BA & HAZMAT Flashcards
In regards to oxygen depletion in the atmosphere, at what point can the effects be noticed and what are two (2) examples of the effects?
Effects can be noticed between 18% and below
The effects on the human body are:
* Dizziness, weakness
* Impaired thinking, confusion
* Collapse, com, Death
Identify the four (4) types of irrespirable atmospheres and explain how a gas tight chemical suit protects us from one (1) of these atmospheres?
S - Smoke or suspended (particles) atmospheres
H - Heated atmospheres
O - Oxygen deficient - asphyxiating atmosphere
T - Toxic or poisonous atmosphere
Using the correct terminology, identify the six (6) component parts of the DRAEGER 7000 open circuit CABA set?
- Cylinder - volume of 6.8L, 2040L breathable air when charged to nominal pressure of 300bar
- Backplate and Harness - carbon composite material, carry handles and shoulder yoke S,M,L.
- Valve Group - pressure reducer valve to working pressure of 7bar. Relief valve vent at 11bar Warning whistle
- Demand Valve - supplies breathable air on demand, positive pressure, airflow shuts when button depressed
- Face Mask - Impact and scratch resistant polycarbonate, wide vision large facial seal, 5 point harness
- Personal Distress Alarm (PDA) - tally key operated for activation, water resistant, battery operated
Fully describe each of the components identified in Question 3?
- Cylinder - volume of 6.8L, 2040L breathable air when charged to nominal pressure of 300bar
- Backplate and Harness - carbon composite material, carry handles and shoulder yoke S,M,L.
- Valve Group - pressure reducer valve to working pressure of 7bar. Relief valve vent at 11bar Warning whistle
- Demand Valve - supplies breathable air on demand, positive pressure, airflow shuts when button depressed
- Face Mask - Impact and scratch resistant polycarbonate, wide vision large facial seal, 5 point harness
- Personal Distress Alarm (PDA) - tally key operated for activation, water resistant, battery operated
A crew member you are working with has had a catastrophic failure of their BA set and you are required to be the provider in a buddy breathing situation. Outline the procedure to be followed?
Remove cap from Buddy Breathing
Connection and place in the
Receiver’s right hand.
Grasp Buddy Breathing Connection in your right hand to maintain contact with Provider
Call ‘TAKE A BREATH’ and press Receiver’s red OFF button.
Disconnect Receiver’s intermediate air supply line at connection and place it in the Receiver’s left hand.
Grasp intermediate air supply connection in your left hand.
Connect the intermediate air supply line coupling into Provider’s Buddy Breathing Connection.
Call ‘PURGE YOUR MASK’. On call purge mask using black PURGE button while holding the mask away from your face (break seal) with your left hand.
Maintain physical contact.
Both immediately egress to a safe environment.
On call breathe normally, maintain physical contact by grasping the handle of the Provider’s backplate.
Both immediately egress to a safe environment.
You have become entrapped during a search and rescue operation as a result of a partial building collapse. Outline the steps you would take to successfully carry out entrapment procedure?
Don’t panic
Stay in the area (if safe to do so)
Activate PDAs
Transmit radio message: Emergency message, Team name, Nature of emergency, Approx location if known.
Sit down against a wall or your BA partner
Control your breathing, take slow deep breaths
Reduce air consumption down to 8 l/m
Identify and fully explain the 12 duties of the ECO?
1 SET UP * Don ECO tabard
* Set up Entry Control Board in fresh air
* Clock is operational
2 COLLECT * Collect tallies & ensure PDA is activated
* Record name of wearer, cylinder pressure
and Time In
3 CONDUCT * Check cylinders are turned on fully
* Conduct radio check
4 FIT * Fit guideline tallies as necessary
5 RECORD * Record working locations
6 CALCULATE * Calculate working duration and record
team time due out, time relief crew due in
7 ENSURE * Ensure emergency team available
8 ARRANGE * Relief teams at least 15mins prior to time
due out
9 SEND IN * Relief crews at least 10mins prior to time
due out
10 INITIATE * Emergency warning signals and commit
emergency team if safe to do so
11 INFORM * BACO/OIC/SC/OO/IC of emergency actions
12 RETURN * Return clean tally keys
* Transfer entries into ECO Log
* Advise teams on next task
Explain the term re-entry and indicate the working duration of a re-entry of a FF wearing BA with 200 bar left in the cylinder?
Re-entry - when a team withdraws from an environment, removes their face masks and is then required to re-enter for a simple specific task. For example: re-enter, go inside, open the master bedroom window.
This is ‘re-entry’ as new control board records are required. A minimum working duration of 15 minutes is required. The cylinder must be no less than 150 bar pressure.
You attend a property fire in a block of flats with occupants in all parts of the building. List in order, the priorities when conducting rescue operations?
Rescue operations follow a set priority;
1. Occupants most severely threatened.
2. Largest group of occupants.
3. Remaining occupants within the building involved.
4. Occupants in exposed areas.
You are the ECO at an incident and have been instructed by the OIC to immediately evacuate crews working inside due to signs of impending structural collapse. What steps would you take to do this?
There are three methods of attracting the attention of firefighters working inside
a structure:
* A series of short blasts blown on a whistle
* Activation of an appliance’s siren intermittently
* The radio message: “evacuate, evacuate, evacuate”
Identify the three (3) factors that require the initiation of Stage II Entry Control Procedures:
Stage II - This is an extension of Stage I and shall be initiated when any of the following occur:
* Any circumstances requiring the undivided attention of at least one
firefighter whose sole task is to arrange relief teams and cylinders.
* There is more than one entry control point.
* Where more than two teams are working simultaneously.
During a structure fire your Super Pass II PDA emits a loud, rapid chirping tone accompanied by the slow pulsing of four red LED’s. What type of alarm is being activated and what steps are to be taken to silence the alarm?
Temperature Sensor Alarm will sound under the following conditions:
- Loud, rapid chirping tone accompanied by the slow pulsing of four RED LEDs (98+dBA).
- The alarm cannot be turned off.
- The unit must cool down below the temperature alarm threshold before the alarm will automatically reset.
What is the objective of breathing apparatus entry control procedures?
Entry control procedures are instituted to ensure the safety and control of firefighters entering a known or unknown risk.
What is the purpose of the Super Pass II PDA and what are the five (5) alarms it features?
PDA is designed to attract attention and initiate emergency response to locate a person in need of emergency assistance.
- Pre alarm
- Full alarm
- Manual activation alarm
- Low battery alarm
- High temperature sensor alarm
Explain the difference between full duration and working duration of a BA wear.
Full Duration
- This is the time a Breathing Apparatus set is expected to last from the moment it is started up until the cylinder is exhausted.
Working Duration
- This is the time a Breathing Apparatus set is expected to last from the time it is started up until the cylinder pressure is reached when the low cylinder pressure warning device (whistle) starts to operate.