BAB 4a Flashcards
What muscles are controlled by CNIII? What are some of it sympathetic fxns? Where are the cell bodies of CNIII?
a. SR, IR, MR, IO, levator palpebrae
b. pupillary constriction, lens accomodation
c. Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
Where does CNIV exit the brainstem? Where are the cell bodies? What is its job?
a. dorsally on the brainstem
b. trochlear nucleus
c. decussates and innervates SO
What is the job of CNVI? Where are the cell bodies? What other nerve does it run around?
a. control ipsilateral LR
b. cell bodies in the abducens nucleus
What do GSE and GVE do?
a. GSE: carry motor sense to the trunk and limbs
b. GVE: carry preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
**Both are motor
What do GSA and GVA do?
a. GSA: sensory from body wall
b. GVA: sensory from thoracic and abdominal viscera
What are the special pathways?
They carry special sensory information to the head: sight, taste, hearing
What nerve/muscles come from Branchial Arch 1?
Mastication: temporalis, masseter, medial and lateral ptyerygoids, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatine, ant. belly of digastric, mylohyoid
What nerve/muscles come from Branchial Arch 2?
Facial (VII)
Facial Expression: stapedius, stylohyoid, post. belly of digastric, platysma
What nerve/muscles come from Branchial Arch 3?
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
What nerve/muscles come from Branchial Arch 4?
Vagus (X)
Laryn and pharynx
The pupillary constrictor muscle is governed by what type of receptor?
Muscarinic only
Where are beta adrenoceptors located?
Ciliary epithelium
Parasympathetic nerve activity in the eye results in?
Miosis and accommodation for near vision.
What type of receptors are on the ciliary muscle?
Are cholinergic antagonists good for treating glaucoma?
Atropine instilled in the eye results in?
mydriasis and cycloplegia
What drug causes mydriasis without cycloplegia?
Of the anti-muscarinic mydriatic drugs, which has the shortest duration of action?
Be careful using beta blockers in patients with what condition?
Asthma or any reactive airway disease.
What type of drugs affect accommodation?