BA 370 Midterm BIS Flashcards
Info system
a group of components that interact to produce information” for decision making, coordination, and control.
IS components: actors, instructions, bridge
actors- hardware and people
instructions- programs and procedures
bridge- data
abstract reasoning
Construct a model or representation
systems thinking
Model system components and show how those components relate to each other
Develop ideas and plans with others. Provide and receive critical feedback.
ability to experiment
Make a reasoned analysis of an opportunity, envision potential solutions, evaluate those possibilities, and develop the most promising ones consistent with available resources
business processes
Things organizations do to create value for stakeholders. A Business Process can usually be broken down into a sequence of tasks or activities that have to be completed in a specific order with a clear beginning and an end.
3 ways IS improve business processes
- Improve efficiency
- Improve effectiveness
- Provide linkages across processes
structured processes
formally defined, standardized processes that involve day-to-day operations
usually required for automation
dynamic processes
flexible, informal, and adaptive, involving strategic and less specific managerial decisions and activities
Transaction processing system - Record and facilitate efficient operations: efficiency and accuracy matter the most for these systems. We need to manage costs but also keep reliable records.
- A TPS is often the key source of data that is used for analysis in DSS, and for creating reports/graphs for MIS and/or ESS.
Management Information System - Report on operations for monitoring and control. In general a system would be an MIS if it produces standardized reports that managers use to monitor operations.
Decision support systems help with non-routine decisions. DSS tools often allow analysts and managers to formulate new questions and extract data from existing systems to answer them. The tools can be as simple as Pivot tables and What-if-Analysis that are available in MS Excel or could be based upon very complex algorithms and calculations.
Executive support systems provide information for high-level decisions. Digital dashboards are a current focus for ESS data analytics. A dashboard shows how an organization is performing on key metrics. For example, sales, deliveries, process times, etc. Different organizations and different management teams might choose different indicators. Building an ESS usually requires integrating data from multiple subsystems or even collecting extra data.
departmental systems
support a departmental process (pg. 36). You should already understand some things about each of these functions from the pre-business core courses you have taken. This course will assume you have a basic idea of what is involved in all of these processes
sales and marketing
lead generation, lead tracking, customer management, sales forecasting, product and brand management
order entry and management, finished-goods inventory
raw materials inventory, planning, scheduling
customer service
order/account tracking, customer support and training
Recruiting, compensation, assessment
GL, financial reporting, cost, AP (accounts payable), AR (accounts receivable), cash management, budgeting
Enterprise Resource Planning - These massive systems can include all the other systems in an organization, particularly operational systems and the SCM and CRM systems.
SAP is largest ERP vendor
Supply Chain Management - Can include procurement, sales order processing, inventory management, supplier management, and related activities
Customer Relationship Management – Sales prospecting, customer management, marketing, customer support, and call center operations
Enterprise Application Integration
o Many organizations use tools from several vendors e.g., a GL tool from one, a CRM from another, and SCM from a third.
o EAI systems help integrate data from these systems or simply connect legacy systems that are very costly to replace. In a way this is an alternative to a singular ERP environment.
o The big idea: information silos happen for many reasons. Sometimes companies invest in a single integrated system, but that is not always feasible. Enterprise Application Integration tools and strategies balance centralization and decentralization.
(Electronic Data Interchange) is key to the success of Inter-enterprise Systems
Q1: An IS is defined in this course as
group of components that interact to produce info for decision making
Q1: Ability to making and manipulate models
abstract reasoning
Q1: If we say that piece of info relevant
it is on the subject and appropriate for the context
Q1: As one of the objectives is IS in supporting business processes BLANK means creating more output with the same inputs or the same output with fewer inputs.
Q1: Which systems record data to facilitate efficient operations and are typically a major source of data for other systems?
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
a collection of related files containing information on people, places or things. The data in a database is organized to serve many applications efficiently. It is done by centralizing data storage and controlling redundant data
database management system DBMS
software that permits an organization to centralize data, manage them efficiently, and provide access to the stored data by application programs.
relational databases
organize data into 2-D tables (p. 131) - RDBMS = Relational DBMS
a person or place or thing (object), or event (transaction) on which we store and maintain information
Each type of entity or event gets its own table; related terms - List or Relation
a row in a table - corresponds to one item e.g., each customer has its own record (aka Tuple or row)
specific characteristics of entities. The smallest unit of data with meaning to a user; related terms - Columns, Fields.
creates small, stable, flexible, and adaptive data structures (tables) for complex groups of data. It emphasizes creating separate tables for separate entities.
primary key
An attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies a row or a record
entity integrity
Every entity represented as a table in the database must have a primary key. The value of the primary key must be unique. This rule enforced by a DBMS is known as Entity Integrity.
foreign key
A field in one table that refers to the primary key of another – a lookup field
referential integrity
Referential Integrity refers to the rules that enforce defined relationships between tables. No data can be entered in the foreign key field of a table if it is not already present as a primary key in another table.
table holds a list of a particular kind of thing: these things exist over time and can participate in many transactions examples include Vendors, Projects, Employees, and Pizza toppings
table holds a list of a particular kind of event which we want to record
3 problems with data stored poorly designed database
inconsistent, unintentionally lost, and data kept in multiple places.
Q2: Which of the following is a popular DBMS product form Microsoft
Q2: Your student ID is an example of
Q2: Databases that are organized in the form of tables and represent interconnections between entities using foreign keys are called
Q2: Info silos is a condition that exists when data are isolated in separated info systems or when data are duplicated in various places T or F
Q2: One way to eliminate info silos is by storing a single copy of data in a shared database and revising business processes to use that database T or F
big data
refers to the huge amounts of structured and unstructured data captured from Web traffic, email messages, and social media content like tweets and status messages. It also includes machine-generated data from sensors.
petabyte and exabyte range.
business intelligence BI
infrastructure includes an array of tools for obtaining useful information from the different types of data used by businesses today, including semi-structured and unstructured big data in vast quantities.
data warehouse DW
is a central repository of integrated data from one or more disparate sources. Most of the data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems such as marketing, sales, accounts etc. DWs store current and historical data and are used for creating trending reports for senior management reporting such as annual and quarterly comparisons. They are also used for analyzing and mining big datasets.
data mart
is a subset or a simple form of a data warehouse that is focused on a single subject (or functional area), such as sales, finance or marketing. Data marts are often built and controlled by a single department within an organization.
Extract, Transform and Load (ETL)
o Extracts data from heterogeneous data sources
o Transforms the data into a standard format
o Loads it into the final target
query optimization
minimizing the time to run queries
Data mining
finding hidden patterns and relationships in large databases
Text mining
Text mining tools extract key terms from large unstructured data sets, discover patterns and relationships, and summarize the information.
Web mining
helps businesses understand customer behavior, evaluate the effectiveness of a particular Web site, or quantify the success of a marketing campaign.
Central Processing Unit
The number of cores.
Cycles per second
process 32 or 64 bits
Random Access Memory - A key determinant of performance
nothing has to physically move to use RAM
Secondary Storage
Data here has to be moved into RAM for processing
ENIAC (1946)
could compare for equality, add, subtract, multiply, divide, and extract square roots. It stored a maximum of twenty 10-digit decimal numbers. It used 20 accumulators connected by patch cords to process data with no central memory. ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 1,500 relays and weighed more than 30 short tons.
total facility energy divided by IT equipment energy
storage area network (SAN)
dedicated network that provides access to a bank of hard disks. A SAN consists of many disks and can be connected to servers and other computers on the network. When more storage is needed, new drives can easily be added to the SAN.
Q2: In the database context, in a table for customers, the info about a single customer would reside in a single