami of C3-C4 (sensory)
- Action: Elevates and rotates the scapula
Teres Major
- Origin: Lateral border of Scapula to the Humerus (inferior to teres minor)
- Innervation: Lower Sub-scapular nerve
- Action: Adducts and internally rotates arm
Rhomboid Major
- Origin: Spinous process of T2-T5 to medial border of scapula
- Innervation: Dorsal Scapular nerve
- Action: Retraction and elevation of Scapula
Rhomboid Minor
- Origin: Spinous process of C1-T1 to medial border of scapula
- Innervation: Dorsal Scapular Nerve
- Origin: Supraspinous fossa of scapula to humerus
- Innervation: Suprascapular nerve
- Action: Abducts the arm
- Origin: Infraspinatus fossa of scapula to humerus
- Innervation: Suprascapular nerve
- Action: Lateral rotation of the arm
Teres minor
- Origin: lateral border of scapula to humerus
- Innervation: Axillary Nerve
- Action: lateral rotation of arm
- Origin: subscapular fossa to the humerus
- Innervation: subscapular nerve
- Medial rotation of arm
Pronator Teres
- Origin: Medial epicondyle to lateral side of radius
- Innervation: Median nerve
- Action: pronates and flexes forearm
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Origin: medial epicondyle to intercarpals
- Innervation: median nerve
- Action: flexes and abducts the hand
Palmaris longus
- Origin: Medial epicondyle to palmar
- Innervation: Median nerve
- Action: Flexes wrist and Palmar aponeurosis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
- Origin: Medial Epicondyle to carpal bones
- Innervation:Ulnar nerve
- Action: Flexes an Adducts hand
Felxor Digitorum Superficialis
- Origin: medial epicondyle to middle phalanges
- Innervation: Median Nerve
- Action: Flexes proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joint of 2-5
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
- Origin: Ulnar side of interosseous membrane to distal phalanges
- Innervation: Median and Ulnar nerve (1.5)
- Action: Flexes distal interphalangeal joint (DIP)
Flexor Pollicis longus
- Origin: Lateral Side of interosseous membrane to distal phalanges
- Innervation: Median Nerve
- Action: Flexes the thumb
Pronator Quadratus
- Origin: Distal end of ulna to the radius
- Innervation: Median nerve
- Action: pronates the hand
Opponens Pollicis
- Origin: Lateral Carpels to metacarpal 1
- Innervation: Median n
- Action: allows tip of thumb to touch the tips of other fingers
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
- Origin: Lateral carpals to proximal thumb
- Innervation: Median nerve
- Action: Abduction of thumb
- Origin: Lateral humerus to styloid process
- Innervation: Radial nerve
- Flexes the forearm at elbows
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
- Origin: Lateral Humerus to styloid process
- Innervation: Radial nerve
- Action: Extends and abducts the wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
- Origin: Lateral epicondyle to metacarpal 3
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: Extends and Abducts the wrist
Extensor Pollicis Longus
- Origin: Ulna to distal thumb
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: Extends the thumb
Abductor Pollicis Longus
- Origin: Interosseous membrane to metacarpal 1
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: Abducts the extends the thumb
Extensor Digitorum
- Origin: Lateral epicondyle at Humerus to middle/distal phalanges 2-5
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: Extends phalanges 2-5
Extensor Indicis
- Origin: Ulna to distal phalanx of index finger
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: Extends index finger
Extensor Digiti Minimi
- Origin: Lateral epicondyle to middle/distal phalanx of pinky
- Innervation: Radial nerve
- Action: Extends index finger
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
- Origin: Lateral epicondyle to 5th intercarpel
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: extends the wrist and adducts the hand
- Origin: Lateral epicondyle to lateral radius
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
- Action: Supinates the forearm