BA 466 Flashcards
At what incidents should BA be the default level of RPE?
For fires and other incidents presenting an acute respiratory hazard
Define the term Entry point?
The point of entry into a risk area.
Define the term Entry control point?
The position for the command and control, deployment and monitoring of BA wearers into a risk are
Define the term New entry
Where a BA wearer has cylinder contents above the minimum entry pressure (240 bar) when reporting to the entry control officer
Define the term Re-entry?
Following withdrawal and closing down, the BA wearer is required to re-enter the risk area to perform a specific task (minimum cylinder contents 190 bar, maximum duration 15 minutes).
In terms of good practice how should the sizes of BA teams be constructed?
Use multiple BA teams of two who can, if required, can work together.
What are the exceptional operational circumstances where one firefighter can wear BA?
Car fires. Rubbish fires.Hot cuttingWorking a monitor at the head of an aerial appliance
Under what circumstances can a single wearer be committed in BA?
In the open air. In line of sight from the ECO.
At fires, when can BA teams be committed without extinguishing media?
To carry out support functions such as hose management and ventilation following a risk assessment (RA) by the IC.
What is the weight of: A standard BA set An extended duration BA set
15.5Kg & 22 Kg
What are the various methods to limit heat build-up, and to ensure that these effects are minimised?
- IC or SC to establish a shaded holding and recovery area, away from the immediate risk area, where BA wearers can muster and rest.
- BA wearers within the holding and recovery area should relax their firefighting PPE to allow their body to cool as normal (Where emergency teams are standing by at the incident, they are to remain fully rigged).
- Drinking water must be available at the holding and recovery area to allow personnel to rehydrate, use of personal water bottles should be encouraged (At hazardous materials incidents drinking water is only to be allowed under the direction of the HMEPO or SA).
- Recognise the stresses of the tasks that BA wearers are required to complete. Ensure that BA teams are relieved at appropriate intervals.
A primary requirement of any incident is the need for the exchange of information between all involved, what should all personnel ensure takes place with regards to communication in BA?
- A comprehensive briefing for the BA team takes place prior to deployment.
- A comprehensive debriefing takes place on withdrawal.
- Full exchange of information on handover/take-over of tasks with other BA teams.
- Regular updates from BA team leader on conditions, progress and team status.
What resources are mobilised when EDBA is requested?
Brigade Control will mobilise 3 FRUs and 3 EDBA support pumps.
In relation to the commitment of BA, what are the responsibilities of an IC?
- Nominate BA team leaders. Where possible the team leader should be a minimum of crew manager. (For emergency BA teams the team leader must be a minimum of crew manager).
- Brief BA teams and confirm understanding.
- Confirm the role and responsibilities of the ECO
Where should all briefings and debriefings for use at PROs, PRCs, safety events and inquiries be recorded?
The Information Recording Board carried on all pumping appliances will perform this function.
When should the debriefing of a BA team take place?
Immediately after BA teams close down.
What are the danger signs that should be looked for during a BA team debrief, that will help indicate the extent of heat, smoke and fire conditions?
Some of the danger signs are:
- Heat damaged and/or steaming fire gear on exiting.
- Signs of exhaustion.
- Air consumption significantly above the normal consumption taking into account the tasks undertaken.
When is it expected a BA team leader will decide to withdraw from the hazard area?
- Any BA team member has an uncontrolled loss of air.
- A low pressure warning/whistle sounds.
- Any BA team member seems unwell or confused.
- Any BA team member’s Bodyguard display becomes faulty or unreadable.
- A BA team member’s ADSU/DSU sounds (ECO should also be alerted to this by the ECB).
- Any BA team member indicates they may have been exposed to an irrespirable atmosphere due to a dislodged or defective facemask.
- A complete loss of both radio and telemetry signals simultaneously.
What are the actions if communications or contact is lost with any BA team without warning?
A BA team will be committed to investigate. If it is established that the original BA team is in difficulty and the IC immediately informed.
Define the term working duration?
This is the time between taking the first breath, and the operation of the low pressure warning/whistle
What are the different methods of building construction that may affect or reduce telemetry signal strength?
- Large industrial properties – IC should consider the early deployment of repeaters at this type of incident. Where possible, the repeater should be placed off the ground and at a point just before telemetry signal is lost by the BA team.
- Basements, underground complexes and complicated buildings – IC should consider the early deployment of both repeaters and leaky feeder at this type of incident. Telemetry signals do not travel downwards as efficiently as when travelling at the same level.
Note: Domestic/small industrial properties signal strength is normally maintained between the ECB and BA teams.
Define the term Re-entry?
Where the BA wearer has closed down BA set and is redeployed to complete a specific task that does not include firefighting (190 bar minimum and no longer than 15 minutes duration).
What criteria needs to be met for re-entry to take place?
- All BA team members are fit for ‘re-entry’.
- All BA team members have a cylinder content of at least 190 bar.
- The task will be of short duration and the incident commander considers the BA wearers have sufficient air to complete it without impinging on the safety margin.
In exceptional circumstances the IC can re-use BA wearers at the same incident if no fresh BA wearers are available and there is no reason to doubt those wearers fitness, what precautions should the IC carry out?
Incident commanders must carry out an assessment in consultation with the BA wearers in order to be satisfied that the team are rested, re-hydrated and fit for a subsequent entry.